martedì 28 settembre 2021




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21 novembre 2021


« Lève-toi : car je t’établis témoin des choses que tu as vues ! » (cf. Ac 26,16)

 Chers jeunes !

Je voudrais vous prendre une fois encore par la main afin de poursuivre ensemble le pèlerinage spirituel qui nous conduit vers la Journée Mondiale de la Jeunesse de Lisbonne en 2023.

L’année dernière, peu avant la propagation de la pandémie, j’avais signé le message dont le thème était “Jeune, je te le dis, lève-toi” (cf Lc 7, 14). Dans sa providence, le Seigneur voulait déjà nous préparer pour le défi très dur que nous étions sur le point de vivre.

Dans le monde entier, il a fallu affronter la souffrance de la perte de tant de personnes chères et de l’isolement social. La crise sanitaire a empêché, vous aussi les jeunes – projetés par nature vers l’extérieur –, de sortir pour aller à l’école, à l’université, au travail, de vous rencontrer…  Vous vous êtes retrouvés dans des situations difficiles que vous n’aviez pas l’habitude de gérer. Ceux qui étaient moins préparés et sans soutien se sont sentis désorientés. Dans de nombreux cas des problèmes familiaux sont apparus, ainsi que le chômage, la dépression, la solitude et les dépendances. Sans parler du stress accumulé, des tensions et des explosions de colère, de l’augmentation de la violence.

Mais Dieu merci, ceci n’est pas l’unique face de la médaille. Si l’épreuve nous a montré nos fragilités, elle a aussi fait ressortir nos vertus parmi lesquelles la prédisposition à la solidarité. Partout dans le monde nous avons vu de nombreuses personnes, y compris de nombreux jeunes, lutter pour la vie, semer l’espérance, défendre la liberté et la justice, être artisans de paix et bâtisseurs de ponts.

Quand un jeune tombe, c’est, en un certain sens, l’humanité qui tombe. Mais il est aussi vrai que quand un jeune se relève, c’est comme si le monde entier se relevait. Chers jeunes, quel grand potentiel se trouve entre vos mains ! Quelle force vous portez dans vos cœurs !  ..........

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The World Bank released a new report yesterday entitled Steering TertiaryEducation: Towards Resilient Systems that Deliver for All.  The title refers to a five-step approach to STEERing tertiary education in the post-COVID era, namely: (i) building diversified systems, (ii) investing intelligently in new technologies, (iii) ensuring eligibility in access and financing, (iv) achieving efficiencies in resource use, and (v) building resilience in service delivery so that learning continues. In addition to an executive summary, the report includes a nice FAQ (Frequently Asked Questions) with key research findings.

Guidare l'istruzione superiore: un nuovo rapporto della Banca Mondiale

La Banca Mondiale ha pubblicato ieri un nuovo rapporto intitolato Steering TertiaryEducation: Towards Resilient Systems that Deliver for All. Il titolo si riferisce a un approccio in cinque fasi all'istruzione terziaria STEERing nell'era post-COVID, vale a dire: (i) costruire sistemidiversificati, (ii) investire in modo intelligente in nuove tecnologie T,(iii) garantire L'idoneitànell'accesso e nel finanziamento, (iv) raggiungere l'efficienza nell'utilizzo delle risorse e (v) acquisire resilienza nell'erogazione dei servizi in modo che l'apprendimento continui. Oltre a un riepilogo esecutivo, il rapporto include una bella FAQ (Frequently Asked Questions) con i risultati chiave della ricerca.

Piloter l'enseignement supérieur : un nouveau rapport de la Banque mondiale

La Banque mondiale a publié hier un nouveau rapport intitulé Steering Tertiary Education: Towards Resilient Systems that Deliver for All (Piloter l'enseignement supérieur : vers des systèmes résilients qui offrent des résultats pour tous). Le mot « pilotage » dans le titre fait référence à une approche en cinq étapes pour orienter l'enseignement supérieur à l'ère post-COVID, à savoir : (i) construire des systèmes diversifiés, (ii) investir intelligemment dans les nouvelles technologies, (iii) garantir l'équité dans l'accès et le financement, (iv) réaliser l'efficacité dans l'utilisation des ressources, et (v) acquérir la résilience dans la prestation de services afin que l'apprentissage se poursuive. Outre un résumé, le rapport comprend une section avec des questions fréquentes (FAQs) qui communiquent les principales conclusions de la recherche.

Dirección de la educación terciaria: un nuevo informe del Banco Mundial

El Banco Mundial publicó ayer un nuevo informe titulado Steering Tertiary Education: Towards Resilient Systems that Deliver for All (Dirigir la educación terciaria: hacia sistemas resilientes que sirvan para todos). La palabra "dirigir" en el título se refiere a un enfoque de cinco pasos para dirigir la educación terciaria en la era post-COVID, a saber: (i) construir sistemas diversificados, (ii) invertir inteligentemente en nuevas tecnologías, (iii) asegurar la equidad en acceso y financiamiento, (iv) lograr la eficiencia en la utilización de recursos, y (v) adquirir resiliencia en la prestación de servicios para que el aprendizaje continúe. Además de un resumen ejecutivo, el informe incluye una sección de preguntas frecuentes (FAQs) con hallazgos clave de la investigación.

lunedì 27 settembre 2021

GLOBAL COMPACT EDUCATION - Instrumentum laboris -


Le Vademecum est un guide de mise en œuvre du Pacte mondial pour l'éducation, particulièrement utile pour les éducateurs qui ont pour mission d'accompagner les jeunes.

The Vademecum is a guide to implementing the Global Compact on Education, especially useful for educators who have the task of accompanying young people.

El Vademécum es una guía para la aplicación del Pacto Mundial por la Educación, especialmente útil para los educadores que tienen la tarea de acompañar a los jóvenes.




Cos’è il Patto Educativo Globale? Papa Francesco il 12 settembre 2019 ha lanciato «l’invito a dialogare sul modo in cui stiamo costruendo il futuro del pianeta e sulla necessità di investire i talenti di tutti, perché ogni cambiamento ha bisogno di un cammino educativo per far maturare una nuova solidarietà universale e una società più accogliente». Per questo scopo ha promosso l’iniziativa di un Patto Educativo Globale «per ravvivare l’impegno per e con le nuove generazioni, rinnovando la passione per un’educazione più aperta e inclusiva, capace di ascolto paziente, dialogo costruttivo e mutua comprensione». Si tratta di «unire gli sforzi in un’ampia alleanza educativa per formare persone mature, capaci di superare frammentazioni e contrapposizioni e ricostruire il tessuto di relazioni per un’umanità più fraterna».

MESSAGGIO di S. Em. il card. Versaldi, Prefetto della Congregazione 

Cari educatori, è urgente il bisogno di umanizzare l’educazione, mettendo al centro la persona e creando le condizioni necessarie per uno sviluppo integrale. Dando ai bambini e ai giovani una giusta autonomia e il necessario protagonismo sarà possibile che ognuno cresca interiormente, in mezzo ad una comunità viva, interdipendente e fraterna. Nella condivisione di un destino comune la complessità della realtà verrà letta attraverso le lenti di un nuovo Patto Educativo, che ci conduce a riscoprire la bellezza dell’umanesimo ispirato al Vangelo. In un contesto di difficoltà e polarizzazione, noi adulti dobbiamo fare un passo indietro, dire meno e ascoltare di più le esigenze dei ragazzi al fine di permettere ai loro talenti individuali di manifestarsi e fiorire liberamente. Qui si colloca il vero significato dell’inclusione, che “è parte integrante del messaggio salvifico cristiano” (Papa Francesco, Discorso ai partecipanti all’Assemblea Plenaria della Congregazione per l’Educazione Cattolica, 20 febbraio 2020). Educare è molto più che insegnare. In un processo tanto delicato quanto articolato si possono costruire progetti condivisi di cambiamento per trasformare concretamente i contesti reali. Diamo loro fiducia, senza timore… Ci sorprenderanno! 

+ Giuseppe Versaldi

PRESENTAZIONE di S. E. Mons. Zani, Segretario della Congregazione

Questo vademecum è una guida preparata per attuare il Patto Educativo ed è destinato soprattutto agli educatori che hanno il compito di accompagnare i ragazzi e i giovani, attraverso percorsi formativi scolastici ed extrascolastici, formali ed informali, nella costruzione della casa comune. Papa Francesco da tempo insiste sulla necessità di investire i talenti di tutti per fare maturare una nuova solidarietà universale e una società più accogliente. Con i suoi numerosi messaggi, e soprattutto quello lanciato il 15 ottobre 2020, egli ha rinnovato l’invito a stringere un Patto Educativo che permetta di trovare la convergenza globale per un’educazione che sappia farsi portatrice di una alleanza tra tutte le componenti della persona: tra lo studio e la vita; tra le generazioni; tra i docenti, gli studenti, le famiglie e la società civile con le sue espressioni intellettuali, scientifiche, artistiche, sportive, politiche, imprenditoriali e solidali a sostegno delle giovani generazioni. Di fronte alla “catastrofe educativa”, provocata dalla pandemia, che ha aumentato un divario educativo già allarmante, non bastano ricette semplicistiche, ma occorre credere nel potere trasformante dell’educazione. Educare è scommettere e dare al presente la speranza che rompe i determinismi e i fatalismi; educare è sempre un atto di speranza che invita alla co-partecipazione e alla trasformazione della logica dell’indifferenza in una cultura dell’incontro e dell’inclusione. L’educazione deve aiutarci a costruire un futuro che non sia più segnato dalla divisione, dall’impoverimento delle facoltà di pensiero e di immaginazione, ma fondato sull’ascolto, sul dialogo e sulla mutua comprensione. Il vademecum riprende i sette obiettivi indicati da Papa Francesco, ognuno dei quali può diventare un percorso educativo da sviluppare attraverso le tappe della riflessione, della elaborazione di progetti rispondenti alle varie sfide locali e della loro attuazione concreta. Potranno nascere storie ed esperienze personali e comunitarie capaci di ispirare anche altri a condividerle e così intraprendere un processo di cambiamento, ispirato alla cultura della cura, all’ecologia integrale, alla costruzione della fraternità e della pace. Le esperienze potranno essere raccolte dalle Commissioni delle Conferenze Episcopali e inviate anche alla LUMSA. Occorre avere fiducia e investire nelle potenzialità dei giovani perché siano aiutati a guardare avanti insieme e con coraggio. 

                                                                                                       + Angelo Vincenzo Zani 



Il Vademecum è una guida per attuare il Global Compact on Education, utile soprattutto agli educatori che hanno il compito di accompagnare i giovani.



Instrumentum Laboris

L'Instrumentum Laboris è il documento base che orienta i lavori del Global Compact on Education, chiarendone il progetto, il contesto, la visione e la missione. 

venerdì 24 settembre 2021


Omella en la CCEE: "Fratelli tutti nos invita a estar unidos en la diversidad"

En el marco de la Asamblea anual Plenaria del Consejo de Conferencias Episcopales de Europa (CCEE), que se lleva a cabo del 23 al 26 de septiembre, nuestro colega Cyprien Viet de la redacción francesa de Vatican News, conversó con el cardenal Omella quien hace hincapié en que la encíclica del Papa Francisco Fratelli tutti' es una clara invitación a hacer de Europa una "familia de familias" y a estar unidos en la diversidad.

 Ciudad del Vaticano

 El presidente de la Conferencia Episcopal Española y arzobispo de Barcelona, cardenal Juan José Omella, es uno de los participantes en la Asamblea anual Plenaria del Consejo de Conferencias Episcopales de Europa (CCEE), que se lleva a cabo en Roma del 23 al 26 de septiembre bajo el lema «CCEE, 50 años al servicio de Europa, memoria y perspectivas en el horizonte de Fratelli tutti».

La sesión inaugural se abrió con una celebración eucarística presidida por el Papa Francisco, el 23 de septiembre a las 17: 00 horas. Hoy, viernes 24 de septiembre se desarrolló, por la mañana, la primera sesión de los trabajos en la que intervino el cardenal Angelo Bagnasco, presidente de la CCEE. 

En este contexto, nuestro colega de la redacción francesa de Vatican News, Cyprien Viet, conversó con el purpurado, quien hace hincapié en que la encíclica del Papa Francisco Fratelli tutti' es una clara invitación a hacer de Europa una "familia de familias" y a estar unidos en la diversidad.

Tal como informa el programa de esta iniciativa, el objetivo de la Asamblea es "analizar la situación actual en el continente europeo, además de recordar las raíces de Europa y el compromiso de la Iglesia en la construcción del continente".

Cardenal Omella: La teología y pastoral del Papa se reflejan en la “Iglesia sinodal”

Cabe destacar que el 25 de septiembre, última jornada de los trabajos participará, por la mañana, Antonio Tajani, ex presidente del Parlamento Europeo, con una conferencia bajo el título «Lo que Europa espera de la iglesia: análisis socio político». Por la tarde, se realizarán las intervenciones del cardenal Jean-Claude Hollerich, Presidente de COMECE; Monseñor Aldo Giordano, Nuncio Apostólico en la Unión Europea; y de Monseñor Marco Ganci, Observador Permanente de la Santa Sede ante el Consejo europeo.

El CCEE es organismo de comunión entre las Conferencias Episcopales de Europa, y desde hace 50 años se compromete, según sus estatutos, «al ejercicio de colegialidad en comunión jerárquica cum et sub romano pontífice; a favorecer una cooperación más estrecha entre los obispos y las Conferencias Episcopales con el propósito de promover e inspirar la nueva evangelización; a contribuir al diálogo ecuménico por la unidad de los cristianos; a ofrecer un testigo eclesial a la sociedad europea».

Vatican News


 Pope at Mass for CCEE jubilee

Pope Francis celebrates Mass with the Council of Bishops’ Conferences of Europe, and encourages bishops to reflect on three words as they celebrate their golden jubilee: reflect, rebuild and see.

                                                                                                          By Francesca Merlo


In his homily at Mass with the Council of Bishops’ Conferences of Europe (CCEE) on Thursday, Pope Francis reflected on "three words that challenge us as Christians and Bishops in Europe: reflect, rebuild and see."

Bishops from across Europe are in Rome to celebrate the 50th anniversary of the CCEE with a plenary conference on 23-26 September.


God, speaking through the Old Testament prophet Haggai, invites us to reflect on how we live our lives, said the Pope: Twice the prophet says to the people: “Reflect on your ways!” ( Hag 1:5.7). 

The Pope noted that those words, 'Reflect on your ways!', are challenging because in Europe today, "we Christians can be tempted to remain comfortably ensconced in our structures, our homes and our churches, in the security provided by our traditions, content with a certain degree of consensus, while all around us churches are emptying and Jesus is increasingly forgotten".

He asked the bishops and all those present to consider "how many people no longer hunger and thirst for God."

This is not because they are evil, he continued, but because there is "no one to awaken in them a hunger for faith and to satisfy that thirst in the human heart". Certainly, we are “preoccupied” by this, but are we really “occupied” with responding to it? asked the Pope.

There is no sense in judging those who do not believe, said the Pope. "Do we feel concern and compassion for those who have not had the joy of encountering Jesus or who have lost that joy?"

Through the prophet Haggai, the Lord asks his people to reflect on another thing, said the Pope, and this is charity. "Lack of charity causes unhappiness, because love alone satisfies the human heart," said the Pope. "The solution to problems and self-absorption is always that of gratuitous gift. There is no other. This is something to reflect on."


“Build my house”, God says through the prophet (Hag 1:8), and the people rebuild the Temple, said the Pope, introducing the second word: rebuilding.

In order to build the European common house, we must "leave behind short-term expedience and return to the farsighted vision of the founding fathers, a prophetic vision of the whole", he said.

We must begin from the foundations, because that is where rebuilding starts: from the Church’s living tradition, which is based on "what is essential, the Good Newscloseness and witness. We need to rebuild from her foundations the Church of every time and place, from worship of God and love of neighbour, and not from our own tastes."

"All rebuilding takes place together, in unity, with others," said the Pope. Rebuilding means becoming artisans of communion, weavers of unity at every level.


"If we rebuild in this way, we will enable our brothers and sisters to see," said the Pope. This is the third word: See. 

"So many people in Europe see the faith as déja vu, a relic of the past," said the Pope. This is because they have not seen Jesus at work in their own lives, he explained. Often this is because we, by our lives, have not sufficiently shown Him to them.

"They will not recognize the One who loves each of His sheep, calls them by name, and bears them on His shoulders. They will not see the One whose incredible passion we preach: for it is a consuming passion, a passion for mankind," said the Pope.

This divine, merciful and overpowering love, concluded the Pope "is itself the perennial newness of the Gospel and it demands of us, dear brothers, wise and bold decisions, made in the name of the mad love with which Christ has saved us."


Vatican News



lunedì 20 settembre 2021



Authority and Responsibilities of Governance in Lay Aggregations:

 A service ordered to the common good

All the moderators and leaders of the movements of international associations before the Pope in the Vatican


On September 16, 2021, the Dicastery for Laity, Family, and Life summoned the moderators, presidents, and international leaders of all ecclesial movements, new communities, and associations recognized or erected by the Holy See to reflect on the theme “The responsibility of governance in lay aggregations. An ecclesial service”.

The core issue of the day was that of closely examining the themes included in the General Decree "The International Associations of the Faithful", with the aim of reflecting together on the exercise of authority in lay aggregations.

The Symposium, partially followed via videoconference because of the pandemic, took place in the New Synod Hall, with the participation of about 300 people who, in their various roles, share governance responsibilities in lay aggregations, as well as some of the Dicastery's members and consultants.

With great surprise, at 10:00 a.m. the Holy Father arrived in the Hall, addressing a heartfelt message to all those present and to those connected by videoconference. The Pope first of all expressed his gratitude to the institutions represented in the hall, for the evangelical witness they bear in the different circumstances of ordinary life.

Then, in his reflections on the theme of government as service, the Holy Father pointed out to the participants two obstacles that can arise when governing: "the desire for power", manifested in the "desire to be everywhere”, which undermines all forms of subsidiarity and makes those who govern believe they can make decisions regarding all aspects of the life of the association and the people who are part of it; and "disloyalty," typical of those who assume that they are the sole interpreters of the charism and, under the pretext of wanting to serve the Lord, serve only themselves. Therefore, continued the Holy Father, in order to carry out a role in governance, we must learn to consider ourselves as "unprofitable servants" (Lk 17:10), in order to remain humble and docile to God's will, just as Jesus showed us when he washed the disciples' feet.

When the Holy Father left the Hall, the Prefect of the Dicastery, Card. Farrell opened the session by immediately identifying "service" as the fundamental and indispensable aspect of the exercise of governance in ecclesial realities: service to the person, to the charism and to the mission of the Church. Moreover, Farrell stressed, such service can only be grasped in its ecclesial dimension. In this regard, he commented on the relationship between association governance and ecclesiastical authority, referring to the intrinsic and providential relationship that exists between charismatic and hierarchical gifts.

Then Msgr. Matteo Visioli, Undersecretary of the Congregation for the Doctrine of the Faith, took the floor. He focused his talk on the theological-ecclesiological foundation of the concept of authority in the Church, and highlighted its relational paradigm. He went on to formulate some of the consequences of exercising the Church's authority, in particular of its risks.

In the afternoon, Ms. Linda Ghisoni, Undersecretary for the Laity, structured her presentation in three parts: after an overview of the ecclesial realities affected by the Decree, the focal point of the meeting, she examined the transition from the charism of the founder to the collective charism. In this regard, the distinction made by Ms. Ghisoni between the charisms or personal gifts of the founder and the essential nucleus of the founding charism, which is destined to become collective and of which no one retains neither the imprint nor the ownership, was fundamental. In light of this distinction, it is clear that any personalization involves an attempt to appropriate a gift that is, from its origin, intended to be collective. Finally, in the last part of the speech, the Undersecretary of the Dicastery gave some practical indications on how to implement the mandates of government and the level of representativeness required by the General Decree.

Next, Eliana and Paolo Maino, founders of the Via Pacis Community and Don Stefano Aragno, Vice President of the Cenacolo Community, gave their testimonies.

The first to take the floor was Paolo Maino, who, having headed the Community he founded with his wife and Don Domenico Pincelli for 40 years, explained how he reached the decision to resign from the Presidency, a choice certainly not common for a young founder. And yet, reflecting in the presence of God, Paolo, together with Eliana, clearly saw that the Lord was asking something else of him: "leaving was necessary for the future of the Community". Today Paolo and Eliana ask themselves if this decision "was perhaps a turning point which God allowed so as to prompt an improvement of the Community itself".

Then came Don Aragno’s intervention that was particularly moving. He described the experience of "leaving" from a completely different point of view, since today it is he who has substituted its foundress, Mother Elvira, in the leadership of the Cenacolo Community. Don Aragno told us how the "step down" taken by Mother Elvira generated a greater awareness of the true protagonist of the history of the Cenacolo Community: the Holy Spirit, the source of the charism and the only founder. This awareness, said Don Aragno, matured precisely from that wise "detachment" from the personality of the foundress, which made all the members, especially those who belonged since the very beginning, more aware of the gift of grace received from God through her, and promoted a renewed and more authentic "yes" to the work to which the Lord called them.

The luncheon, served in the atrium of Paul VI Hall, was also a valuable opportunity for sharing, meeting and promoting dialog between the leaders of the associations and movements and the officials and superiors of the Dicastery.

The rest of the day was dedicated to questions and interventions from the participants.

To conclude the day, Card. Farrell revisited the highlights of the day's proceedings underlining the need for formation for all, and at all levels, in governance as well as service. Without a doubt, it was a very intense and enriching day, starting from the Holy Father’s words and thanks to an open sharing of the challenges and expectations common to all movements and associations in serving the Church.

  Address of the Holy Father Francis to participants in the Meeting with moderators, presidents, and international leaders of all ecclesial movements, new communities, and associations [IT]


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