giovedì 30 novembre 2017


Dear Colleagues and Friends, 
A  warm  welcome  to  this  Advent  2017  edition  of  the  ‘The  Vine’.  As  always, thank you for your commitment to Catholic education and the witness of Christ you provide daily to children, parents/carers and to colleagues being a ‘light in the darkness’.  Advent begins with the clarion Gospel call to “stay awake” and “stand ready” to meet Jesus Christ.  Catholic education, sharing in the universal mission of the Church has, from its beginnings, always lived, not only in the radiant  light  of  Christ’s  first  coming,  but  in  His  coming  to  us  now  in  the Sacraments, above all in the Holy Eucharist, and in the sure hope of His glorious return  at  the  end  of  time  (cf.  Lumen  Gentium  n.48).   This  is  the  context  in which  we  have  met  the  challenges  of  history  and  have  always  looked confidently to the future whatever the opportunities and difficulties are of the educational landscape.
Following my election in June 2017 as the President for the next two years, I would like to stress that I will endeavour to continue  to  support  and  encourage  all  Catholic  teachers  who  work  in  Catholic  schools  and  college s  but  also  those colleagues who are Catholic teachers working in community schools or other settings. CATSC is here to represent and support you all. 
Working with the Executive I will ensure, that we as an organisation, continue to provide the Vine Newsletter and will present articles to the Networking Journal that you will find enriching to both your teaching and in your own personal Faith  Journey.  The  editors  of  the  Vine  and  Networking  kindly  request  articles  from  all  schools  and  members  that celebrate  our rich, vibrant and living Catholic faith in 2017. Members of the Executive Council will represent you at meetings with teachers from other countries especially at meetings of WUCT (World Union of Catholic Teachers) and within our own country in sharing both their expertise and enthusiasm. 
The new Handbook arrived in schools and colleges at the end of October so you can see who all these enthusiastic people are.  If  you  can’t  locate  the  Handbook  in  your  school,  a  digital  version  is  available  on  the  CATSC   website: Please also feel free to Twitter your comments and ideas and use the CATSC Facebook pages.
The Association website has been updated and we would ask you to use both our Twitter and Facebook accounts to share your ideas, experiences and teaching resources. We will then incorporate your pieces on the website for others to use and so extend good practice across England and Wales. Please use the CATSC Dailies in your schools and classrooms and Tweet how you are using them in your setting. 
In 2018 we will be holding one conference on the 2nd to the 3rd March at the Crowne Plaza, Chester. I am delighted to announce  that  the  principal  speaker  is  Jonathan  Doyle,  an  internationally  renowned  and  inspirational  educator  and speaker  from  Australia.  The  Conference  is  for  colleagues  working  in  all  sectors  and  phases  and  I  wholeheartedly recommend it to you all. The theme is  ‘Casting our nets into the deep as Catholic Educators’. 
Would those members who are Head Teachers  please remember our NQTs, RQTs, Middle Leaders, Support Staff and Governors as well as SLT members when allocating places on the Conference as they also deserve the opportunity to refresh and deepen their vocations. Bookings are now open and can be placed online at: 
Finally, Advent is a special time of grace for us all to recognise the mission entrusted to us in the light of the Saviour  born  for  us;  the  Saviour  who  is  so  close  to  us  in  the  Holy  Eucharist;  the  Saviour  who  will  finally  return  in glory.   Throughout  the  new  liturgical  year,  I  pray  that  we  may  all  be  renewed  in  our  mission!  Thank  you  for  the generosity  of  living  your  vocations  as  Catholic  educators  and  I  hope  CATSC will  continue  to  provide  support  a nd encouragement in your work.
Wishing you the great joy of Advent and Christmas ~   John Nish, National President 



en - es - fr - it  
                                                                                                                                                                            by Giovanni Perrone 
UMEC-WUCT secretary-general

        The UMEC-WUCT, founded in Rome in 1951, will soon  celebrate its 70th anniversary. Founded after the war, it has crossed decades of great changes at political, ecclesial, and social level. Today's world certainly is not the one of seventy years ago, the present is somewhat complex and the future very uncertain.
          Looking back on the path of the Union, keeping the memory and looking to the future, we note that it is based on three pillars, still present: values, relationships, and competence, although adapted to the times in different ways. They are three basic pillars for every educator and every educational institution. In the daily work of a Catholic teacher, they shine with particular light, as every Catholic educator, in every reality, is called to witness the Gospel in school and in society. Of course, testimony is not "colonization" but humanization, as the Pope says: "Facing an intolerant individualism, which makes humanly poor and culturally sterile, it is necessary to humanize education."1
        The Holy Father often speaks of education, inviting school and college institutions and teachers to further engage  as to guarantee full education  to every student, wherever they are. In particular, the most marginalized ones are those who are often devoid of everything,
       Thinking about the future of the UMEC-WUCT, I believe we should take into consideration Pope Francis' words. So we can better reflect about the Union and  share a common vision (though respecting the various realities) about the educational action  for schools and teachers. Indeed, there is a close and dynamic relationship between our being a union of Catholic teachers and the social, educational and school reality of the world. We cannot wait at the side-lines!
      We are limited, it is true, but we are invited to do our best through generous, constant, clever, responsible and competent engagement.
       Here are some simple (and incomplete) ideas for dialogue and reflection that every one, for what he or she is concerning, can develop and deepen. Dialogue and sharing are a richness for each of us.... .....

mercoledì 29 novembre 2017


A Passion that is Renewed
Una passione che si rinnova

Prof. dr. Italo Fiorin
    Director of the Higher Education School 
‘Educating for Encounter and Solidarity’ (EIS)
 of the LUMSA, Rome.

               The perennial tasks of education are to convey to the young generations the cultural heritage of the community they belong to and to provide them with the appropriate skills to play a full part in economic and social life on completion of formal education. Today, however, these tasks need to be rethought in the light of the challenges that the 21st century society poses to education. We can summarize the challenges as follows: competitive individualism; multicultural society and the globalization of indifference. To help the human person to become more human (J. Maritain) and to fully realize his potential, we must change the logic of the debate, replacing the paradigm of individualistic utilitarianism with the paradigm of service. The pedagogical proposal of Service Learning seems particularly interesting in this respect.
               What does it mean to educate in the cultural and social climate in which we currently live?
               I like the definition of a French philosopher of the twentieth century, a great friend of Pope Paul VI: ‘Education means helping the human person to become more human’ (J. Maritain). To educate, therefore, means recognizing this profound human vocation, to which we cannot respond answer alone because no one is self-sufficient, least of all the little child who needs someone accompanying him in his growth process, helping him to recognize the meaning of life. Educationally, the verb ‘to accompany’ is very important, both delicate and strong at the same time.
               This is a task that demands great respect, great care, great wisdom. The difference between those who use authority to direct the lives of others and those who use it to help others become as autonomous as possible is summed up as the difference between being authoritarian and being authoritative.
               The authoritarian person demands undue obedience arising from of fear of sanction; the authoritative person fosters individual freedom and is listened to because he is credible,speaking meaningfully to our heart.

               Moreover, the meaning of word authority ('augere' – to grow, replenish, donate abundantly) is about fostering the growth, not the subordination, of others. ......

martedì 28 novembre 2017


Former de bons citoyens et de bons chrétiens pour le Congo :
les défis des Salésiens de Don Bosco

Emmanuel M. Banywesize
Université de Lubumbashi
École Supérieure de la Gouvernance Économique et Politique

         Je vais parler du challenge éducatif salésien en Afrique centrale, principalement en République Démocratique du Congo. Je s’efforcerai de répondre à la question de savoir ce que signifie, aujourd’hui, et comment former de bons citoyens et de bons chrétiens. Après avoir mentionné la place et l’importance des écoles salésiennes dans le système éducatif congolais, j’esquisserai les défis que les enseignants, dans les conditions historiques contemporaines et au regard des enjeux globaux du monde, doivent relever pour concrétiser cette mission. Je terminerai par une critique des quelques failles de la tentative de réforme éducative au Congo.
         Vouloir former aujourd’hui, par l’éducation, d’honnêtes citoyens et de bons chrétiens, c’est faire le pari de contribuer à la construction d’une nouvelle société dont les acteurs s’emploient à promouvoir le vivre-mieux-ensemble basé non seulement sur la compréhension intersubjective et la bienveillance universelle, la lutte contre les violences, mais aussi la justice distributive pour tous les humains dont monde est à la fois la matrice, la patrie et le bien communs. Cela présuppose la formation des enseignants pour qu’ils deviennent des « missionnaires » qui transmettent des connaissances, des compétences et des valeurs, mais aussi influencent, par le choix de la culture d’ouverture d’esprit et leur cohérence de vie dans les relations sociales, des élèves ou des étudiants.
L’expérience éducative salésienne en Afrique centrale
         En Afrique centrale, les violences directes (rébellions, guerres), les violences structurelles (mauvaise gouvernance qui génère inégalités économiques, précarité, pauvreté, injustices) et les violences symboliques (disparités socio-spatiales jugées naturelles) affectent particulièrement les jeunes. Face à la dégradation des structures de vie descente et à l’absence des perspectives, certains jeunes cèdent aux solutions désespérées, comme celle qui consiste à vouloir liquider l’angoisse, l’incertitude existentielle en liquidant le désespéré. Ils s’enrôlent dans les organisations fondamentalistes et les groupes armés, où ils sacrifient leurs vies aux fondamentalismes et des idéologies. D’autres jeunes choisissent l’immigration, la mendicité ou la délinquance comme moyens pour tenter non seulement de réaliser la mobilité sociale et de survivre, mais aussi d’accéder aux ressources et aux positions socio-économiques qui confèrent le prestige. C’est dans ce contexte que les Salésiens de Don Bosco exercent aujourd’hui leur vocation religieuse et la mission éducative en Afrique centrale.
            Au sortir des centres de formation ou des écoles salésiennes, des jeunes sont pourvus des connaissances, techniques et compétences professionnelles qui leur permettent d’être utiles à eux-mêmes et à la société. Ces connaissances et compétences sont sous-tendues et enrichies par des valeurs chrétiennes et salésiennes distillées à travers des activités pastorales et des enseignements spécifiques. Ces valeurs chrétiennes et salésiennes se manifestent ....


lunedì 27 novembre 2017


The Higher Education Institution (HEI), the Teacher, and the Challenges in the World of   Today
( Asia-Pacific)

      Prof. Belen Lorezca-Tangco, 
OP, PhD, PhD.  
University of Santo Tomas,
The Higher Education Institution (HEI),

         This presentation dwells on the Higher Education Institution (HEI), the Teacher, and some challenges in the World of today. Asia-Pacific is the region taken as the situs or subject, with the Philippines in Southeast Asia in focus. Research and academic linkages as well as cultural and industrial ties between Asia and Latin America are mentioned for inter regional exchanges.
The presentation aims to share from the heart reflections on the HEIs along with the teachers in a tapestry of globalization and internationalization by way of descriptive and experiential approaches.
          Globalization is the main phenomenon that  affects various sectors in society.
         The educational sector is not excluded in this phenomenal engagement.
        Schools, colleges, and universities bear the inevitable changes that benefit and/or burden them.          Mobility of students, faculty, and staff is part of the internationalization process that is considered a positive response to globalization. Multiculturalism and multilateralism may have become requirements to cope with the wind of change, but heavy yokes to some professionals.
        Teachers/ educators find ways to be effective in their chosen career or vocation. Higher education institutions or HEIs have to be more vigilant in the proper alignment with qualification frameworks being demanded by countries and regions. ....

domenica 26 novembre 2017



Dr John Lydon KCHS SFHEA
Programme Director, Teaching Fellow, MA in Catholic School Leadership,
 St Mary’s University, Twickenham, London UK
Adjunct Professor University of Notre Dame Indiana

Introduction – Setting the Context
§The Key Principles of Catholic Distinctiveness
§The distinctive nature of the Catholic teacher, leader and support colleague
§Modelling Christ and promoting Academic Standards
§Maintaining a Balance between School Improvement and Catholic Distinctiveness – Mission Integrity

§Contemporary Challenges

sabato 25 novembre 2017


Un acrostiche dédié à tous  les enseignants du  monde entier pour plus de Justice, de dignité et de Paix. Les initiales de l'ensemble des vers forment le titre : CHRIST ROI)

Christ humble et pauvre Serviteur
Humanise nos fragiles ardeurs
Insulté et bafoué dans sa dignité il
Signe le bonheur de l'humanité
Toujours souriant sur la Croix il
Règne sur nos fautes et rebellions
Ouvrons-lui le cœur et l'âme et
Il nous instruira du vrai bonheur.

Père Pascal AKABASSI

venerdì 17 novembre 2017


1 JANUARY 2018

                                                                                                              DE  - EN  - ES  - FR  - IT  - PL  - PT 

Migrants and refugees: men and women in search of peace

1. Heartfelt good wishes for peace
Peace to all people and to all nations on earth! Peace, which the angels proclaimed to the shepherds on Christmas night,[1] is a profound aspiration for everyone, for each individual and all peoples, and especially for those who most keenly suffer its absence. Among these whom I constantly keep in my thoughts and prayers, I would once again mention the over 250 million migrants worldwide, of whom 22.5 million are refugees. Pope Benedict XVI, my beloved predecessor, spoke of them as “men and women, children, young and elderly people, who are searching for somewhere to live in peace.”[2] In order to find that peace, they are willing to risk their lives on a journey that is often long and perilous, to endure hardships and suffering, and to encounter fences and walls built to keep them far from their goal.
In a spirit of compassion, let us embrace all those fleeing from war and hunger, or forced by discrimination, persecution, poverty and environmental degradation to leave their homelands.
We know that it is not enough to open our hearts to the suffering of others. Much more remains to be done before our brothers and sisters can once again live peacefully in a safe home. Welcoming others requires concrete commitment, a network of assistance and goodwill, vigilant and sympathetic attention, the responsible management of new and complex situations that at times compound numerous existing problems, to say nothing of resources, which are always limited. By practising the virtue of prudence, government leaders should take practical measures to welcome, promote, protect, integrate and, “within the limits allowed by a correct understanding of the common good, to permit [them] to become part of a new society.”[3] Leaders have a clear responsibility towards their own communities, whose legitimate rights and harmonious development they must ensure, lest they become like the rash builder who miscalculated and failed to complete the tower he had begun to construct.[4]
2. Why so many refugees and migrants? .......



Lettre pastorale sur les jeunes

Monseigneur Luc Ravel
Archevêque de Strasbourg

« La pastorale de la jeunesse, telle que nous étions habitués à la développer, a souffert du choc des changements sociaux. Dans les structures habituelles, les jeunes ne trouvent pas souvent de réponses à leurs inquiétudes, à leurs besoins, à leurs questions et à leurs blessures. Il nous coûte à nous, les adultes, de les écouter avec patience, de comprendre leurs inquiétudes ou leurs demandes, et d’apprendre à parler avec eux dans le langage qu’ils comprennent.
Pour cette même raison, les propositions éducatives ne produisent pas les fruits espérés. La prolifération et la croissance des associations et mouvements essentiellement de jeunes peuvent s’interpréter comme une action de l’Esprit qui ouvre des voies nouvelles en syntonie avec leurs attentes et avec la recherche d’une spiritualité profonde et d’un sens d’appartenance plus concret. Il est nécessaire toutefois, de rendre plus stable la participation de ces groupements à la pastorale d’ensemble de l’Église. »
Pape François, La joie de l’Évangile, 105

L’heure de la jeunesse sonne à la grande horloge astronomique de la cathédrale de Strasbourg. Par cette première lettre pastorale, je souhaite faire entendre son délicieux carillon dans toute l’Alsace. Pour nous réjouir si nous l’espérions, pour nous déranger si nous dormions. En d’autres termes, il n’est plus temps d’attendre que le train lancé soit totalement arrêté pour accrocher le wagon de la jeunesse au train de l’Evangile.
Une lettre pastorale éveille. Elle ne commande pas. Elle appelle, elle relance des énergies diminuées ou éteintes. Elle encourage et elle oriente. Elle vise à mettre en marche. Nous, chrétiens, nous sommes les disciples d’un homme en marche: « Si nous vivons par l’Esprit, par l’Esprit aussi marchons ! » (Ga 5, 25) « Nous avons été créés en Jésus-Christ pour les œuvres bonnes que Dieu a préparées d’avance afin que nous marchions en elles. » (Ep 1, 10) Et encore : « Comme donc vous avez reçu Jésus-Christ le Seigneur, marchez en lui. » (Col 2, 6)
1. Amis marcheurs, allons !
En Alsace, on aime la marche et les marcheurs abondent. Et ça tombe bien car cette première lettre pastorale s’adresse aux marcheurs. A ceux qui le sont déjà et à ceux qui aspirent à le devenir. A ceux qui attende …….

mercoledì 15 novembre 2017


L’Union Mondiale des Enseignants Catholiques
à Oradea en Roumanie

L’UMEC-WUCT est une organisation reconnue par le Saint Siège ; celui-ci nomme notamment l’assistant ecclésiastique qui est, depuis trois ans, Mgr Dollmann. 
L’Union veut soutenir dans leur foi et leur mission baptismale les enseignants catholiques de l’école confessionnelle ou publique, de la maternelle à l’université. 
Malgré ses moyens modestes et un engagement basé sur le bénévolat, l’UMEC-WUCT est en lien avec 28 pays et membre d’organismes internationaux comme l’UNESCO. 
Son site internet veut favoriser l’échange de réflexions de fond et de réalisations pédagogiques. Les membres du Conseil de direction organisent chaque année une rencontre comme celle qui s’est déroulée du 10 au 12 novembre derniers à Oradea. 
Une quarantaine d’enseignants et de chercheurs roumains et une dizaine venus des quatre coins de l’Europe et même des Philippines ont abordé « l’engagement chrétien face aux défis éducatifs de notre temps ». La réflexion a été alimentée par des apports pédagogiques comme le concept service-education et des réflexions philosophiques sur le statut de la vérité dans la société contemporaine. 
La présence de Mgr Bercea, évêque gréco-catholique, de Mgr Böcskei, évêque catholique latin et de Mgr Dollmann a souligné l’enjeu et la beauté de la mission d’éducateur pour l’Eglise et a permis de vivre des temps de prière de grande ferveur avec, comme point d’orgue, la célébration de l’eucharistie et d’une ordination sacerdotale à la cathédrale gréco-catholique.
+ Vincent Dollmann
Evêque auxiliaire de Strasbourg

Assistant ecclésiastique de l’UMEC

sabato 11 novembre 2017



Le 11 Novembre 2017, le jour que nous avons célébré la mémoire de la première expédition missionnaire du 11 Novembre 1875 en Argentine, c'est le jour que nos institutions ECOPO-ISAMM-ESIS ont voulu lancer les activités académiques avec le thème "Ecoute et Discernement". 
En cette nouvelle année pastorale 2017-2018, nous voulons vivre l'accompagnement très riche et profond avec nos étudiants pour viser l'honnête citoyen et le bon chrétien. Nous remercions aussi l'UMEC qui prie toujours pour nous. 
Le Conseil d'Administration encourage toutes les initiatives réalisées dans nos Institutions Supérieures Salésiennes. Merci à tous...Bonne année académique.

sabato 4 novembre 2017



                                                                                  EPISCOPIA GRECO-CATOLICĂ DE ORADEA


                                                                   FRYDAY 10th NOVEMBER  - Grek-Catholic High School

10.00   Welcome - Bun venit - UMEC-WUCT Council of Presidents Meeting
Visit of the School/Vizita școlii - Visit City Fortress and Cathedral/Reception in Bishop’s Palace
17.30   Festive opening - Artistic moment - Speeches: Country School Inspectorate
Delegate/Delegat dinpartea Inspectoratului Școlar Județean Bihor - Local Authority Delegate/Delegat al autorității locale

   SATURDAY 11th NOVEMBER - Aula Magna Oradea’s Seminary 

S.E. Vincent Dollmann, Ecclesiastical Assistent UMEC-WUCT, A. Bishop, Strasbourg
Guy Bourdeaud’hui, President UMEC-WUCT
            S.E. Virgil Bercea, Greek-Catholic Bishop, Oradea/Episcopul Greco-Catolic de Oradea
            S.ELászló BöcskeiLatin Bishop, Oradea/Episcopul Romano-Catolic de Oradea
            Emmanuel Banywesize, University “Gouvenance Economique et Politique », Congo RD
            Italo FiorinDirector of the International Post-Graduate School EIS (Educare all'Incontro e alla Solidarietà) , Roma
            John LydonSt.Marys’ University, London
            Ionuț PopescuHead of Oradea’s Greek-Catholic Faculty of Theology
             Belen TangcoSt. Thomas’ University, Philippines
            Adrian PodarLiceul Greco-Catolic, Oradea

            Holy Mass  Latin rite (12.30 h)

                                                                                                                     SUNDAY 20th - Oradea’s Seminary

09.00   Holy Mass, Oriental rite - Church of the Seminary -
10,30   UMEC-WUCT Council of Presidents Meeting
12.30   Conclusions