venerdì 25 aprile 2014

Parents miss out on Catholic primaries in London

Parents miss out on Catholic primaries in London
24 April 2014 13:01 by Christopher Lamb
Hundreds of parents in London have been left disappointed after missing out on their first choice of Catholic primary school due to heavy oversubscription in some areas.
It is understood that most of the Archdiocese of Westminster’s 156 primaries are oversubscribed, leaving the diocese trying to create extra places in schools to accommodate the numbers.
Parents were informed of the result of their primary school applications last week, with a fifth of all primaries in the country oversubscribed.
Oversubscription in London has been driven by immigration and the popularity of Catholic schools, a majority of which are rated good or outstanding by Ofsted.
Admissions to primaries are overseen by the school’s governors with preference given to practising Catholics and to children with siblings in the school.
Where a school is oversubscribed with practising Catholics, it is normally those who live closest to the school who are given a place. But this can drive up house prices in an area, excluding poorer pupils, and so some schools have decided to adopt a random allocation procedure instead.
Some Catholic primary schools have also in the past given preference to children at an attached nursery, although they have been asked to halt this practice because it breaches the schools admissions code.
Sr Judith Russi, an education adviser to dioceses, said: “We are seeing an ever-increasing demand all over London for Catholic places … As shortage of Catholic places becomes an established trend which translates into a more permanent basic need, then it does challenge the diocese to fulfil their canonical responsibility to provide for a Catholic education.”
She went on: “However, basic need is what has to be established and this is difficult within a city situation. There are clear examples where the demographic make-up of an area has changed drastically in a decade. Oversubscription can be very transitory for a whole host of reasons. What is absolutely essential is that Catholic schools’ admissions policies and practice must be seen to be transparent and legal according to their agreed admissions policy.”

mercoledì 23 aprile 2014

The Catholic School as a Courtyard of the Gentiles

The setting up of the Courtyard of the Gentiles by Pope Benedict XVI has provided the Catholic Church with an official forum for dialogue with atheists. The intellectual energy surrounding this initiative can be harnessed to focus on how the contemporary Catholic school addressed its responsibilities to the Catholic community while offering a good education to people of other religious traditions. The Courtyard initiative is an opportunity for the Catholic educational community to re-consider its purpose as an ecclesial agent in a plural society. This article argues that the distinctive content and pedagogy it employs in this endeavor is a bold manifestation of contemporary radicalism in education......

giovedì 17 aprile 2014


χριστὸς ἀνέστη!
 Happy Easter! Joyeuse Pasques! Felices Pascuas!  

Frohe Ostern!  Zalig Paasfeest!  Buona Pasqua!


martedì 15 aprile 2014


Semaine mondiale d'action 2014

 (4-10 mai 2014)

La Semaine mondiale d’action est une campagne internationale organisée chaque année par la  Campagne mondiale pour l'éducation (CME) afin de sensibiliser le public à l’importance de l’Éducation pour tous. L’UNESCO participe à la Semaine mondiale d’action en mobilisant ses réseaux et partenaires, en recueillant et en partageant des politiques et des bonnes pratiques, et en organisant des activités dans le monde entier, par le biais de ses bureaux hors Siège.
Sur le thème « Égalité des droits, égalité des chances : L' Éducation et le handicap », la Semaine mondiale d’action 2014 mettra l’accent sur la sensibilisation aux questions liées au handicap.

Égalité des droits, égalité des chances : L'Éducation et le handicap

Global Action Week 2014 

(4-10 May 2014)

Global Action Week is a worldwide annual campaign organized by the Global Campaign for Education (GCE) to raise awareness of the importance of Education for All. UNESCO participates in the Global Action Week by mobilizing its networks and partners, by collecting and sharing policies and practices and by organizing activities around the world, through its Field Offices.
Under the slogan “Equal Right, Equal Opportunity: Education and Disability” the 2014 Global Action Week will focus on raising the awareness of issues around disability.

Equal Right, Equal Opportunity: Education and Disability

More than one billion people around the world, of whom nearly 93 million are children, live with some form of disability. Societies᾽ misperception of different forms and types of disability and the limited capacity of social actors to accommodate special needs often place people with disabilities on the margin. Persons with disabilities experience inequalities in their daily lives, and have fewer opportunities to access a quality education that takes place in an inclusive environment.

Semana de Acción Mundial 2014

 (4-10 de mayo de 2014) 

La Semana de Acción Mundial es una campaña anual que se celebra en el mundo entero organizada por la Campaña Mundial por la Educación (CME) para sensibilizar a la opinión sobre la importancia de la Educación para Todos. La UNESCO participa en la Semana de Acción Mundial mediante la movilización de sus redes y asociados, la recopilación y el intercambio de políticas y prácticas y la realización de actividades en el mundo entero, por conducto de sus oficinas fuera de la Sede.
Bajo el lema “Igualdad de derechos, Igualdad de oportunidades: Educación y discapacidad ”, la Semana de Acción Mundial 2014 se centrará en la concienciación acerca de los temas que atañen a la discapacidad.

Igualdad de derechos, Igualdad de oportunidades: Educación y discapacidad

En el mundo, más de 1.000 millones de personas, de las cuales 93 millones son niños, viven con alguna forma de discapacidad. Los prejuicios sociales relativos a las diversas modalidades y tipos de discapacidad y la limitada capacidad de los agentes sociales para adaptarse a las necesidades especiales suelen causar la marginación de las personas con discapacidad. Estas personas padecen la desigualdad en la vida cotidiana y disponen de menos oportunidades de acceso a la educación de calidad que se desarrolla en un contexto integrador.

lunedì 14 aprile 2014

St Mary’s Lecturer Delivers Keynote Address at Tanzanian University

St Mary’s Lecturer Delivers Keynote Address at Tanzanian University
Dr John Lydon, Senior Lecturer in the School of Education, Theology and Leadership at St Mary’s was recently invited to deliver a keynote address as part of Culture Week at Jordan University College in Morogoto, Tanzania.
Jordan University College’s Deputy Principal Fr (Dr) Josephat Muhoza, invited Dr Lydon, who is also Director of St Mary’s Catholic Certificate in Religious Studies programme, to deliver the lecture for Culture Week, the theme of which was ‘Faith and Reason in the African Context’.
Culture Week was attended by more than 500 students and lecturers from universities across Africa, and was opened with a keynote lecture ‘Reason and Faith in the Postmodern World’ by Fr (Prof) Jaroslaw Merecki from the Pontifical Lateran University in Rome.
This was followed with a series of papers presented by academics from across Africa and the USA, culminating in the final keynote talk from Dr Lydon entitled ‘Faith and Culture in the Catholic Education Tradition’. It focused on the complimentary of faith and reason, and the challenge of global marketization to a holistic perspective, which is canonised in the Catholic education tradition, which was well received by students and staff. Students then presented papers on themes relating to African culture, enlivening what was described by Dr Bernard Witek, Principal of the University College, as “an enriching experience for all, both academically and culturally.”
Jordan University College has more than 3,000 undergraduate students studying courses in education, sociology, philosophy and theology and is run by the Society of the Divine Saviour (Salvatorians). Two Salvatorian priests, who have recently completed St Mary’s MA in Catholic School Leadership, are now engaged in PhD programmes with the University, and it is hoped that the relationship between the two institutions will continue to grow with a particular focus on the expansion of Jordan University College.

The picture shows from left to right
The picture shows - from left Dr Josephat Muhoza (Vece Principal), Dr John Lydon, Bro. Polycarp Hongoli, Dr Bernard Witek (Principal)

venerdì 11 aprile 2014


 El Papa Francisco a una delegación de la Oficina Internacional Católica de la Infancia – BICE,

Queridos amigos, les doy las gracias por este encuentro. Aprecio sus esfuerzos en favor de los niños: es una expresión concreta y actual de la predilección que el Señor Jesús tiene por ellos. 

A mí me gusta decir que en una sociedad bien constituida los privilegios sólo deben ser para loso niños y los ancianos, porque el futuro de un pueblo está en manos de ellos. Los niños porque ciertamente llevarán adelante la fuerza de la historia. Los ancianos porque son la sede de la sabiduría de un pueblo y tienen que aportar esa sabiduría ¿no?

Podemos decir que el BICE nació de la maternidad de la Iglesia. En efecto, tuvo su origen a partir de la intervención del Papa Pío XII en defensa de los niños, una vez terminada la Segunda Guerra Mundial. Desde entonces, esta organización se ha comprometido siempre en promover la defensa de los derechos del menor, contribuyendo también a la Convención de las Naciones Unidas de 1989. Y en esta labor colabora constantemente con las oficinas de la Santa Sede en Nueva York, en Estrasburgo y sobre todo en Ginebra.

Usted, con delicado espíritu de fineza, habló del buen trato. Le agradezco, esta expresión suave, pero me siento interpelado a hacerme cargo de todo el mal que algunos sacerdotes, bastantes. Bastantes en número, no en comparación con la totalidad. Hacerme cargo de pedir perdón del daño que han hecho por los abusos sexuales de los niños. La Iglesia es conciente de este daño; es un daño personal y moral de ellos, pero hombres de Iglesia. Y no vamos a dar un paso atrás en lo que se refiere al tratamiento de estos problemas y a las sanciones que se deben poner, al contrario. Creo que debemos ser muy fuertes. Con los chicos no se juega.... 
Dear friends,
I thank you for this meeting. I appreciate your efforts on behalf of children: it is a concrete and current expression of the predilection that the Lord Jesus has for them .
We can say that the BICE was born of the motherhood of the Church . In fact, it originates from Pope Pius XII intervention in defense of children in the aftermath of World War II. Since then, this organization has always been committed to promoting the protection of children's rights, and to contributing to the 1989 UN Convention. And in this his work it constantly collaborates with the Holy See offices of the in New York, in Strasbourg and especially Geneva .[moving away from script speech]…. I feel compelled to personally take on all the evil which some priests, quite a few in number, obviously not compared to the number of all the priests, to personally ask for forgiveness for the damage they have done for having sexually abused children. The Church is aware of this damage, it is personal, moral damage carried out by men of the Church, and we will not take one step backward with regards to how we will deal with this problem, and the sanctions that must be imposed. On the contrary, we have to be even stronger. Because you cannot interfere with children... 

Venerdì, 11 aprile 2014

Vi ringrazio di questo incontro. Apprezzo il vostro impegno in favore dei bambini: è una espressione concreta e attuale della predilezione che il Signore Gesù ha per loro. A me piace dire che in una società ben costituita, i privilegi devono essere solo per i bambini e per gli anziani. Perché il futuro di un popolo è in mano loro! I bambini, perché certamente avranno la forza di portare avanti la storia, e gli anziani perché portano in sé la saggezza di un popolo e devono trasmettere questa saggezza.
Possiamo dire che il BICE è nato dalla maternità della Chiesa. Infatti prese origine dall’intervento del Papa Pio XII in difesa dell’infanzia all’indomani della II guerra mondiale. Da allora questa organizzazione si è sempre impegnata a promuovere la tutela dei diritti dei minori, contribuendo anche alla Convenzione dell’ONU del 1989. E in questo suo lavoro collabora costantemente con gli uffici della Santa Sede a New York, a Strasburgo e soprattutto a Ginevra.  
Lei con delicatezza ha parlato del buon trattamento. La ringrazio per questa espressione delicata. Ma mi sento chiamato a farmi carico di tutto il male che alcuni sacerdoti – abbastanza, abbastanza in numero, ma non in proporzione alla totalità - a farmene carico e a chiedere perdono per il danno che hanno compiuto, per gli abusi sessuali sui bambini. La Chiesa è cosciente di questo danno. E’ un danno personale e morale loro, ma di uomini di Chiesa. E noi non vogliamo compiere un passo indietro in quello che si riferisce al trattamento di questo problema e alle sanzioni che devono essere comminate. Al contrario, credo che dobbiamo essere molto forti. Con i bambini non si scherza! ......

giovedì 10 aprile 2014


Congregazione per l'Educazione Cattolica 
Published the document on education
Publicado el documento sobre la educación
Publié le document sur ​​l'éducation
Pubblicato il documento sull'educazione
Publicado o documento sobre educação
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Опубликован документ об образовании
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نشرت وثيقة في مجال التعليم
Publicat el document sobre l'educació
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Instrumentum laboris 2014  

 Una pasión que se renueva
Instrumentum laboris - 2014

Instrumentum laboris - 2014

Uma paixão que se renova
Instrumentum laboris

Instrumentum laboris