martedì 22 marzo 2016


Learning of the attacks in Brussels, which have affected many people, His Holiness Pope Francis entrusts to God's mercy those who died and he prays for those who have lost relatives. He expresses his deepest sympathy to the injured and their families, and all those who contribute to relief efforts, asking the Lord to bring them comfort and consolation in this ordeal. The Holy Father again condemns the blind violence which causes so much suffering and imploring from God the gift of peace, he entrusts on the bereaved families and the Belgians the benefit of divine blessings.
Apprenant les attentats survenus à Bruxelles, touchant de nombreuses personnes, Sa Sainteté le Pape François confie à la miséricorde de Dieu les personnes qui ont perdu la vie et il s’associe par la prière à la peine de leurs proches. Il exprime sa profonde sympathie aux blessés et à leurs familles, ainsi qu’à toutes les personnes qui contribuent aux secours, demandant au Seigneur de leur apporter réconfort et consolation dans l’épreuve. Le Saint-Père condamne à nouveau la violence aveugle qui engendre tant de souffrances, et implorant de Dieu le don de la paix, il invoque sur les familles éprouvées et sur les Belges le bienfait des Bénédictions divines.

Learning of the attacks in Brussels, which have affected many people, His Holiness Pope Francis entrusts to God's mercy those who died and he prays for those who have lost relatives. He expresses his deepest sympathy to the injured and their families, and all those who contribute to relief efforts, asking the Lord to bring them comfort and consolation in this ordeal. The Holy Father again condemns the blind violence which causes so much suffering and imploring from God the gift of peace, he entrusts on the bereaved families and the Belgians the benefit of divine blessings. 

Apprenant les attentats survenus à Bruxelles, touchant de nombreuses personnes, Sa Sainteté le Pape François confie à la miséricorde de Dieu les personnes qui ont perdu la vie et il s’associe par la prière à la peine de leurs proches. Il exprime sa profonde sympathie aux blessés et à leurs familles, ainsi qu’à toutes les personnes qui contribuent aux secours, demandant au Seigneur de leur apporter réconfort et consolation dans l’épreuve. Le Saint-Père condamne à nouveau la violence aveugle qui engendre tant de souffrances, et implorant de Dieu le don de la paix, il invoque sur les familles éprouvées et sur les Belges le bienfait des Bénédictions divines.

“Con cuore addolorato ho seguito le tristi notizie degli attentati terroristici avvenuti ieri a Bruxelles, che hanno causato numerose vittime e feriti. Assicuro la mia preghiera e la mia vicinanza alla cara popolazione belga, a tutti i familiari delle vittime e a tutti i feriti. Rivolgo nuovamente un appello a tutte le persone di buona volontà per unirsi nell’unanime condanna di questi crudeli abomini che stanno causando solo morte, terrore o orrore. A tutti chiedo di perseverare nella preghiera e nel chiedere al Signore, in questa Settimana Santa, di confortare i cuori afflitti e di convertire i cuori di queste persone accecate dal fondamentalismo crudele, per l’intercessione della Vergine Maria”.

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