sabato 28 settembre 2019


 Arquidiocese de São Paulo

No dia 20 de setembro foi publicada a lista dos participantes da assembleia especial do Sínodo dos Bispos para a Amazônia. Além de todos os bispos diocesanos e auxiliares da área pan-amazônica, que envolve nove países, também outros bispos da América e de outras partes do mundo foram incluídos, além de peritos e “convidados fraternos” de outras Igrejas cristãs não católicas, que atuam na Amazônia. Ao todo, serão mais de 180 os membros dessa assembleia sinodal, que será aberta pelo Papa Francisco no próximo dia 6 de outubro, no Vaticano, e se estenderá até o dia 27 de outubro.
Trata-se de uma assembleia “especial” do Sínodo dos Bispos, e isso significa que seu tema diz respeito a uma questão local ou a um ambiente geográfico e eclesial restrito, não universal, da atuação da Igreja. No caso, trata-se da Amazônia. Não é a primeira assembleia especial do Sínodo dos Bispos. Na preparação do grande Jubileu do início do terceiro milênio cristão, foram feitas diversas assembleias continentais, que também foram especiais. Para o Oriente Médio, foram realizadas até duas assembleias especiais.
Não deveria causar estranheza, portanto, que o Papa Francisco tenha convocado uma assembleia especial do Sínodo dos Bispos para tratar da vida e da missão da Igreja na grande Amazônia. Como, pois, explicar tanta polêmica sobre o Sínodo para a Amazônia? Várias explicações são possíveis. O primeiro motivo refere-se à natureza dessa assembleia eclesial. Alguns entendem que se trata de uma reunião com objetivos políticos ou geopolíticos, talvez até para desestabilizar a soberania dos países da área amazônica sobre seus respectivos territórios. Isso, no entanto, é uma grande fantasia e inverdade. Se alguém tiver esse tipo de projeto, não é certamente o Papa Francisco, nem a Igreja Católica. Fiquemos bem tranquilos a esse respeito.
Outros talvez pensam que a assembleia do Sínodo seja uma espécie de reunião decisória sobre uma série de questões religiosas e não religiosas. Aqui é preciso esclarecer logo que não se trata disso. As assembleias do Sínodo dos Bispos são sempre consultivas e não têm poder de tomar decisões. O Papa convoca uma assembleia do Sínodo para ouvir e consultar sobre um determinado assunto ligado à vida e à missão da Igreja. No final do processo de consulta e reflexão, a assembleia entrega ao Papa o fruto dessa reflexão na forma de “propostas”. O Papa, depois, diz a sua palavra de autoridade sobre o tema por intermédio de um documento conhecido como Exortação Apostólica pós-sinodal, ou por meio de outro tipo de documento.
Ainda outros estão espalhando, até no seio da comunidade católica, suspeitas e falsidades sobre esse Sínodo. É uma pena que isso aconteça e seria bom informar-se bem, antes de emitir julgamentos descabidos. Há mesmo quem diga que Sínodo vai abolir o celibato sacerdotal, autorizar a ordenação de mulheres para o ministério sacerdotal ou transformar a terra, a natureza e a floresta em uma espécie de “divindade”, desviando a reta fé católica e apostólica. Também há quem já grita pelas mídias de que se trata de um “sínodo herético” ou “maldito”! Ora essa! Vamos com muita calma e não demos logo ouvidos a esses profetas apocalípticos, espalhadores de teorias da conspiração e promotores de pânico no seio da Igreja! Afinal, com qual autoridade e responsabilidade estão a falar isso? A quem queremos dar crédito na Igreja? Não nos deixemos atrair logo por sibilas de língua afiada e por pregações de “cavaleiros solitários”, sem comunhão com a Igreja, que se propõem como salvadores da Igreja! Fiquemos com os bispos que, em comunhão com o Papa Francisco, têm o dever de zelar pela vida e a missão da Igreja.
Convido a rezar pelo bom êxito do Sínodo para a grande Amazônia e a acompanhar as reflexões eclesiais que serão feitas, em vista de um discernimento sereno sobre a vida e a missão da Igreja naquela grande e importante Região da América do Sul. A reflexão diz respeito: a) à presença e ao desempenho ainda insuficiente da própria Igreja na Amazônia; b) ao homem amazônico, indígena, mestiço, ribeirinho e urbano e sua situação naquela Região; c) ao ambiente (“casa comum”) da Amazônia, ameaçado por diversos fatores e agentes, e em relação ao qual a Igreja também tem a missão de anunciar a Boa Nova da salvação.
Cardeal Odilo Pedro Scherer
Arcebispo Metropolitano de São Paulo

mercoledì 25 settembre 2019


Les psychologues de l’enseignement catholique, réunis à Lyon (69) pour leur session annuelle, du 18 au 20 septembre 2019, ont suivi une formation certifiante sur la souffrance scolaire pour étoffer le panel d’outils à leur disposition.
Penser autrement les situations de souffrance scolaire. 
C’est la proposition faite par l’Association nationale des psychologues de l’enseignement catholique (Anpec), lors de sa session de formation annuelle qui s’est tenue à Lyon (69) du 18 au 20 septembre 2019. Dans un format resserré – trois jours au lieu de quatre –, l’Anpec a privilégié une formation certifiante en prise directe avec les interventions de terrain où une seule intervenante conduit les travaux et délivre une attestation à leur issue. Marie Quartier, psychopraticienne spécialiste du harcèlement scolaire a animé la session, en proposant une approche systémique inspirée de l’école de Palo Alto qui alternait apports théoriques et analyses d’entretiens filmés. Les participants ont pu ainsi explorer différents moyens d’agir sur l’environnement global (familial et scolaire) de jeunes reçus en entretiens individuels.
Parmi les stratégies évoquées, la manière de « faire alliance » avec des élèves porteurs de symptômes (décrocheurs, phobiques…), adressés par leurs enseignants ou leurs parents, sans qu’ils ne soient eux-mêmes en demande d’aide ou de changement. « La souffrance scolaire nécessite la reconnaissance d’une part de violence institutionnelle. Cela impose au thérapeute, comme aux enseignants, d’oser aller au-delà de la bienveillance », a insisté la formatrice. Des propos qui ont invité l’assistance à réfléchir à la juste distance au patient, dans le cadre d’un travail nécessairement partenarial.
Pour Marie-Agnès Brethé, présidente de l’Anpec, « il s’agit de prendre du recul et d’étoffer notre boîte à outils pour nous adapter à la diversité des contextes. Nous sommes de plus en plus sollicités sur des questions de bien-être et de mal-être à l’école, pour les élèves comme pour les équipes ».
Les membres de l’Anpec poursuivront leur réflexion, le 20 novembre prochain à Paris, lors d’un colloque qui interrogera leur rôle auprès des élèves, à la fois dans leur construction et l’élaboration du lien à l’autre.

lunedì 23 settembre 2019


Nos activités en faveur du JIP 2019, ont commencé de puis le 18 sept.
-18 sept : plantation des arbres dans les écoles, ( arbres symbole de la paix et protection de l'environnement)
- 19 au 20 sept.: Atelier de Formation des volontaires de la paix.
Et aujourd'hui, le 21 sept., Nous clôturons par le remise des attestations, remise des attestations de participation aux Volontaires de la paix 2019, lecture du discours du SG des Nations Unies à cette occasion JIP 2019, et en fin, la prière pour paix par l aumônier des jeunes de l archidiocèse de Douala.
Lieu : Paroisse, St Paul de nylon , après terminus st Michel.
Nous en profiterons pour parler de la caravane pour la paix .
Merci d être avec NOUS.

venerdì 20 settembre 2019

TRISOMIE 21 - Selektion von lebensunwertem“ und „lebenswertem“ Leben. - Selection of "unworthy" and "liveable" life.

Sinnentstellte Krankenkassenleistung

 Was ist Sinn und Zweck einer Krankenkassenleistung?
Mit ihr wird die finanzielle Grundlage geschaffen, dass eine Krankheit diagnostiziert, therapiert und geheilt wird.
Beim Bluttest auf Trisomie 21 wird untersucht, mit welcher Wahrscheinlichkeit ein im Mutterleib heranwachsender Mensch mit dem Down-Syndrom geboren wird.
Eine Heilung ist hier aber gar nicht möglich – schließlich geht es nicht um eine Krankheit. Es gibt in diesem Fall also keinen therapeutischen Ansatz, sondern nur den Ansatz der Selektion von  lebensunwertem“ und „lebenswertem“ Leben.
Das ändert sich auch nicht, wenn dieser Test als Kassenleistung auf bestimmte Fälle begrenzt wird.
Je nach Entscheidung der Eltern bedeutet die Diagnose „Trisomie 21“ Tod oder Leben für das heranwachsende Kind im Mutterleib.

Damit hat der Gemeinsame Bundesausschuss (G-BA) von Ärzten, Kliniken und Kassen mit der gestrigen Entscheidung eine neue Ära für den Begriff „Kassenleistung“ eingeläutet –
und es bleibt abzuwarten, welche medizinischen Selektionsinstrumente zukünftig noch folgen werden, um die Gesellschaft von unerwünschter Vielfalt zu „befreien“.

VkdL - Verband katholischer deutscher Lehrerinnen e.V.


VATICAN CITY (Reuters) - Pope Francis challenged governments on Sunday to take “drastic measures” to combat global warming and reduce the use of fossil fuels, saying the world was experiencing a climate emergency.

Francis issued his appeal, a written message for Sunday’s World Day of Prayer for the Care of Creation, ahead of the United Nations Climate Action Summit this month in New York, a follow up to the 2016 Paris Agreement to curb global warming.
Calling the U.N. summit “of particular importance,” he added:
“There, governments will have the responsibility of showing the political will to take drastic measures to achieve as quickly as possible zero net greenhouse gas emissions and to limit the average increase in global temperature to 1.5 degrees Celsius with respect to pre-industrial levels, in accordance with the Paris Agreement goals.”
Francis has made many calls for environmental protection and has clashed over climate change with skeptics leaders such as U.S. President Donald Trump, who has taken the United States out of the Paris accord.
“We have caused a climate emergency that gravely threatens nature and life itself, including our own,” the leader of the world’s 1.3 billon Roman Catholics said in the message for the prayer day, which is marked by various Christian Churches.
“Our prayers and appeals are directed first at raising the awareness of political and civil leaders,” he said, adding that governments should “renew commitments decisive for directing the planet towards life, not death”.
He listed constant pollution, continued use of fossil fuels, intensive agricultural exploitation and deforestation as being among the man-made causes of global warming and said the Amazon, where fires are raging, is “gravely threatened”.
“Now is the time to abandon our dependence on fossil fuels and move, quickly and decisively, towards forms of clean energy and a sustainable and circular economy,” he said.
Other phenomena, such as the melting of glaciers and the presence of plastic and microplastics in the oceans “testify to the urgent need for interventions that can no longer be postponed,” he said.
“Egoism and self-interest have turned creation, a place of encounter and sharing, into an arena of competition and conflict,” he said.
Francis, who wrote an encyclical in 2015 on environmental protection, said now was the time for people to reflect on their lifestyles, urging them not to make “thoughtless and harmful” decisions” on food, consumption and transportation.
“Too many of us act like tyrants with regard to creation,” he said.
Protection of the environment is expected to be a main these of the pope’s trip to Africa, which starts on Wednesday.
Reporting By Philip Pullella. Editing by Jane Merriman

mercoledì 18 settembre 2019

CLIMATE ACTION WEEK - 20-27 september

“Global Week of Climate Action: 

Count us in!”

by Susan Hopgood.

Strongest hurricane in recorded history, hottest summer, unprecedented mass bleaching of the coral reef… we have grown accustomed to deal in superlatives. Since 1970, the number of natural disasters worldwide has more than quadrupled to around 400 a year. Scientists have warned us about the extreme weather phenomena climate change causes, but we have become desensitised, numb to the impending disaster.
If we do not change course, it is estimated that 122 million people will be driven into poverty by 2030. By 2050, some 200 million people worldwide will be driven from their homes by climate change. But there is also hope, as our students in particular demonstrate the leadership that too many world leaders are refusing to show.
This is not a one-country problem. We see worrying changes all over the world. In my native Australia, the weather has become a procession of extremes and records. We experienced temperatures over 48 degrees last summer – that’s 120 degrees Fahrenheit. The Great Barrier Reef, one of the natural wonders of the world, suffered unparalleled destruction in 2016 and 2017. This resource is critical to ocean life and food production and now there are serious concerns about saving the reef at all.
Politicians have failed. In the face of this greatest crisis of our times, our leaders have utterly disappointed. In Australia, emissions from fossil fuels and industry are increasing rather than the 15–17 percent decrease required to meet our global commitments; in the United States, the Trump administration has withdrawn completely from the Paris Agreement; in Brazil, the Bolsonaro administration rolled back environmental protections and passively watched as the number of illegal fires in the Amazon rainforest grew by more than 80 percent in just one year. All for profit.
The short-sightedness, the inaction of politicians and governments in the face of profiteering is not neutral. It is deliberate. It is reckless, especially by high-income countries like my own. Their failure and thus their complicity are our responsibility and our challenge.
But our young people are rising to this challenge; the generation whose futures politicians refuse to think about. They paid attention to the science, recognised the danger and came up with the Fridays for Future movement. They mobilised, organised, persisted. They are leading the way, pushing politicians to stop prioritising profit over people.
Greta Thunberg, the climate activist and student from Sweden, who took her own stand and is now a leader of the student movement, challenged us all, and our politicians in particular, when she recently said: “Hope is something you need to deserve… If we decided today that we were going to go through with combating climate change, then we definitely could do that. But only if we choose to and if we take the measures required.”
In March, an estimated 1.4 million people in 120 countries, most of them teenage students, participated in a global strike demanding politicians take action against climate change. In May, a Global Climate Strike involved more than a million people in more than 1,600 cities, again, a significant number being students.
For the next seven days, the movement will mobilise all over the world for the Global Week of Climate Action. With the United Nations Climate Summit taking place on the 23rd of September, it is crucial that politicians feel the pressure, the voices that will not be ignored or silenced, the will that refuses to bend to short-sighted commercial and political interests.
As educators, we could not be prouder of our students for their civic mobilisation, the solidarity and maturity they have demonstrated, the example they have set for all of us. We cannot leave them alone in this battle. We must add our voices and make politicians listen and put people and the planet before profit.
The fight begins in the classroom. At Education International’s World Congress in July, representatives of 32 million educators made combating climate change one of our top priorities. Delegates passed resolutions reaffirming the essential role of education in bringing about a just transition to a more sustainable world and calling for more international cooperation in terms of climate research and technologies.
We agreed that education plays a key role in the much-needed individual and collective changes to our attitudes, behaviour and lifestyles. Education can help people to understand, respond, adapt and reduce their vulnerability to environmental problems.
We pledged to make classrooms across the world free of climate change denial, to push for upgrading our education systems in order to encourage more sustainable lifestyles and to ensure that our students have the skills they need so that a just transition to a greener economy is possible.
We promised to “stand in full solidarity with all students striking or protesting against climate change” and to “oppose any reprisals against students taking action to fight climate change”. Because we believe that the rights to strike and protest are fundamental democratic rights for students and workers alike, we called on schools not to take action against students standing up for the planet and their future.
Our students can also count on us for this Global Week of Climate Action. Whether they will join the protests in the streets or stop work in solidarity, lobby their government or discuss the issue in class, I know many of my colleagues will be showing their support.
This week I will go to the United Nations in New York to declare a climate emergency in education. There is no time to lose. Schools urgently need to become sites of climate action. This means updating our curriculum to address all aspects of climate science and sustainability across subjects. It means providing all educators with training and continuous professional development to be able to present the facts and push back against anti-scientific attacks. It means implementing sustainable practices within schools themselves. And it means convincing governments of the imperative to provide adequate resources for this systemic change.
It is our responsibility as educators to prepare our students for the world. It is our responsibility as educators to convey the truths of climate change and to call out the lies. Let’s build on the formidable momentum young people have created and help them take it further.