lunedì 31 ottobre 2022


it - en - fr - es 

 La santità è per tutti !

“Amare significa questo: servire, disintossicarsi dai veleni dell’avidità e della competizione.

Toccare e guardare la carne di Cristo che soffre nei nostri fratelli.

La santità è questo !

Abbiamo generato un ideale di santità troppo fondato su di noi, sull’eroismo personale, sulla capacità di rinuncia, sul sacrificarsi per conquistare un premio.

Abbiamo fatto della santità una meta impervia, l’abbiamo separata dalla vita di tutti i giorni”.

“La santità non è fatta di pochi gesti eroici, ma di tanto amore quotidiano”.

Papa Francesco

"Holiness is for everyone!

"To love means this: to serve, to detoxify from the poisons of greed and competition.

To touch and look at the flesh of Christ suffering in our brothers.

Holiness is this!

We have generated an ideal of holiness that is too much based on us, on personal heroism, on the capacity for renunciation, on sacrificing ourselves to win a prize.

We have made holiness an impassable goal, we have separated it from everyday life'.

"Holiness is not made up of a few heroic gestures, but of much daily love."

Pope Francis

"La sainteté est pour tout le monde !

"Aimer signifie ceci : servir, se désintoxiquer des poisons de la cupidité et de la compétition.

Toucher et regarder la chair du Christ souffrant dans nos frères.

La sainteté, c'est ça !

Nous avons généré un idéal de sainteté qui est trop basé sur nous, sur l'héroïsme personnel, sur la capacité de renoncement, sur le sacrifice de soi pour gagner un prix.

Nous avons fait de la sainteté un objectif infranchissable, nous l'avons séparée de la vie quotidienne".

"La sainteté n'est pas faite de quelques gestes héroïques, mais de beaucoup d'amour au quotidien."

Pape François

"¡La santidad es para todos!

"Amar significa esto: servir, desintoxicarse de los venenos de la codicia y la competencia.

Tocar y mirar la carne de Cristo que sufre en nuestros hermanos.

¡La santidad es esto!

Hemos generado un ideal de santidad demasiado basado en nosotros, en el heroísmo personal, en la capacidad de renuncia, en el sacrificio para ganar un premio.

Hemos hecho de la santidad una meta infranqueable, la hemos separado de la vida cotidiana".

"La santidad no está hecha de unos pocos gestos heroicos, sino de mucho amor cotidiano".

El Papa Francisco


       - fr-en


 - par Italo Fiorin

 A quoi sert principalement l'école ? Il existe de nombreuses réponses possibles à cette question. L'école est le lieu de rencontre avec la culture, où s'opère la transmission d'un patrimoine précieux aux jeunes générations (traditio signifie transmission). Mais l'école est aussi le lieu de la préparation de l'avenir, une invitation à l'aventure de la connaissance (ad ventura signifie se tourner vers ce qui n'est pas encore là, vers l'inexploré). Et, entre le passé (tradition) et l'avenir (aventure), l'école est le lieu de la rencontre avec les autres, de la relation, de la découverte de ne pas être seul au monde, ni le centre du monde, de ne pas être des monarques absolus (ab solutus signifie sans liens), mais reliés, interdépendants, faisant partie d'une communauté. On va certes à l'école pour apprendre des connaissances et développer des compétences, mais pas en tant que monades isolées les unes des autres, mais en tant que personnes, c'est-à-dire en tant qu'être en relation. Comme le dit un proverbe africain, "nous sommes des personnes à travers d'autres personnes".

 En d'autres termes, on va à l'école pour apprendre et apprendre à apprendre, mais aussi pour apprendre à vivre ensemble, pacifiquement, de manière constructive, en solidarité avec les autres.

 Ainsi, nous allons à l'école pour devenir nous-mêmes (ce qui signifie apprendre à découvrir nos talents et à en prendre soin) et, en même temps, nous allons à l'école pour apprendre à le faire avec d'autres, faits de la même pâte humaine que nous, non pas des étrangers, mais des frères et des sœurs, avec lesquels nous partageons la même maison et le même destin.

 Les trois mots de la Révolution française expriment cette idée de citoyenneté : liberté, égalité, fraternité. Nous allons à l'école non seulement pour apprendre leur signification, mais surtout leur relation nécessaire, car ce ne sont pas des mots "ab solute", mais liés, non pas indépendants mais interdépendants. En effet, la liberté, sans règles, tend à détruire l'égalité ; l'égalité, si elle est imposée, tend à détruire la liberté ; la fraternité ne peut être ni décrétée ni imposée, mais elle est nécessaire aux deux et doit être encouragée.

 Que se passe-t-il, en effet, sans une fraternité consciemment cultivée, sans une volonté politique de fraternité, traduite par une éducation à la fraternité, au dialogue, à la découverte de la réciprocité et de l'enrichissement mutuel comme valeurs ?


- by Italo Fiorin

 What is school primarily for? There are many possible answers to this question. School is the place of encounter with culture, where the transmission of a precious heritage to the younger generations takes place (traditio means transmission). However, school is also the place of preparation for the future, an invitation to the adventure of knowledge (ad ventura means turning towards the things that are not yet there, towards the unexplored). And, between the past (tradition) and the future (adventure), school is the place of encounter with others, of relationships, of the discovery of not being alone in the world, nor the centre of the world, of not being absolute monarchs (ab solutus means without ties), but connected, interdependent, part of a community. One certainly goes to school to learn knowledge and develop skills, but not as monads isolated from each other, but as persons, that is, as beings in relationship. As an African proverb says, 'we are people through other people'.

 In other words, one goes to school to learn and to learn to learn, but also to learn to live together, peacefully, constructively, in solidarity with others.

 So, we go to school to become ourselves (which means learning to discover our talents and take care of them) and, at the same time, we go to school to learn to do this together with others, made of the same human dough as us, not strangers, but brothers and sisters, with whom we share the same home and the same destiny.

 The three words of the French Revolution express this idea of citizenship: liberty, equality, fraternity. We go to school not only to learn their meaning, but above all their necessary relationship, because they are not words 'ab solute', but related, not independent but interdependent. Indeed, freedom, without rules, tends to destroy equality; equality, if imposed, tends to destroy freedom; fraternity can neither be decreed nor imposed, but is necessary for both and must be encouraged.

 What happens, in fact, without a consciously cultivated fraternity, without a political will for fraternity, translated into an education in fraternity, in dialogue, in the discovery of reciprocity and mutual enrichment as values?



venerdì 28 ottobre 2022





27 de octubre de 2022, Panamá - Finalizó el “V Encuentro Mundial de Jóvenes”, organizado por la red educativa, World ORT con la participación del Movimiento Pontificio Internacional, Scholas Occurrentes. Durante cuatro días 53 chicas y chicos de 18 países y 21 ciudades de distintas partes del mundo, realizaron actividades que les permitieron reconocer sus dolencias y trabajar sobre ellas. De esta forma, manifestaron como una problemática conjunta la presión que sienten respecto a las expectativas que les impone la sociedad e identificaron que no cuentan con herramientas para poder abordar estas emociones.


Durante esta nueva edición que se llevó adelante en la sede de la Sinagoga Kol Shearith Israel, en Panamá, las y los jóvenes trabajaron sobre sus sentimientos y los plasmaron en distintas actividades relacionadas a la música, el arte y el deporte. Así, iniciaron la búsqueda de un cambio que fuera significativo para sus vidas y las de sus comunidades.


Ante los problemas planteados, las y los participantes propusieron la creación de espacios de acompañamiento profesional en escuelas, ciclos de talleres sobre inteligencia emocional en la planificación parental, y la posibilidad de generar espacios de diálogo y debate con personas que han tenido que sortear distintos obstáculos antes de posicionarse en lugares de éxito.


En el encuentro, el director Mundial de Scholas Occurrentes, José María del Corral y el Chairman Fundación Leo Werthein, Darío Werthein, recibieron las peticiones de las chicas y los chicos, y acordaron trasladarlas a las autoridades locales con el fin de encontrar soluciones concretas. Por su parte, las y los jóvenes asumieron el compromiso de seguir trabajando juntos y dieron a conocer un mural en el que representaron sus emociones.



“Debemos aplaudirlos por el trabajo tan profundo que han hecho en este tiempo. Desde nuestro lugar es muy importante el compromiso de los jóvenes, ya que se han transformado en los protagonistas de estos encuentros”, expresó Darío Werthein, durante el cierre del programa.


Mientras que, José María del Corral, aseguró: “Es imposible pensar que algo es imposible. En muy pocas horas las y los jóvenes descubrieron que si se juntan, si se reúnen pueden lograr cosas realmente importantes”.


Para finalizar, el presidente directivo de Scholas en Panamá, Gabriel Barletta, leyó una carta enviada por el Papa Francisco, en la que invitó a las chicas y los chicos a poner a sus comunidades en movimiento, exponiendo sus sentimientos y generando aldeas educativas “que cultiven la propia belleza y hagan de esas singularidades reunidas una realidad mundial”.


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giovedì 27 ottobre 2022



mercoledì 26 ottobre 2022


 An Appeal to World Leaders to be Builders of Peace and Solidarity


The IOC Appeal, joined by the Dicastery, is the first fruit of the "Sport for All" Summit

  One of the first fruits of the International Summit " “Sport for All. Cohesive, accessible and tailored to each person”, held in the Vatican on the 29 and 30th of September last, is an Appeal for Peace, promoted by the President of the International Olympic Committee (IOC), Thomas Bach, following an audience with the Holy Father Francis in the Summit days.

 The Dicastery for Culture and Education, the Dicastery for Laity, Family, and Life, and the Dicastery for Promoting Integral Human Development join the IOC's appeal, as peace is a common value that the Church and the world of sport seek to promote for all peoples. As Pope Francis said in the Audience with the participants of the Summit, "today we so much need a pedagogy of peace, to foster a culture of peace, starting from daily interpersonal relationships to arrive at those between people's and nations. If the world of sport transmits unity and cohesion, it can become a formidable ally in building peace."

  "God wills the peace and unity of our human family" - it is written in the appeal - "The Olympic and Paralympic Games are a great symbol of such unity, for they bring individuals and peoples together in healthy competition and encourage our world to see in athletic competition a genuine path to peace, founded on personal discipline and commitment to teamwork in the pursuit of excellence".

 The Appeal invites  to follow the path of peace, to call for peace throughout the world, and for reconciliation between peoples where the priority is dialogue and the construction of a better society. It asks all leaders of the world to walk the path of peace, and all people of good will to work - each in their own environment - to be builders of peace and solidarity.

 The appeal comes after the Declaration signed at the end of the Summit "Sport for All" by the most important International sport organizations, as well as by intergovernmental institutions, International federations, and non-profit organisations working for  integration of people into society through sport. Those who want to adhere to the Declaration can do so online on the website:


 Our world is once again confronting conflicts, turmoil and grave challenges. The scourges of war, climate change and economic hardship have brought unspeakable pain and suffering to millions of people across the globe. As a consequence of a world war being fought piecemeal, over 100 million people have had to flee their homes, families have been separated, and countless mothers, fathers, sons and daughters are living in fear, unable to practice their faith, pursue their dreams for a better life, or even simply to play sport.

 This human tragedy comes as the world is still reeling from a global pandemic that reminded us how vulnerable all human beings can be. In light of that important experience of humility, we reaffirm our determination to build on the powerful sense of solidarity with one another that emerged from the health crisis. We are convinced that it is only with such a spirit of solidarity in our hearts that we can effectively face the many challenges threatening humanity and our planet today.

 In this spirit of solidarity, we urge world leaders to seek just and peaceful solutions to all disputes and conflicts. We call on them to foster dialogue, understanding and fraternity among peoples, and to uphold the dignity of every man, woman and child, especially the poor, the vulnerable, the marginalized and those suffering from the violence of war and armed conflict.

 God wills the peace and unity of our human family. The Olympic and Paralympic Games are a great symbol of such unity, for they bring individuals and peoples together in healthy competition and encourage our world to see in athletic competition a genuine path to peace, founded on personal discipline and commitment to teamwork in the pursuit of excellence.

 United in this conviction, we appeal to world leaders to follow this path, for the benefit of every nation and people.

 Thomas Bach, IOC President

 Cardinal José Tolentino de Mendonça, Prefect of the Dicastery for Culture and Education

 Cardinal Kevin J. Farrell, Prefect of the Dicastery for the Laity, the Family and Life

 Cardinal Michael Czerny, Prefect of the Dicastery for Promoting Integral Human Development


mercoledì 19 ottobre 2022



AR  - DE  - EN  - ES  - FR  - IT  - PL  - PT

In the catecheses of these weeks we are focusing on the prerequisites for good discernment. In life we have to make decisions, always, and to make decisions we must follow a journey, a path of discernment. Every important activity has its “instructions” to follow, which must be known in order for them to produce the necessary effects. Today we will look at another indispensable ingredient for discernment: one’s own life story. Knowing one’s own life story is, let’s say, an essential ingredient for discernment.

Our life is the most precious “book” that is given to us, a book that unfortunately many do not read, or rather they do so too late, before dying. And yet, precisely in that book that one finds what one pointlessly seeks elsewhere. Saint Augustine, a great seeker of the truth, had understood this just by rereading his life, noting in it the silent and discreet, but incisive, steps of the presence of the Lord. At the end of this journey, he noted with wonder: “You were within, and I without, and there I did seek you; I, unlovely, rushed heedlessly among the things of beauty you made. You were with me, but I was not with you” (Confessions X, 27.38). Hence his invitation to cultivate the inner life to find what one is seeking: “Return within yourself. In the inner man dwells truth” (On True Religion, XXXIX, 72). This is an invitation I would extend to all of you, and even to myself: “Return within yourself. Read your life. Read yourself inwardly, the path you have taken. With serenity. Return within yourself”.

Many times, we too have had Augustine’s experience, of finding ourselves imprisoned by thoughts that lead us away from ourselves, stereotypical messages that harm us: for example, “I am worthless” – and it gets you down; “everything goes wrong for me” – and it gets you down; “I will never achieve anything worthwhile” - and it gets you down, and this becomes your life. These pessimistic phrases that get you down! Reading one’s own history also means recognizing the presence of these “toxic” elements, but then broadening our narrative, learning to notice other things, making it richer, more respectful of complexity, succeeding also in grasping the discreet ways in which God acts in our life. I once knew a person who people said deserved the Nobel Prize in negativity: everything was bad, everything, and he always tried to put himself down. He was a bitter person, and yet he had many qualities. And then this person found another person who helped him, and every time he complained about something, the other one used to say: “But now, to compensate, say something good about yourself”. And he would say: “Well, yes… I also have this quality”, and bit by bit this helped him move forward, to read well his own life, both the bad things and the good things. We must read our life, and by doing so we see things that are not good and also the good things that God sows in us.

We have seen that discernment has a narrative approach; it does not dwell on the punctual action, but rather inserts it in a context: where does this thought come from? What I am feeling now, where does it come from? Where does it lead me, what I am thinking now? When have I encountered it before? Is it something new that comes to mind only now, or have I found it other times? Why is it more insistent than others? What is life trying to tell me with this?

Recounting the events of our life also enables us to grasp important nuances and details, which can reveal themselves to be valuable aids, hitherto concealed. For example, a reading, a service, an encounter, at first sight considered to be of little importance, over time transmit inner peace; they transmit the joy of living and suggest further good initiatives. Stopping and acknowledging this is essential.  Stopping and acknowledging: it is important for discernment; it is a task of gathering those precious and hidden pearls that the Lord has scattered in our soil.

Goodness is hidden, always, because goodness is modest and hides itself: goodness is hidden; it is silent, it requires slow and continuous excavation. Because God’s style is discreet: God likes to go unseen, with discretion, he does not impose; he is like the air we breathe - we do not see it but it allows us to live, and we realize this only when it is missing.

Getting used to rereading one’s own life educates the outlook, it sharpens it, enables it to note the small miracles that good God works for us every day. When we realize this, we notice other possible directions that strengthen our inner taste, peace and creativity. Above all, it makes us freer from toxic stereotypes. Wisely it has been said that the man who does not know his own past is condemned to repeat it. It is strange: if we do not know the path we have taken, the past, we always repeat it, we go around in circles. The person who walks in circles never goes forward; it is not progress, it is like the dog who chases his own tail; he always goes this way, and repeats things.

We might ask ourselves: have I ever recounted my life to anyone? This is a beautiful experience of engaged couples, who when they become serious, tell their life story… It is one of the most beautiful and intimate forms of communication, recounting one’s own life. It allows us to discover hitherto unknown things, small and simple but, as the Gospel says, it is precisely from the little things that the great things are born (cf. Lk 16:10).

The lives of the saints also constitute a precious aid in recognizing the style of God in one’s own life: the permit us to become familiar with his way of acting. Some of the saints’ behaviour challenges us, shows us new meanings and opportunities. This is what happened, for example, to Saint Ignatius of Loyola. When describing the fundamental discovery of his life, he adds an important clarification, and he says: “From experience he deduced that some thoughts left him sad, others cheerful; and little by little he learnt to know the diversity of thoughts, the diversity of the spirits that stirred within him” (cf. Autobiography, no. 8). Knowing what happens within us, knowing, being aware.

Discernment is the narrative reading of the good moments and the dark moments, the consolations and desolations we experience in the course of our lives. In discernment, it is the heart that speaks to us about God, and we must learn to understand its language. Let us ask, at the end of the day, for example: what happened today in my heart? Some think that carrying out this examination of conscience is to calculate the balance of sins – and we commit many – but it is also about asking oneself, “What happened within me, did I experience joy? What brought me joy? Was I sad? What brought me sadness? And in this way, we learn to discern what happens within us.


lunedì 17 ottobre 2022





 In a message to the World Food Forum taking place in Rome, Pope Francis reminds participants that in a world impacted by interconnected crises, the centrality of the human person must never be forgotten.

-By Linda Bordoni


At the heart of Pope Francis’ message to participants in the 2nd edition of the World Food Forum (WFF) was the call “not simply to feed the other, but to give ourselves in service to others” in a spirit of “fraternity and solidarity that must inspire relations between individuals and between peoples.”

The Forum at the UN Rome-based Food and Agriculture Organization (FAO) takes place from 17 to 21 October 2022 with a focus on “Youth Action”, “Science & Innovation”, and “Investment".

The Forum comes in a year of unprecedented hunger. UN statistics show that conflict, COVID, the climate crisis, and rising costs have combined to create jeopardy for up to 828 million hungry people across the world.

In this world of interconnected crises, the Pope said in his message to participants of the WFF’s opening ceremony, the message of Christ challenges us to make decisions and promote initiatives for the good and the future of all humanity.

The sacredness of bread

Extending his greeting to all those who commit themselves and strive every day to eradicate hunger and poverty in the world, Pope Francis said “food is fundamental to human life, in fact, it shares in its sacredness and cannot be treated like any other commodity.”

“Food is a concrete sign of the Creator's goodness and of the fruits of the earth.”

He recalled the respect our grandparents had for bread: “they kissed it when they brought it to the table and did not allow anything to go to waste.

“Christ himself, in the Eucharist, became bread, living bread for the life of the world.”

The Pope said that in order to respect food and give it the pre-eminent place it has in human life, “in addition to concern for its production, availability, and access,” we must be aware that it is “a gift of God of which we are mere stewards.”

The centrality of the human person

Our first concern, he explained, must “focus on the human being as such, considered in his or her integrity and taking into account his or her real needs, in particular those who lack the basic sustenance for survival.”

 In this period of interconnected crises, he continued, Christ’s message, even for non-believers, “challenges us not simply to feed but to give ourselves in service to others, recognizing and guaranteeing the centrality of the human person.”

“This priority can only be safeguarded if we once again believe in the fraternity and solidarity that must inspire relations between individuals and between peoples.”

The Pope concluded his message by saying he entrusts to God the fruits of this meeting, “so that the initiatives and decisions that contribute to the good and the future of all humanity may increase.”

 Vatican News




giovedì 13 ottobre 2022


 Éducation nationale : 
hausse des signalements pour atteinte au principe de laïcité

Les faits.  Le ministère de l’éducation nationale a publié, jeudi 13 octobre, la première synthèse mensuelle concernant les signalements des atteintes à la laïcité. 313 faits ont été recensés pendant le mois de septembre, dont la plupart concernent les ports de signes et tenues, confirmant une hausse par rapport à 2021-2022.

 Par Juliette Paquier 

Dans leur premier bilan mensuel, les « équipes valeurs de la République » de l’éducation nationale ont recensé 313 signalements d’atteinte au principe de laïcité dans les établissements du second degré, durant le mois de septembre.

Un chiffre en légère hausse par rapport à l’année 2021-2022, à prendre toutefois avec précaution car la fréquence de publication de ces bilans a été augmentée : les synthèses prendront désormais en compte les atteintes recensées pendant un mois, contre trois mois consécutifs dans les rapports précédents.

Une majorité de signalements de port de signes et de tenues

Dans ce nouveau bilan, les atteintes au principe de laïcité recensées dans les quelque 59 260 écoles et établissements du secondaire sont très majoritairement le fait des élèves, à 82 %, contre 8 % de la part des personnels, 5 % de la part des parents d’élèves (et 5 % pour d’autres auteurs).

Ces atteintes concernent majoritairement le port de signes et de tenues (abayas, foulards…), à 54 %. C’est 13 points de plus que dans la dernière synthèse sur le sujet, qui étudiait le phénomène d’avril à juillet 2022. 8 % des faits concernent une suspicion de prosélytisme, tandis que le refus d’activité scolaire, la contestation d’ensemble et les revendications communautaires représentent chacun 7 % des atteintes recensées.

Majorité des faits dans les lycées

La plupart des atteintes à la loi de 2004 ont par ailleurs été relevées dans des lycées, à 51 %, contre 36 % dans les collèges et seulement 13 % dans le premier degré. Le bilan pointe ici une inversion du type d’établissement concerné par ce phénomène par rapport à la période d’avril à juillet 2022 : les faits ont désormais lieu à majorité dans des lycées, tandis qu’au printemps 51 % des atteintes avaient été relevées dans des collèges.

« La tendance à l’augmentation identifiée au cours de l’année 2021-2022 se poursuit », précisent dans leur communiqué les équipes, qui recensent aussi 221 demandes de conseils de la part des équipes éducatives pour les aides à faire respecter le principe de laïcité à l’école.

Réponse « ferme » du ministre

Le ministre de l’éducation nationale et de la jeunesse Pap Ndiaye avait promis, fin septembre, une réponse « ferme » au non-respect de la loi de 2004 sur l’interdiction de port de signes religieux à l’école, et prévu la publication de données précises.

 Cette décision avait été prise après la publication d’une note des services de l’État, fin août, concernant des messages sur les réseaux sociaux qui appelaient à transgresser la loi qui interdit les signes religieux à l’école.

En début de semaine, le blocus d’un lycée a dégénéré après l’intervention de la police. Outre les tensions antérieures et le soutien à un professeur muté, les élèves avaient également protesté contre l’interdiction de « tenues amples » de la part de la direction.