lunedì 30 marzo 2020


Water is the only substance on earth that occurs naturally in solid, liquid and gas forms. Without it there would be no life on our planet. It is also a powerful spiritual symbol associated with the cleansing and purification of the body and the spirit. 
For Christians, baptism by water – itself a symbol of God’s grace – signifies spiritual rebirth.
Aqua fons vitae. Orientations on Water, symbol of the cry of the poor and the cry of the Earth.  
This is the title of a new Vatican document rooted in the Social Magisterium of the Popes, and inspired by work carried out by national and local Churches in different countries.
The document distinguishes three aspects or dimensions relating to water:
1) water for human use;
2) water as a resource used in many human activities, in particular agriculture and industry;
3) water as a surface, namely rivers, underground aquifers, lakes and especially oceans and seas. 
For each aspect, the text presents the related challenges and operational proposals to increase awareness of the issue and commitment at local level. 
The final part of the document proposes a reflection on education and integrity.
In a press release on Monday, the Dicastery also announced that a strategy is being defined to address the situation regarding water, sanitation and hygiene (WASH). This will apply to health care facilities belonging to the Catholic Church. 
The press release notes that in poor and developing countries too many sanitation facilities do not have adequate access to water for the most basic needs of cleanliness and hygiene. This places billions of people at risk.
Without clean water, sinks, soaps, toilets and hygiene procedures patients, care staff and families lack the foundation or infrastructure for decent, safe, quality care.
“Births, surgery, infections, epidemics: none of these can be managed safely without water, and the situation is particularly alarming in these weeks marked by the COVID-19 pandemic,” reads the communiqué.

 " .... The document Aqua fons vitae is rooted in the teaching of the Popes and inspired by the reflections and experiences of members of national and local Churches, over centuries. Many dioceses, congregations, Caritas organizations, Justice and Peace Commissions, associations of lay people, catholic schools and universities are very actively committed to the promotion of human dignity and the realization of an authentic integral development, particularly in poor and deprived areas, even where Catholics are a minority. In view of the challenges raised by the crisis of the COVID-19, and in the light of the magisterial teaching about the interconnectedness of everything3, be it ecological, economic, political and social, we are called to consider all the elements which contribute to elaborating a new paradigm for a new development model. 
The consideration of water, in this sense, clearly appears to be one of the elements that heavilyimpacts ‘integral’and ‘human’development. 6.The common good promoted and pursued by the Church is not some particular national agenda, but “the sum total of the social conditions which allow people, either groups or individuals, to reach their fulfilment more fully and more easily”4. These conditions undoubtedly include “a safe environment”5, access to healthcare, sanitation as well as access to potable water. Therefore, these conditions also imply a management of water so as to ensure universal and sustainable access to it, for the future of life, theplanet and the human community. .... 


sabato 28 marzo 2020


 " ..... Il Signore ci interpella e, in mezzo alla nostra tempesta, ci invita a risvegliare e attivare la solidarietà e la speranza capaci di dare solidità, sostegno e significato a queste ore in cui tutto sembra naufragare. Il Signore si risveglia per risvegliare e ravvivare la nostra fede pasquale. Abbiamo un’ancora: nella sua croce siamo stati salvati. Abbiamo un timone: nella sua croce siamo stati riscattati. Abbiamo una speranza: nella sua croce siamo stati risanati e abbracciati affinché niente e nessuno ci separi dal suo amore redentore. In mezzo all’isolamento nel quale stiamo patendo la mancanza degli affetti e degli incontri, sperimentando la mancanza di tante cose, ascoltiamo ancora una volta l’annuncio che ci salva: è risorto e vive accanto a noi. Il Signore ci interpella dalla sua croce a ritrovare la vita che ci attende, a guardare verso coloro che ci reclamano, a rafforzare, riconoscere e incentivare la grazia che ci abita. Non spegniamo la fiammella smorta (cfr Is 42,3), che mai si ammala, e lasciamo che riaccenda la speranza..... "

" ... The Lord asks us and, in the midst of our tempest, invites us to reawaken and put into practice that solidarity and hope capable of giving strength, support and meaning to these hours when everything seems to be floundering. The Lord awakens so as to reawaken and revive our Easter faith. We have an anchor: by his cross we have been saved. We have a rudder: by his cross we have been redeemed. We have a hope: by his cross we have been healed and embraced so that nothing and no one can separate us from his redeeming love. In the midst of isolation when we are suffering from a lack of tenderness and chances to meet up, and we experience the loss of so many things, let us once again listen to the proclamation that saves us: he is risen and is living by our side. The Lord asks us from his cross to rediscover the life that awaits us, to look towards those who look to us, to strengthen, recognize and foster the grace that lives within us. Let us not quench the wavering flame (cf. Is 42:3) that never falters, and let us allow hope to be rekindled. ... "

 " ... Le Seigneur nous interpelle et, au milieu de notre tempête, il nous invite à réveiller puis à activer la solidarité et l’espérance capables de donner stabilité, soutien et sens en ces heures où tout semble faire naufrage. Le Seigneur se réveille pour réveiller et raviver notre foi pascale. Nous avons une ancre : par sa croix, nous avons été sauvés. Nous avons un gouvernail : par sa croix, nous avons été rachetés. Nous avons une espérance : par sa croix, nous avons été rénovés et embrassés afin que rien ni personne ne nous sépare de son amour rédempteur. Dans l’isolement où nous souffrons du manque d’affections et de rencontres, en faisant l’expérience du manque de beaucoup de choses, écoutons une fois encore l’annonce qui nous sauve : il est ressuscité et vit à nos côtés. Le Seigneur nous exhorte de sa croix à retrouver la vie qui nous attend, à regarder vers ceux qui nous sollicitent, à renforcer, reconnaître et stimuler la grâce qui nous habite. N’éteignons pas la flamme qui faiblit (cf. Is 42, 3) qui ne s’altère jamais, et laissons-la rallumer l’espérance. .. "

" ... El Señor nos interpela y, en medio de nuestra tormenta, nos invita a despertar y a activar esa solidaridad y esperanza capaz de dar solidez, contención y sentido a estas horas donde todo parece naufragar. El Señor se despierta para despertar y avivar nuestra fe pascual. Tenemos un ancla: en su Cruz hemos sido salvados. Tenemos un timón: en su Cruz hemos sido rescatados. Tenemos una esperanza: en su Cruz hemos sido sanados y abrazados para que nadie ni nada nos separe de su amor redentor. En medio del aislamiento donde estamos sufriendo la falta de los afectos y de los encuentros, experimentando la carencia de tantas cosas, escuchemos una vez más el anuncio que nos salva: ha resucitado y vive a nuestro lado. El Señor nos interpela desde su Cruz a reencontrar la vida que nos espera, a mirar a aquellos que nos reclaman, a potenciar, reconocer e incentivar la gracia que nos habita. No apaguemos la llama humeante (cf. Is 42,3), que nunca enferma, y dejemos que reavive la esperanza..  " 

" ...  Der Herr fordert uns heraus, und inmitten des Sturms lädt er uns ein, Solidarität und Hoffnung zu wecken und zu aktivieren, die diesen Stunden, in denen alles unterzugehen scheint, Festigkeit, Halt und Sinn geben. Der Herr erwacht, um unseren Osterglauben zu wecken und wiederzubeleben. Wir haben einen Anker: durch sein Kreuz sind wir gerettet. Wir haben ein Ruder: durch sein Kreuz wurden wir freigekauft. Wir haben Hoffnung: durch sein Kreuz sind wir geheilt und umarmt worden, damit nichts und niemand uns von seiner erlösenden Liebe trennen kann. Inmitten der Isolation, in der wir unter einem Mangel an Zuneigung und Begegnungen leiden und den Mangel an vielen Dingen erleben, lasst uns erneut die Botschaft hören, die uns rettet: Er ist auferstanden und lebt unter uns. Der Herr ruft uns von seinem Kreuz aus auf, das Leben, das uns erwartet, wieder zu entdecken, auf die zu schauen, die uns brauchen, und die Gnade, die in uns wohnt, zu stärken, zu erkennen und zu ermutigen. Löschen wir die kleine Flamme nicht aus (vgl. Jes 42,3), die niemals erlischt, und tun wir alles, dass sie die Hoffnung wieder entfacht... "

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lunedì 23 marzo 2020


Pope Francis: In this time of pandemic in which we find ourselves living more or less isolated, we are invited to rediscover and deepen the value of communion that unites all members of the Church. United to Christ we are never alone, but rather, we form one sole Body, with he is the head. It is a union that is nourished by prayer and by spiritual communion in the Eucharist, a practice that is highly recommended when it is not possible to receive the Sacrament. I say this to everyone, especially to those who live alone.
I renew my closeness to all the sick and those caring for them. This extends to all the caregivers and volunteers who help those who cannot leave their homes, and those who are meeting the needs of the poorest and the homeless.
Thank you so much for all the effort that each of you is making to help during this difficult time.

Dans cette situation de pandémie, dans laquelle nous vivons plus ou moins isolés, nous sommes appelés à redécouvrir et à approfondir la valeur de la communion qui unit tous les membres de l'Eglise. Unis au Christ nous ne sommes jamais seuls, mais nous formons un unique Corps, dont Il est le Chef. C'est une union qui se nourrit de la prière, et aussi de la communion spirituelle à l'Eucharistie, une pratique très recommandée quand il n'est pas possible de recevoir le sacrement. Je dis cela pour tout le monde, en particulier pour les personnes qui vivent seules.
Je renouvelle ma proximité à tous les malades et à ceux qui les soignent. Ainsi qu'à tous les agents et les bénévoles qui aident les personnes qui ne peuvent pas sortir de leur maison, et à ceux qui vont à la rencontre des besoins des plus pauvres et des personnes sans domicile.
Merci beaucoup pour tous les efforts que chacun de vous accomplit pour apporter son aide dans ce moment si dur. Que le Seigneur vous bénisse, que la Vierge vous protège.

En esta situación de pandemia, en la que nos toca vivir más o menos aislados, estamos invitados a redescubrir y profundizar el valor de la comunión que une a todos los miembros de la Iglesia. Unidos a Cristo nunca estamos solos, sino que formamos un solo Cuerpo, del cual Él es la Cabeza. Es una unión que se alimenta de la oración, y también de la comunión espiritual en la Eucaristía, una práctica muy recomendada cuando no es posible recibir el Sacramento. Digo esto para todos, especialmente para las personas que viven solas.
Renuevo mi cercanía a todos los enfermos y a los que los curan. Así como los numerosos trabajadores y voluntarios que ayudan a las personas que no pueden salir de su casa, y a los que van al encuentro de las necesidades de los más pobres y los sin techo.
Muchas gracias por todo el esfuerzo que cada uno de vosotros está haciendo para ayudar en este momento tan difícil. Que el Señor os bendiga, que Nuestra Señora os guarde.

In questa situazione di pandemia, nella quale ci troviamo a vivere più o meno isolati, siamo invitati a riscoprire e approfondire il valore della comunione che unisce tutti i membri della Chiesa. Uniti a Cristo non siamo mai soli, ma formiamo un unico Corpo, di cui Lui è il Capo. È un’unione che si alimenta con la preghiera, e anche con la comunione spirituale all’Eucaristia, una pratica molto raccomandata quando non è possibile ricevere il Sacramento. Questo lo dico per tutti, specialmente per le persone che vivono sole.
Rinnovo la mia vicinanza a tutti i malati e a coloro che li curano. Come pure ai tanti operatori e volontari che aiutano le persone che non possono uscire di casa, e a quanti vanno incontro ai bisogni dei più poveri e dei senza dimora.
Grazie tante per tutto lo sforzo che ognuno di voi fa per aiutare in questo momento tanto duro. Che il Signore vi benedica, la Madonna vi custodisca.


Chères ONG,
Collègues et ami.e.s,

English version below

Alors que nous traversons une crise mondiale sanitaire, nous pensons à toute la communauté des ONG et exprimons notre solidarité  aux  personnes les plus pauvres, les plus démunies et isolées dont les personnes déplacées et  réfugiées.
  L’UNESCO  se mobilise avec ses partenaires pour  partager les expériences et les initiatives d’apprentissage et d’éducation en ligne alors que 363 millions d’apprenants sont touchés par la crise.;
L‘UNESCO donne également accès gratuitement à la Bibliothèque numérique mondiale
Vous pourriez partager avec nous, vos initiatives et expériences dans les domaines de l’éducation, la culture, l’information et la science, dans cette situation de crise sur le blog des ONG ou nous les envoyer.
La solidarité s’organise et des appels à dons sont lancés comme celui de l’OMS
Prenez soin de vous, de vos proches et des autres personnes qui souffrent le plus de cette crise.
Nous traverserons cette épreuve ensemble et en sortirons encore plus solidaires!

Marie-Claude Machon Honoré
Présidente de la CIONG et du Comité de Liaison ONG UNESCO
Dear NGOs,
Colleagues and friends,
At a time when we are facing a world health crisis, we express our solidarity with all NGO partners and those who are the poorest , the most isolated  and deprived  including refugees and displaced people.
UNESCO is joining efforts to mobilize  partners and share experiences and initiatives on distant learning and training at a time when the crisis has already  hit as many as 363 million learners.
Unesco  also provides free access to  the World Digital Library
You could share with us your initiatives and experiences in the areas of education, culture, science and information in the current crisis context on  NGO Blog or by email.
This is the right time for solidarity and calls for donations are being launched
Take care of yourselves and the ones you love, and  also  those who suffer most from the crisis.
We will get through this all together and stronger!
With all best wishes and kind regards,

Dr Marie-Claude Machon-Honoré
President of the ICNGO and NGO-UNESCO Liaison Committee