domenica 15 settembre 2024



Education and Leadership:

 Keys to Good Governance,

 Hope and Joy



-        by  Giovanni Perrone*

The various and serious problems that are troubling the whole world and the various nations highlight the need to reflect on our way of educating, acting and relating to ourselves and the whole world.

Pope Francis insistently urges us to change our lifestyle and rediscover the values of the Gospel, but his enlightened words are often unheard or overwhelmed by people's arrogance and the crazy whirlwind of events.

Here are some simple reflections:

-          Educating is a journey, with and for others; a path that enriches us more every day. It is a journey of discovery, of reflection, of commitment to making ourselves new people. Jesus' journey with the apostles teaches us a lot about this. Unfortunately, for many, education is a self-referential, closed-off and arrogant path. Educating is learning to spread your wings to fly, to conquer new horizons. We are, therefore, invited to rethink educational paths, training paths for educators, the relationships that each path offers to the values and necessary knowledge and skills.

-          Leadership is the art of directing. Direction presupposes the presence of values, the presence of a goal, the art of knowing how to orient yourself and knowing how to orient yourself. Values, authority, responsibility, competence, relationships, resourcefulness, foresight and service are the cornerstones of leadership. The true leader values and promotes, not celebrates himself. He doesn't look for medals to enrich his CV or excel. The power-service of the free leader does not enslave! Even in this case the Gospel has much to teach us.

-          The figure of a good leader favors and guarantees good governance, at the service of everyone to build the common good.

-          Good governance is the art of building the common good. It it is, in fact, committed to helping everyone, even the most marginalized, to live better, with commitment and enthusiasm, to be happy. Good governance values hope, not an illusory hope, but a hope-virtue that supports and orients, even in difficult or complex moments. In fact, you cannot lead and educate if you are not witnesses of true hope and full of enthusiasm.

-          The theme of happiness takes us back to the heart of the Gospel , which is the announcement of joy and the path to true happiness, peace, justice and love. The path to happiness is not cheap well-being or a guarantee of not having problems! On the contrary! It's a harsh word because it hurts pride and frees us from defenses, it asks us to get involved and makes us face our fears [1]. "

-          Joy is the sign of the Christian …It is necessarily expressed in the relationship with the world, with others, with God…. The Beatitudes lead to joy, always. They are the path to achieving joy [2]. "

-          Professional associations, national and international, such as our Union, can be favorable and important environments for renewing the quality of education. However, they must have the courage to regenerate themselves to demonstrate commitment and vitality, at the service of all. They must be willing and able to bear witness to research and service; not the self-referential appear.

-          Your task (as a professional association), in this sense, is to help teachers keep alive the desire to grow together with their students, to find the most effective ways to transmit the joy of knowledge, the virtue of hope and the desire for truth…. Don't let yourselves be robbed of hope, because this strength is a grace, a gift from God that carries us forward looking at the Sky [3]. "


* UMEC-WUCT Special Advisor

[1]Cardinal Zuppi, CEI president, 25 August 2024

[2]Pope Francis

[3]Pope Francis, UMEC-WUCT General Assembly, November 2022




to Good Governance,

 Hope and Joy


-       +Vincent Dollmann*


Among the gospels, that of Saint Matthew pays particular attention to the organization and life of Christian communities and highlights the teaching of Jesus for those who exercise ecclesial responsibilities. The translations notably give chapter 18 the title of “ecclesiastical discourse” whose teaching can relate to social life and leadership. Jesus speaks of “brother” to designate Christians but the universal perspective of his speech makes it possible to extend the attribution of every man. The term "brother" has both theological and ethical meaning. In use on theological level, the term is linked to the central revelation of Jesus, that of a Father God. Christ looks at persons in their connection to God who willed them and who loves them in a unique and personal way.

At the ethical level, "brother" underlines the requirement of a relational quality based on the revelation of a Father God. Jesus concludes the parable of the lost sheep thus: “In the same way, it is not desired by my Father who is in heaven that even one of these little ones should be lost" (Mt. 18:14).

This recognition of the other as a brother leads us to exercise responsibilities in a dynamic of service. A servant is first characterized by the link to a master. For us, it is about God who does not seek to keep us in servile submission, but who wants to share with us his life of love and gift. Thus, one of the hymns of the breviary in French proclaims: "Serving God, makes man free like this" (Office of Readings, Thursday of Week11)

Jesus introduces his speech with the example of the child where humility he invites to imitate. He speaks of "humbling oneself" (Mt. 18:14); the expression designates an attitude of total trust and abandonment in God, like himself, lived it in his abasement until the cross to save us (Cf Phil 2,8). Jesus thus demonstrated that God did not exercise his authority by crushing or imposing Himself, but by elevating. This is the meaning of the Feast of the Glorious Cross celebrated on September 14. For us, to live according to the humility of Jesus is to let God and our neighbor reveal themselves to me; it is letting God be our creator and our savior and It is letting our neighbor, big or small, rich or poor, be our traveling companion.

In this teaching in chapter 18, Jesus will thus indicate two criteria for the exercise of responsibility: attention to the little ones and respect for each person.

Attention to the little ones is underlined by the warning of the scandal of which they can be victims (Mt. 18,4.14). The little ones whom Jesus speaks of are in fact the disciples exposed to the danger of false prophets. The scandal then constructs/manipulates the teachings and attitudes of those who are attentive to their faith.

We can understand in this teaching call to refuse elitism and pay attention to all forms of intellectual development, speculative ang practical.  A leader of the Church, like all other human institution, must ensure total integration. This requirement covers concern for the small abandoned or marginalized persons, It is the universal guarantor because he who is attends to the lowly and the poor knows how to be attentive to every man.

Attention to the little ones broadens in the Gospel to unconditional respect for the human person. Jesus makes this the measures of the institutional functioning of the Church like any human community. By relying on the parable of the merciless servant which constitutes the conclusion of the discourse (Mt. 18: 21-35), we can develop a real pedagogy of leadership. It's about learning to always start by seeing the positive in others, then authenticating it and valuing it as a gift from God. It is about learning to always start by seeing the positive in others, then authenticating it and valuing it as a gift from God. And the final step consists of welcoming the gift perceived in the neighbor, as a gift which is also for me, which can enrich me and enrich the whole group.

By relying on the teaching of Jesus, we are always led to verify the foundation of our thinking and our action. Jesus not only gives us the keys to give meaning to our life; He is the key that guarantees us the fruitfulness of life in the service of God and our neighbor. May He support us in reflection and initiatives concerning education and leadership.

*Archbishop of Cambrai – Umec-Wuct Ecclesiastical Assistant

venerdì 13 settembre 2024




en - es - fr - it



The traditional World Teachers' Day, promoted by UNESCO, will be celebrated on October 4th.


Teachers have a fundamental role in the renewal of education: a transformation that makes education always current, alive and fruitful; capable of responding to the numerous educational challenges of today and tomorrow. However, the voice of educators is not always listened to by political decision-makers and the society in which they operate. The work of those who educate and instruct is not always adequately recognized and valued.

It is necessary to promote social dialogue between teachers and all educators with politicians, families, institutions and other social realities.

What are the major educational challenges today? Where is education going? How can we improve dialogue and participation? What are the best practices? ….

We propose to organize initiatives, at international, national and local level, to discuss these issues. We will be happy to receive the programs of the initiatives, copies of the documents developed and the story of good practices.

UNESCO is organizing a specific initiative in Paris. You can participate in person or virtually. For information:

The additional information is regularly added to the official page of the World Journal of UNESCO scholars.

Page official de la Journée mondo des enseignants de l'UNESCO