mercoledì 22 febbraio 2023


 Vivre le Carême 

avec les catéchumènes

FR - EN - ES 

Message de Carême 2023

L’année liturgique en cours, l’année A, permet d’entendre les passages d’évangile choisis dès les premiers temps de l’Eglise pour accompagner les catéchumènes vers le baptême dans la nuit de Pâques. Lors des deux premiers dimanches du Carême, sont proclamés les récits de la Tentation et de la Transfiguration selon l’évangile de Saint Matthieu. A partir du 3 ème dimanche sont prévus les passages d’évangile en Saint Jean, ceux de la rencontre de Jésus avec la samaritaine, de la guérison de l’aveugle-né et de la résurrection de Lazare. En méditant ces évangiles, nous pourrons vivre le Carême en lien avec les catéchumènes du monde entier, sans oublier ceux qui demeurent dansla clandestinité là où la conversion au Christ est objet de persécution.

Les rites du catéchuménat pour disposer les cœurs à l’action de l’Esprit-Saint.

Lors du rite de l’appel décisif au début du Carême, les catéchumènes manifestent publiquement leur désir de devenir chrétiens et de se préparer avec ferveur aux sacrements de l’initiation. Dans la suite, sont prévus pour eux plusieurs autres rites : les scrutins les 3 ème , 4 ème et 5 ème dimanche, mais aussi les traditions du Symbole de la foi et de l’oraison dominicale, la reddition du Symbole de la foi et l’Effétah. Ces rites devraient également nourrir la prière de chaque chrétien pour lui permettre de redécouvrir le cœur de sa vie chrétienne à savoir sa dignité de fils de Dieu et sa participation à la vie divine, malgré les tentations et les épreuves.

Des points d’appui pour vivre et aimer à la suite du Christ Le Carême est un moment privilégié où nous cherchons à témoigner de notre attachement au Christ dans l’attention à notre prochain, particulièrement aux personnes en situation de précarité. La mission de baptisé que ce soit celle de l’annonce de l’Evangile, de la prière ou du service du prochain tire son dynamisme de la joie d’être au Christ et de vivre de sa vie. Dans cette perspective, le Carême nous offre l’occasion de cultiver le goût de la prière personnelle et en famille, mais aussi de favoriser les lieux d’écoute de la Parole de Dieu et d’approfondissement de la foi.

Si la ferveur des catéchumènes réveille la foi des baptisés et si la fidélité et la prière des baptisés soutiennent l’ultime préparation des catéchumènes aux sacrements de l’initiation, alors le temps du Carême sera un réel renouvellement de la vie et de la mission de l’Eglise là où nous sommes engagés. Que la foi au Christ mort et ressuscité, nous presse !

 +Vincent DOLLMANN, Archevêque de Cambrai, AE UMEC-WUCT


Living Lent with the catechumens

Lenten Message 2023

The current liturgical year, Year A, allows us to hear the Gospel passages chosen from the earliest times of the Church to accompany the catechumens towards baptism on Easter night. On the first two Sundays of Lent, the stories of the Temptation and the Transfiguration according to the Gospel of Saint Matthew are proclaimed. From the third Sunday onwards, the gospel passages in St John, those of Jesus' encounter with the Samaritan woman, the healing of the blind man and the resurrection of Lazarus, are proclaimed.

of Lazarus. By meditating on these gospels, we can live Lent in connection with catechumens throughout the world, not forgetting those who remain in hiding where conversion to Christ is subject to persecution.

The rites of the catechumenate to prepare hearts for the action of the Holy Spirit.

During the rite of the decisive call at the beginning of Lent, the catechumens publicly manifest their desire to become Christians and to prepare themselves with fervour for the sacraments of initiation. Several other rites are then planned for them: the scrutinies on the 3rd, 4th and 5th Sundays, but also the traditions of the Symbol of Faith and the Sunday prayer, the rededication of the Symbol of Faith and the Effetah. These rites should also nourish the prayer of each Christian to enable him or her to rediscover the heart of his or her Christian life, namely his or her dignity as a son of God and his or her participation in the divine life, despite temptations and trials.

Lent is a privileged time when we seek to bear witness to our attachment to Christ by caring for our neighbours, especially those in precarious situations. The mission of the baptized, whether it be the proclamation of the Gospel, prayer or service to our neighbour, draws its dynamism from the joy of being in Christ and of living his life. In this perspective, Lent offers us the opportunity to cultivate a taste for personal and family prayer, but also to encourage places for listening to the Word of God and deepening our faith.

If the fervour of the catechumens awakens the faith of the baptized and if the faithfulness and prayer of the baptized support the final preparation of the catechumens for the sacraments of initiation, then the season of Lent will be a real renewal of the life and mission of the Church where we are committed. May faith in the dead and risen Christ urge us on!

  +Vincent DOLLMANN, Archbishop of Cambrai, AE UMEC-WUCT


Vivir la Cuaresma con los catecúmenos

Mensaje de Cuaresma 2023

El año litúrgico actual, Año A, nos permite escuchar los pasajes del Evangelio elegidos desde los primeros tiempos de la Iglesia para acompañar a los catecúmenos hacia el bautismo en la noche de Pascua. Los dos primeros domingos de Cuaresma, se proclaman los relatos de la Tentación y la Transfiguración según el Evangelio de san Mateo. A partir del tercer domingo, se proclaman los pasajes evangélicos de San Juan, los del encuentro de Jesús con la Samaritana, la curación del ciego y la resurrección de Lázaro.

de Lázaro. Meditando estos evangelios, podemos vivir la Cuaresma en relación con los catecúmenos de todo el mundo, sin olvidar a los que permanecen en la clandestinidad, donde la conversión a Cristo es objeto de persecución.

Los ritos del catecumenado para preparar los corazones a la acción del Espíritu Santo.

Durante el rito de la llamada decisiva, al comienzo de la Cuaresma, los catecúmenos manifiestan públicamente su deseo de hacerse cristianos y de prepararse con fervor a los sacramentos de la iniciación. A continuación, se prevén otros ritos para ellos: los escrutinios de los domingos 3º, 4º y 5º, pero también las tradiciones del Símbolo de la fe y de la oración dominical, la rededicación del Símbolo de la fe y de la Effetah. Estos ritos deben alimentar también la oración de cada cristiano para permitirle redescubrir el corazón de su vida cristiana, es decir, su dignidad de hijo de Dios y su participación en la vida divina, a pesar de las tentaciones y las pruebas.

La Cuaresma es un tiempo privilegiado en el que tratamos de dar testimonio de nuestra adhesión a Cristo ocupándonos de nuestro prójimo, especialmente de los que se encuentran en situaciones precarias. La misión de los bautizados, ya sea el anuncio del Evangelio, la oración o el servicio al prójimo, saca su dinamismo de la alegría de estar en Cristo y de vivir su vida. En esta perspectiva, la Cuaresma nos ofrece la oportunidad de cultivar el gusto por la oración personal y familiar, pero también de propiciar lugares de escucha de la Palabra de Dios y de profundización de nuestra fe.

Si el fervor de los catecúmenos despierta la fe de los bautizados y si la fidelidad y la oración de los bautizados apoyan la preparación final de los catecúmenos a los sacramentos de la iniciación, entonces el tiempo de Cuaresma será una verdadera renovación de la vida y de la misión de la Iglesia en la que estamos comprometidos. ¡Que la fe en Cristo muerto y resucitado nos impulse!

  +Vincent DOLLMANN, Arzobispo de Cambrai, AE UMEC-WUCT



sabato 18 febbraio 2023


 A shared responsibility 

that stems 

from Baptism

 Prefect Farrell's keynote address at the opening of the Conference for Presidents and Representatives of Episcopal Commissions for the Laity

 Starting from Feb. 16 until Saturday, Feb. 18, the International Conference "Pastors and Lay Faithful Called to Go Forward Together," organized by the Dicastery for Laity, Family and Life, will being held in the New Synod Hall in the Vatican, with the participation of more than 200 pastors and lay people from episcopal commissions for the laity and delegates from international Associations of the Faithful.

Raising awareness of both pastors and laity, on the sense of co-responsibility that stems from Baptism

In his opening remarks, Cardinal Kevin Farrell, Prefect of the Dicastery, explained the purpose of the Conference: " to raise awareness among pastors and laity alike of the significance of the co-responsibility that stems from Baptism and that unites us all. We see the need for adequate training -- for pastors and for laity -- so that this shared responsibility is actually practised".

The viewpoint, he added, is that of an "integrated pastoral care" and of "positive collaboration and shared responsibility within the Church, in all the areas that lie within our competence: in the area of family pastoral care, in the area of youth pastoral care, and, more generally, as this conference proposes to do, in reference to the lay faithful."

According to the Prefect, fundamentally, “there is a need to go beyond the approach of ‘delegation’ or that of ‘substitution’ where the laity are ‘delegated’ by the pastors for some sporadic service, or the laity ‘substitute’ for clerics in some functions, yet they are working in isolation. All of this seems to be somewhat reductive”.

The Conference, entitled "Pastors and lay faithful called to go forward together," is rooted in the Dicastery's November 2019 Plenary Assembly: in those days, the Cardinal explained, "we felt a renewed call from the Lord to “go forward together” in taking responsibility in serving the Christian community.  Each of us does so according to our individual vocation. We do not adopt an attitude of superiority, but rather we pool our energies as we share the mission of proclaiming the Gospel to the men and women of our time".

The Conference within the context of the Church's synodal journey

Reinforcing the aim is the Synodal journey, which has since begun, that places the Conference against the backdrop of the whole Church's commitment to "go forward together." The Church, he continued, is a ‘community subject’ that knows it has the same spirit, the same feeling, the same faith and the same mission and therefore constitutes a true unitary body. In this sense it is not a federation. But in this single ‘subject’, individual personalities are not annulled. On the contrary, everyone in the Church must be an active ‘subject’: all are called to bring their original contribution to the life and mission of the Church, and all are called to think for themselves and make use of their respective charisms. When we emphasise that the Church is a ‘community subject’ and a community of ‘active subjects’, this leads us precisely to recognition of the ‘sense of being Church’ of all the lay faithful with their uniqueness and their charisms”.

Practical guidelines for being multipliers in local situations

Some excerpts from Lumen Gentium, were quoted and that already included “a whole programme of instruction for pastors in relation to the laity. It also gives some very important practical suggestions”. Then the Prefect underlined the fact “that there are many areas in which the laity are often more competent than priests and consecrated persons” and that “the presence and action of the lay faithful is also of great benefit in the Church in more properly ‘ecclesial’ activities such as evangelisation and charitable work”. This is because “in these contexts, too, people frequently show great zeal and resourcefulness. They have the courage to explore new avenues and to try new methods of outreach, often in places where there is a shortage of clergy or in places where people are accustomed to more traditional and less ‘inconvenient’ methodologies and practices”.

Our wish is that these two days of listening, dialogue and exchange will bring great enrichment and that they will help everyone to become multipliers, to promote in their local situations the common participation of the entire People of God in the life and mission of the Church.







Ascèse de Carême, itinéraire synodal



Ascesis cuaresmal, un camino sinodal


 Dear brothers and sisters!

The Gospels of Matthew, Mark and Luke all recount the episode of the Transfiguration of Jesus. There we see the Lord’s response to the failure of his disciples to understand him. Shortly before, there had been a real clash between the Master and Simon Peter, who, after professing his faith in Jesus as the Christ, the Son of God, rejected his prediction of the passion and the cross. Jesus had firmly rebuked him: “Get behind me, Satan! You are a scandal to me, because you do not think according to God, but according to men!” (Mt 16:23). Following this, “six days later, Jesus took with him Peter, James and John his brother and led them away to a high mountain” (Mt 17:1).

The Gospel of the Transfiguration is proclaimed every year on the Second Sunday of Lent. During this liturgical season, the Lord takes us with him to a place apart. While our ordinary commitments compel us to remain in our usual places and our often repetitive and sometimes boring routines, during Lent we are invited to ascend “a high mountain” in the company of Jesus and to live a particular experience of spiritual discipline – ascesis – as God’s holy people. ……..

 AR  - DE  - EN  - ES  - FR  - IT  - PL  - PT 



mercoledì 15 febbraio 2023


 New practical guide integrates science with messages from Pope Francis to promote action for a sustainable future.

 A booklet and website co-created by the Stockholm Environment Institute (SEI) and the Vatican's Dicastery for Promoting Integral Human Development provide succinct, easy-to-grasp explanations of urgent environmental issues, combined with messages from Pope Francis’s 2015 Encyclical on the care for our Common Home, Laudato si’, showing how individuals and communities can make a difference by offering multiple ways to take action.

The guide is the product of a collaboration initiated in 2020 by the Swedish Ambassador to the Holy See. SEI and the Dicastery worked closely together, with SEI contributing its scientific and communications expertise, while the Dicastery grounded the messages in the Catholic faith, meant for individuals, faith-based groups and communities.

The booklet covers key topics to spotlight – climate change, biodiversity, water, food production, air pollution, sustainable consumption, and links between sustainability and social justice. “We are at a critical historical moment where actions today will determine the fate of generations to come,” said Cardinal Michael Czerny, Prefect of the Dicastery for Promoting Integral Human Development. “The challenge ahead is monumental; we need nothing short of a ‘bold cultural revolution’ (Laudato si’ 114) to respond to it adequately. For this reason, the guidebook we offer today to local churches and community groups represents an important and hopeful collaboration between two great sectors: that of science, and that of faith. While starting from complementary worldviews, what we hold in common is what matters – science and faith share core values and purpose capable of healing the world.”

This is SEI’s first-ever collaboration with the Vatican, but Executive Director Måns Nilsson said the project fits well with SEI’s mission to bridge science and policy to advance sustainability. “In all we do at SEI, we have a dual mission to produce robust, trustworthy science, and communicate the results so they are clear, compelling and actionable,” he said. “Robust evidence is as crucial as ever, but what drives people’s actions is their values, and their sense of their place in the world. By combining our organizations’ respective strengths, we have produced a booklet that I believe will be very compelling and useful to readers.

At a time when many people feel hopeless, like they can’t possibly make a difference, this guide shows they can – both individually, and by advocating collectively for systemic change.” The guide, released today at a virtual event, is available in English, French, Italian, Portuguese and Spanish, as a 20-page printed booklet, and online at and at In both formats, it combines beautiful photography and graphics with succinct summaries of the science on each topic, a clear outline of what needs to change, and ways to take action. Quotations from Laudato si’ introduce each section, and the Pope’s “prayer for our earth” from the Encyclical accompanies the conclusion. The Dicastery is ready to distribute more than 500 000 print copies of the booklet to parishes around the world, and SEI and the Dicastery will work together to promote the project online and highlight the changes that it inspires.

A key tool in this regard will be the Laudato Si’ Action Platform, an online hub run by the Dicastery that brings together Catholics who have mobilized to tackle ecological challenges, in line with the Pope’s call to action. “The value of collaborating with the Holy See on global issues is, I believe, sometimes overlooked, especially in the non-Catholic world”, said Andrés Jato, Sweden’s current Ambassador to the Holy See. “This project however clearly illustrates the importance to engage with an actor that has an unprecedented ability to connect to people’s hearts and minds and that has a global infrastructure that allows it to reach out to every corner in the world. The Holy See is a force for positive change, in a stage of history when change is needed more than ever. Sweden is proud to have taken an active part in this collaboration and we will continue to look for opportunities to cooperate with the Holy See”. Watch a recording of the launch event. Read more about the project Explore the online version of the guide (PDF downloads also available in 5 languages) on and



Booklet - EN

Booklet - IT

Booklet - ES

Booklet - FR

Booklet - PT

Press release - EN

Speech - Cardinal Czerny

Speech - John Mundell



martedì 14 febbraio 2023


Valentine’s Day, a time to show love, is a welcome celebration for today’s world, which is so lacking in compassion and selfless love, according to Bishop Emmanuel Adetoyese Badejo of the Diocese of Oyo, in Nigeria.

 - Bishop Emmanuel Adetoyese Badejo - Diocese of Oyo, Nigeria.

Saint Valentine, with whom the celebration is associated, lived a life of selfless and sacrificial love beyond flowers, material gifts, kisses and sex.

 Love keeps the world sane

All who celebrate Valentine’s Day should really become agents of authentic, life-giving love in all forms. If Valentine's Day is about showing and spreading true love, then we all need it. Children, youth, adults, the elderly, the dying and even the dead all need love. No matter who we are, Bishops, priests, pastors, politicians, people in business, civil servants, traders, entertainers, athletes and artisans, young or old, we all need love to remain sane and make everyday life meaningful.

I have not found a better description of love than what Saint Paul wrote in the Bible, in his letter to the Corinthians: “Love is always patient and kind; love is never jealous; love is not boastful or conceited, it is never rude and never seeks its own advantage, it does not take offence or store up grievances. Love does not rejoice at wrongdoing but finds its joy in truth. It is always ready to make allowances, to trust, to hope and to endure whatever comes. Love never ends” (1 Cor. 13: 4-8).

The healing power of love

That kind of Valentine love is needed in the world today. We need it in our homes; we need it in our churches, mosques and shrines. We need it in our schools; we need it in our streets. We need authentic agents of love in our markets, and we need them in our parks. We need them in our filling stations, businesses, and playgrounds. We need them in our banks where people now suffer for no fault of theirs. We need authentic love in every heart so that our country and world can heal from all our hurts and be sane again.

Paul also said: “If I am without love, I am nothing” (1 Cor 13: 2). Can we ourselves achieve anything worthwhile and enduring without love? I doubt that we can. This is why I call on everybody to welcome and celebrate Valentine's true authentic love that is selfless, forgiving, empowering, affirming and life-giving.

Celebrate love every day of the year

Valentine is not just about lovers hanging out in pairs. Valentine is also parents who selflessly care for their children with love. Valentine is celebrated in soldiers and security agents who lay down their life to protect others and their nation. It is Valentine when civil servants serve the public with a genuine sense of duty. Yes, it is Valentine when politicians work to address the true needs of the citizens under their care. Authentic Valentines make a difference in homes, families and in society.

We thus need to celebrate such Valentine Days not only in February but every day of the year to help remake a more just, compassionate, and more loving world. That manner of love will conquer all our greed, selfishness, wickedness, hate, and such love never ends!

So, get right ahead, celebrate a good Valentine’s Day and light up the world, for God is love!


Vatican News




Ready to learn and thrive: New global report on school health and nutrition

Good health and nutrition are foundations for learning and a crucial investment for more sustainable, inclusive and peaceful futures – they can improve education outcomes, empower learners to thrive and promote inclusion and equity in education and health. UNESCO together with partners released last week a new global report on school health and nutrition around the world entitled ‘Ready to learn and thrive’. For an introduction to the report and the importance of school health and nutrition, see this webpage.

Prêt à apprendre et à s'épanouir : nouveau rapport mondial sur la santé et la nutrition à l'école

Une bonne santé et une bonne nutrition sont les fondements de l'apprentissage et un investissement crucial pour un avenir plus durable, inclusif et pacifique - ils peuvent améliorer les résultats scolaires, donner aux apprenants les moyens de s'épanouir et promouvoir l'inclusion et l'équité dans l'éducation et la santé. L'UNESCO et ses partenaires ont publié la semaine dernière un nouveau rapport mondial sur la santé et la nutrition scolaires dans le monde intitulé « Prêts à apprendre et à prospérer ». Pour une introduction au rapport et à l'importance de la santé et de la nutrition à l'école, consultez cette page Web.

 Listos para aprender y prosperar: Nuevo informe mundial sobre salud y nutrición escolar

La buena salud y la nutrición son la base para el aprendizaje y una inversión crucial para futuros más sostenibles, inclusivos y pacíficos: pueden mejorar los resultados educativos, empoderar a los estudiantes para prosperar y promover la inclusión y la equidad en la educación y la salud. La UNESCO, junto con sus socios, publicó la semana pasada un nuevo informe global sobre salud y nutrición escolar en el mundo titulado "Listos para aprender y prosperar". Para obtener una introducción al informe y la importancia de la salud y la nutrición escolar, consulte esta página web.

mercoledì 8 febbraio 2023


I S S U E 1 2 • F E B R U A R Y 2 0 2 3
European Committee for Catholic Education

FR - EN 

 Chers amis,

Une année qui commence est une page blanche qui s’ouvre. À nous d’écrire l’histoire que nous allons vivre ensemble. Dans cette histoire, la place de chacun est essentielle et la qualité des relations entre nous est déterminante. Cette année sera certainement marquée par l’inquiétude et l’incertitude. Dans ce contexte, sachons rester accueillants les uns aux autres et garder un regard positif et bienveillant sur nos élèves et sur toutes les personnes qui œuvrent dans nos établissements.

Au cours de cette année, le CEEC aura à poursuivre plusieurs projets. Nous aurons le plaisir de nous retrouver à l’occasion de nos assemblées générales et de développer les relations entre nous. Nous allons persévérer à déposer une candidature à un dispositif Erasmus. Nous allons également renforcer nos relations avec nos partenaires tant dans les milieux ecclésiaux que dans les milieux institutionnels et politiques.

Dans cette Newsletter, vous allez découvrir des initiatives issues de différents pays d’Europe et du monde ainsi que des nouvelles de nos différents partenaires. Restons particulièrement attentifs à ce que vivent nos amis en Ukraine et dans les pays en souffrance.

Enfin, je tiens à saluer l’élection d’Hervé Lecomte en tant que Secrétaire général de l’OIEC. Il prend la suite de Philippe Richard que nous remercions pour son dévouement absolu au service de l’Enseignement catholique mondial. Ensemble, et chacun à notre niveau, nous allons poursuivre les collaborations nécessaires à la promotion d’une anthropologie chrétienne de l’éducation.

Louis-Marie Piron, Secrétaire général


 Dear friends,

A new year is a blank page. It is up to us to write the tale that we will live together. In this story, the place of each of us is essential and the quality of the relationships between us is decisive. This year will certainly be marked by anxiety and uncertainty. In this context, let us remain welcoming to each other and keep a positive and benevolent outlook on our pupils and on all the people who work in our schools.

During the course of this year, the CEEC will be pursuing several projects. We will be pleased to meet again at our General Assemblies and to build relationships with each other. We will continue to apply for an Erasmus grant.

We will also strengthen our relationships with our partners both in the church and in institutional and political spheres.

In this newsletter, you will discover initiatives from different countries in Europe and the world as well as news from our different partners. Let us remain particularly attentive to what our friends in Ukraine and in the suffering, countries are experiencing.

Finally, I would like to welcome the election of Hervé Lecomte as Secretary General of the OIEC. He succeeds Philippe Richard, whom we thank for his absolute dedication to the service of Catholic education worldwide. Together, and at our own level, we will continue to work together to promote a Christian anthropology of education.

 Louis-Marie Piron






La pierre miraculeuse 

Dans un village, une femme a été surprise de trouver sur le pas de sa porte un étranger plutôt bien habillé qui lui a demandé quelque chose à manger. 

"Je suis désolée", a-t-elle répondu, "je n'ai rien à la maison pour le moment". "Ne vous inquiétez pas", répondit amicalement l'étranger. 

" J'ai dans ma sacoche une pierre à soupe ; si vous me donnez la permission de la mettre dans une casserole d'eau bouillante, je ferai la plus délicieuse soupe du monde. 

J'ai besoin d'un très grand pot, s'il vous plaît". La femme était intriguée. 

Elle mit la marmite sur le feu et alla confier le secret de la pierre à soupe à un voisin.

Lorsque l'eau commença à bouillir, tous les voisins étaient là, venus voir l'étranger et sa pierre. 

Il place la pierre dans l'eau, puis en goûte une cuillerée et s'exclame béatement : "Ah, comme c'est délicieux ! Il ne manque que des pommes de terre". 

"J'ai des pommes de terre dans la cuisine", s'exclame une femme. 

Quelques minutes plus tard, elle était de retour avec une grande quantité de pommes de terre coupées en tranches, qui ont été jetées dans la marmite. 

Puis l'étranger goûta à nouveau le bouillon. Excellent, a-t-il crié. Mais il a ensuite ajouté avec nostalgie : "Si seulement nous avions de la viande, cela ferait un délicieux ragoût". Une autre ménagère a couru à la maison pour aller chercher de la viande, que l'homme a acceptée gracieusement et jetée dans la marmite. Au goût suivant, il a roulé les yeux et a dit : "Ah, il manque juste un peu de légumes et ce serait parfait, vraiment parfait !". Un des voisins a couru chez lui et est revenu avec un panier rempli de carottes et d'oignons.

Après les avoir ajoutés à la soupe, l'étranger goûta le mélange et déclara d'un ton impérieux : "Sel et sauce". "Les voilà", dit l'hôtesse. Puis une autre commande : "Des bols pour tout le monde". Les gens ont couru chez eux pour aller chercher les bols. 

Quelqu'un a également apporté du pain et des fruits. Puis ils se sont tous assis à table, tandis que l'étranger distribuait de grandes portions de son incroyable soupe. 

Tout le monde a ressenti un étrange bonheur, a ri, a discuté et a apprécié son premier vrai repas ensemble. 

Au milieu de la liesse générale, l'étranger s'éclipsa discrètement, laissant la pierre miraculeuse afin qu'ils puissent l'utiliser autant de fois qu'ils le souhaitent pour préparer la meilleure soupe du monde.

G. I. Gurdjieff


 The Miraculous Stone

 In a village, a woman was surprised to find a rather well-dressed stranger on her doorstep who asked her for something to eat.

"I'm sorry," she replied, "I don't have anything at home at the moment." "Don't worry," replied the stranger amiably.

"I have in my saddlebag a soup stone; if you will give me permission to put it in a pot of boiling water, I will make the most delicious soup in the world.

I need a very large pot, please'. The woman was intrigued.

She put the pot on the fire and went to confide the secret of the soup stone to a neighbour.

When the water began to boil, all the neighbours were there, having come to see the stranger and his stone.

He placed the stone in the water, then tasted a spoonful and blissfully exclaimed: 'Ah, how delicious! All that's missing are some potatoes".

"I have potatoes in the kitchen," exclaimed a woman.

A few minutes later she was back with a large quantity of sliced potatoes, which were thrown into the pot.

Then the stranger tasted the broth again. 'Excellent,' he shouted. But then he added wistfully: 'If only we had some meat, it would make a delicious stew'. Another housewife ran home to fetch some meat, which the man accepted graciously and threw into the pot. At the next taste, he rolled his eyes and said: "Ah, just a little bit of vegetables is missing and then it would be perfect, really perfect!" One of the neighbours ran home and returned with a basket full of carrots and onions.

After putting these into the soup as well, the stranger tasted the mixture and declared in an imperious tone: "Salt and sauce". "Here they are," said the hostess. Then another order: 'Bowls for everyone'. The people ran home to fetch the bowls.

Someone also brought bread and fruit. Then they all sat down at the table, while the stranger distributed large portions of his incredible soup.

Everyone felt a strange happiness, laughed, chatted and enjoyed their first real meal together.

Amidst the general merriment, the stranger quietly slipped out, leaving the miraculous stone so that they could use it as many times as they wanted to prepare the best soup in the world.

G. I. Gurdjieff


 La piedra milagrosa

 En un pueblo, una mujer se sorprendió al encontrar en la puerta de su casa a un desconocido bastante bien vestido que le pidió algo de comer.

"Lo siento", respondió ella, "no tengo nada en casa en este momento". "No se preocupe", respondió amablemente el desconocido.

"Tengo en mi alforja una piedra para sopa; si me das permiso para ponerla en una olla con agua hirviendo, haré la sopa más deliciosa del mundo.

Necesito una olla muy grande, por favor". La mujer estaba intrigada.

Puso la olla en el fuego y fue a confiar el secreto de la piedra de sopa a una vecina.

Cuando el agua empezó a hervir, todos los vecinos estaban allí, pues habían venido a ver al forastero y su piedra.

Colocó la piedra en el agua, probó una cucharada y exclamó dichoso: "¡Ah, qué rico! Sólo faltan unas patatas".

"Tengo patatas en la cocina", exclamó una mujer.

Unos minutos más tarde regresó con una gran cantidad de patatas cortadas en rodajas, que echaron a la olla.

Entonces el desconocido volvió a probar el caldo. "Excelente", gritó. Pero luego añadió con nostalgia: "Si tuviéramos un poco de carne, sería un guiso delicioso". Otra ama de casa corrió a casa a buscar un poco de carne, que el hombre aceptó amablemente y echó a la olla. A la siguiente cata, puso los ojos en blanco y dijo: "Ah, sólo falta un poco de verdura y entonces sería perfecto, ¡perfecto de verdad!". Uno de los vecinos corrió a casa y volvió con una cesta llena de zanahorias y cebollas.

Tras echarlos también en la sopa, el desconocido probó la mezcla y declaró en tono imperioso: "Sal y salsa". "Aquí están", dijo la anfitriona. Luego otro pedido: "Cuencos para todos". La gente corrió a casa a buscar los cuencos.

Alguien trajo también pan y fruta. Luego se sentaron todos a la mesa, mientras el desconocido repartía grandes porciones de su increíble sopa.

Todos sintieron una extraña felicidad, rieron, charlaron y disfrutaron juntos de su primera comida de verdad.

En medio de la algarabía general, el forastero se escabulló sigilosamente, dejando la piedra milagrosa para que pudieran utilizarla cuantas veces quisieran para preparar la mejor sopa del mundo.

G. I. Gurdjieff



 Il Sasso Miracoloso.

 In un villaggio una donna ebbe la sorpresa di trovare sulla soglia di casa uno straniero piuttosto ben vestito che le chiese qualcosa da mangiare.

«Mi dispiace», ella rispose, «al momento non ho in casa niente». «Non si preoccupi», replicò lo sconosciuto amabilmente.

«Ho nella bisaccia un sasso per minestra; se mi darete il permesso di metterlo in una pentola di acqua bollente, preparerò la zuppa più deliziosa del mondo.

Mi occorre una pentola molto grande, per favore». La donna era incuriosita.

Mise la pentola sul fuoco e andò a confidare il segreto del sasso per minestra a una vicina di casa.

Quando l’acqua cominciò a bollire, c’erano tutti i vicini, accorsi a vedere lo straniero e il suo sasso.

Egli depose il sasso nell’acqua, poi ne assaggiò un cucchiaino ed esclamò con aria beata: «Ah, che delizia! Mancano solo delle patate».

«Io ho delle patate in cucina», esclamò una donna.

Pochi minuti dopo era di ritorno con una grande quantità di patate tagliate a fette, che furono gettate nel pentolone.

Allora lo straniero assaggiò di nuovo il brodo. «Eccellente», gridò. Poi però aggiunse con aria malinconica: «Se solo avessimo un po’ di carne, diventerebbe uno squisito stufato». Un’altra massaia corse a casa per andare a prendere della carne, che l’uomo accettò con garbo e gettò nella pentola. Al nuovo assaggio, egli alzò gli occhi al cielo e disse: «Ah, manca solo un pò di verdura e poi sarebbe perfetto, veramente perfetto!» Una delle vicine corse a casa e tornò con un cesto pieno di carote e cipolle.

Dopo avere messo anche queste nella zuppa, lo straniero assaggiò il miscuglio e dichiarò in tono imperioso: «Sale e salsa». «Eccoli», disse la padrona di casa. Poi un altro ordine: «Scodelle per tutti». La gente corse a casa a prendere le scodelle.

Qualcuno portò anche pane e frutta. Poi si sedettero tutti a tavola, mentre lo straniero distribuiva grosse porzioni della sua incredibile zuppa.

Tutti provavano una strana felicità, ridevano, chiacchieravano e gustavano il loro primo vero pasto in comune.

In mezzo all’allegria generale, lo straniero scivolò fuori silenziosamente, lasciando il sasso miracoloso affinché potessero usarlo tutte le volte che volevano per preparare la minestra più buona del mondo.

G. I. Gurdjieff




domenica 5 febbraio 2023




Info Radar : every other Monday in the afternoon.

The Info Radar is sent to all staff, both at headquarters and in the field. It is shared with Member States. French version of the newsletter here.


Selection of the highlights of the past weeks



24 January

AFGHANISTAN. UNESCO dedicated the International Day of Education to girls' education in Afghanistan at a high-level event at UN Headquarters in New York and called for immediate and non-negotiable access to education and a return to school for all girls and young women in Afghanistan. Watch the press conference by Stefania Giannini, Assistant Director-General for Education, and find all the information on the dedicated website.



24-25 January

UKRAINEThe World Heritage Committee decided to inscribe the historic centre of Odesa on the List of World Heritage in Danger. UNESCO is currently conducting several field missions in Ukraine and has just organized in Warsaw a training workshop for professionals in the fight against illicit trafficking of Ukrainian cultural property (18-20 January).


The sites of the Landmarks of the ancient kingdom of Saba, Marib (Yemen) and the Rachid Karameh International Fair of Tripoli (Lebanon) were also inscribed on the List of Endangered Heritage.



25 January

The celebrations of the International Day of Women in Multilateralism culminated in two key events: 1) Global Dialogue on online gendered disinformation and 2) Intergenerational Dialogue. The results will feed as recommendations into the discussions of the Internet for Trust Conference (21-23 February). All the information on the dedicated website.



In the press:



Major upcoming events



8 February

Former German Chancellor Angela Merkel will receive the Félix Houphouët-Boigny-UNESCO Peace Prize 2022 in recognition of her efforts to welcome refugees during a ceremony in Yamoussoukro (Ivory Coast).



21-23 February

UNESCO is organizing a Global Conference of all Internet stakeholders to define the principles of future regulation of digital platforms, in the respect of the right to information, freedom of expression and other Human Rights. Registration and more information here.



Also to be followed:



Treasure to (re)discover



The "Revive the Spirit of Mosul" initiative and UNESCO's partnership with the European Union are being celebrated in Brussels with a photo exhibition on the fences of the Brussels Park (23 January - 17 February) and a special event at the BOZAR centre (8 February) on the progress made in the reconstruction of Mosul and Basra. More information here.