mercoledì 29 giugno 2016
martedì 28 giugno 2016
La famille est la cellule de base qui suscite et promeut l’être. Seuls
l'union, l'amour et la charité la construisent et l'expriment. Tout éducateur
est solidaire de la volonté de Dieu qui conduit tout homme à son plein
accomplissement. Ce poème est dédié à tous parents et éducateurs.
Famille genèse de l’être
Fontaine de vie et de bonheur
A toi nul ne songe peut-être
Consacrer son entier honneur
Relève-toi et revigore
Tes membres las et défaillants
Brille d’éclats comme un fulgore
Et fuis loin de tes assaillants
Car seul l’amour vrai t’édifie
Seule la charité te dis
Seule l’union te magnifie
Seul le courage te redis
Père Pascal AKABASSI
lunedì 27 giugno 2016
Un gesto de acogida y cercanía al drama de los refugiados marcó la catequesis del papa Francisco, en la audiencia del miércoles 22 de junio: el Papa invitó a un grupo de jóvenes refugiados africanos a sentarse a su lado y acompañarlo durante la catequesis.
Con su gesto, Francisco actualizó el tema de su predicación, referido al encuentro de Jesús con un leproso: “Señor, si quieres, puedes purificarme”.
“¡Cuántas veces encontramos a un pobre que viene a nuestro encuentro! Podemos ser incluso generosos, podemos tener compasión, pero normalmente no lo tocamos. Le damos una moneda, pero evitamos tocar la mano, la tiramos ahí. ¡Y olvidamos que eso es el cuerpo de Cristo!
Jesús nos enseña a no tener miedo de tocar al pobre y excluido, porque Él está en ellos”, dijo el Papa. Y enseguida explicó el contenido evangélico de su gesto: “tocar al pobre puede purificarnos de la hipocresía e inquietarnos por su condición. Tocar a los excluidos. Hoy me acompañan aquí estos chicos. Muchos piensan de ellos que sería mejor que se hubieran quedado en su tierra, pero allí sufrían mucho. Son nuestros refugiados. Pero muchos les consideran excluidos. Por favor, son nuestros hermanos. El cristiano no excluye a nadie, da sitio a todos, deja venir a todos”.
El gesto y las palabras del Papa tienen profunda resonancia en América Latina y el Caribe, cuando asistimos, todos los días, al drama de los migrantes y refugiados, vulnerables, arriesgando su vida, víctimas de todo tipo de violaciones a sus derechos. Y sin embargo, “son nuestros refugiados”. El año de la misericordia nos debe mover a hacernos cargo de nuestros .....
america latina,
domenica 26 giugno 2016
" ........ In this particular historical moment, and in the context of the Jubilee of Mercy, the Church is called to become ever more conscious of being the “house of the Father, where there is a place for everyone, with all their problems” and sinfulness (Evangelii Gaudium, 47); to be a Church which permanently “goes forth”, an “evangelizing community” that can boldly “take the initiative, go out to others, seek those who have fallen away, stand at the crossroads and welcome the outcast” (ibid., 24).
I should like to offer you, as a horizon of reference for your immediate future, a dual task that could be formulated in this way: “A Church that goes forth — a laity that goes forth”. Therefore, you also must look up and look “beyond”, look at the many people who are “distant” in our world, to the many families who are in difficulty and in need of mercy, to the many fields of apostolate that are still unexplored, to the many lay people with good and generous hearts who would willingly put — at the service of the Gospel — their energy, time and skills if they were involved, esteemed and accompanied with affection and dedication by pastors and Church institutions.
We need lay people who are formed well, animated by a clear and sincere faith, whose lives have been touched by a personal and merciful encounter with the love of Jesus Christ. We need lay people who take risks, who soil their hands, who are not afraid of making mistakes, who move forward. We need lay people with a vision of the future, who are not enclosed in the petty things of life. And as I said to the young people: we need lay people with a taste of the experience of life, who dare to dream.
Today is a time in which young people need the dreams of the elderly. In this throw-away culture, let us not become accustomed to discarding the elderly! Let us push them, push them to dream and — as the prophet Joel says — to “have dreams”, the capacity to dream, and to give all of us the strength of new apostolic visions..... "
"..... En este particular momento histórico, y en el contexto del Jubileo de la Misericordia, la Iglesia está llamada a tomar cada vez más conciencia de ser «la casa paterna donde hay lugar para cada uno con su vida a cuestas» y pecadora (Exhort. apost. Evangelii gaudium, 47); de ser Iglesia en permanente salida, «comunidad evangelizadora [...] que sabe tomar la iniciativa sin miedo, salir al encuentro, buscar a los lejanos y llegar a los cruces de los caminos para invitar a los excluidos» (ibid., 24).
Quisiera proponeros, como horizonte de referencia para vuestro futuro inmediato, un binomio que se podría formular así: «Iglesia en salida - laicado en salida». También vosotros, por lo tanto, alzad la mirada y mirad «fuera», mirad a los más «lejanos» del nuestro mundo, a tantas familias en dificultades y necesitadas de misericordia, a tantos campos de apostolado aún sin explorar, a los numerosos laicos de corazón bueno y generoso que voluntariamente pondrían al servicio del Evangelio sus energías, su tiempo, sus capacidades si fuesen convocados, valorados y acompañados con afecto y dedicación por parte de los pastores y de las instituciones eclesiásticas. Tenemos necesidad de laicos bien formados, animados por una fe genuina y límpida, cuya vida ha sido tocada por el encuentro personal y misericordioso con el amor de Cristo Jesús.
Tenemos necesidad de laicos que arriesguen, que se ensucien las manos, que no tengan miedo de equivocarse, que sigan adelante. Tenemos necesidad de laicos con visión de futuro, no cerrados en la pequeñeces de la vida. Y lo he dicho a los jóvenes: tenemos necesidad de laicos con sabor a experiencia de vida, que se atrevan a soñar. Hoy es el momento en el que los jóvenes tienen necesidad de los sueños de los ancianos.
En esta cultura del descarte no nos acostumbremos a descartar a los ancianos. Empujémosles, empujémosles para que sueñen y —como dice el profeta Joel— «tengan sueños», esa capacidad de soñar, y den a todos nosotros la fuerza de nuevas visiones apostólicas.
" ....En ce moment
historique particulier, et dans le contexte du Jubilé de la miséricorde,
l’Église est appelée à prendre toujours davantage conscience qu’elle est « la
maison paternelle où il y a de la place pour chacun avec sa vie pénible » et
pécheresse (Ex. ap. Evangelii gaudium, 47) ; d’être une Église qui sort en
permanence, « communauté évangélisatrice […] qui sait prendre sans peur
l’initiative, aller à la rencontre, chercher ceux qui sont loin et arriver aux
carrefours des routes pour inviter les exclus » (ibid., 24).
Je voudrais vous
proposer, comme horizon de référence pour votre avenir immédiat, un binôme que
l’on pourrait formuler ainsi : « Église en sortie – laïcat en sortie ». Vous
aussi, donc, élevez votre regard et regardez « dehors », regardez tous ceux qui
sont « loin » dans notre monde, toutes les familles en difficulté et qui ont
besoin de miséricorde, tous les champs d’apostolat encore inexplorés, tous les
laïcs au cœur bon et généreux qui mettraient volontiers leurs énergies, leur
temps et leurs capacités au service de l’Évangile s’ils étaient impliqués,
valorisés et accompagnés avec affection et dévouement par les pasteurs et les
institutions ecclésiastiques.
Nous avons besoin de laïcs bien formés, animés
par une foi paisible et limpide, dont la vie a été touchée par la rencontre
personnelle et miséricordieuse avec l’amour de Jésus-Christ. Nous avons besoin
de laïcs qui risquent, qui se salissent les mains, qui n’aient pas peur de se
tromper, qui aillent de l’avant. Nous avons besoin de laïcs avec une vision de
l’avenir, qui ne soient pas enfermés dans les broutilles de la vie. Et je l’ai
dit aux jeunes : nous avons besoin de laïcs qui aient le goût de l’expérience
de la vie, qui osent rêver.
Aujourd’hui, c’est le moment où les jeunes ont besoin
des rêves des anciens. Dans cette culture du rejet, ne nous habituons pas à
écarter les personnes âgées ! Poussons-les, poussons-les afin qu’elles rêvent
et – comme le dit le prophète Joël – qu’elles « aient des songes », cette
capacité de rêver, et qu’elles nous donnent à tous la force de nouvelles
visions apostoliques ....."
" .... In questo particolare momento storico, e nel contesto del Giubileo della Misericordia, la Chiesa è chiamata a prendere sempre più coscienza di essere «la casa paterna dove c’è posto per ciascuno con la sua vita faticosa» e peccatrice (Esort. ap. Evangelii gaudium, 47); di essere Chiesa in permanente uscita, «comunità evangelizzatrice [...] che sa prendere l’iniziativa senza paura, andare incontro, cercare i lontani e arrivare agli incroci delle strade per invitare gli esclusi» (ibid., 24). Vorrei proporvi, come orizzonte di riferimento per il vostro immediato futuro, un binomio che si potrebbe formulare così: “Chiesa in uscita – laicato in uscita”.
Anche voi, dunque, alzate lo sguardo e guardate “fuori”, guardate ai molti “lontani” del nostro mondo, alle tante famiglie in difficoltà e bisognose di misericordia, ai tanti campi di apostolato ancora inesplorati, ai numerosi laici dal cuore buono e generoso che volentieri metterebbero a servizio del Vangelo le loro energie, il loro tempo, le loro capacità se fossero coinvolti, valorizzati e accompagnati con affetto e dedizione da parte dei pastori e delle istituzioni ecclesiastiche.
Abbiamo bisogno di laici ben formati, animati da una fede schietta e limpida, la cui vita è stata toccata dall’incontro personale e misericordioso con l’amore di Cristo Gesù. Abbiamo bisogno di laici che rischino, che si sporchino le mani, che non abbiano paura di sbagliare, che vadano avanti. Abbiamo bisogno di laici con visione del futuro, non chiusi nelle piccolezze della vita. E l’ho detto ai giovani: abbiamo bisogno di laici col sapore di esperienza della vita, che osano sognare.
Oggi è il momento in cui i giovani hanno bisogno dei sogni degli anziani. In questa cultura dello scarto non abituiamoci a scartare gli anziani! Spingiamoli, spingiamoli affinché sognino e – come dice il profeta Gioele – “abbiano sogni”, quella capacità di sognare, e diano a tutti noi la forza di nuove visioni apostoliche..... "
martedì 21 giugno 2016
World Day of Migrants, Refugees to Focus on Children
The smallest of the small, unable to make their voices heard, and vulnerable to the most serious human rights violations
“Minor migrants, vulnerable and voiceless” will be the theme of the 103rd World Day of Migrants and Refugees, to be held on 15 January 2017, according to a communiqué issued today by the Pontifical Council for the Pastoral Care of Migrants and Travelers.
The statement emphasises that migration is a worldwide phenomenon, not only European or Mediterranean. All continents are affected by this situation, which does not exclusively regard those in search of employment or of better living conditions, but also adults and minors who flee from real tragedies.
“It is necessary to guarantee that in every country the migrants who arrive and their families enjoy full recognition of their rights under international law. Indeed, women and children represent the most vulnerable categories within this widespread phenomenon, and minors are the most fragile, often invisible as they are without documents or unaccompanied.
“With the theme ‘Minor migrants, vulnerable and voiceless’, the Holy Father wishes to focus attention on the smallest of the small. Often children arrive alone in the host countries, are unable to make their voice heard, and easily become victims of the most serious human rights violations.
“On the occasion of the World Day of Migrants and Refugees a papal message will be published, as is customary.
The world day originates from the circular letter “The Pain and the Worries” sent by the Consistorial Congregation on 6 December 1914 to Italian diocesan ordinaries, in which for the first time it was proposed to institute an annual day for raising awareness of the phenomenon of migration and also to promote a collection in support of pastoral works for Italian emigrants and for the formation of missionaries of emigration.
As a consequence of this missive, the first World Day of Migrants and Refugees was held on 21 February 1915.
sabato 18 giugno 2016
BEATRIX KLAKOWICZ has returned to the Father.
Dr. Beatrice Klakowicz has returned to the Father. UMEC-WUCT remembers with gratitude her generous and loyal dedication to the Rome office, her culture and profoundness. May we pray for her.
On the gravestone which is dedicated by UMEC-WUCT, will be the logo of the Union.
Following are a few testimonies of our dear Beatrice.La Dra. Beatrice Klakowicz ha vuelto a la casa del Padre. La UMEC-WUCT recordará con gratitud su largo compromiso, generoso y fiel a la oficina de Roma y su cultura profunda. Oramos por ustedes.
El logotipo de l
UMEC será colocado en la lápida
(donado por la
Unido al
testimonio del Presidente de la UMEC
y otros amigos en la querida
Dr. Beatrice Klakowicz est retourné au Père. UMEC-WUCT se souvient avec gratitude son dévouement généreux et loyal au bureau de Rome, sa culture et la profondeur.
Pouvons-nous prier pour elle. Sur la pierre tombale qui est consacré par UMEC-UMEC, sera le logo de l'Union.
Voici quelques témoignages de notre chère Béatrice.
La dr.ssa beatrice Klakowicz è tornata alla Casa del Padre. UMEC-WUCT ricorda con gratitudine il suo generoso e leale impegno nell'ufficio di Roma e la sua profonda cultura. Preghiamo per Lei. L'UMEC ha donato la lapide per la sua tomba. Vi sarà inciso il logo dell'Unione.
Dr. Beatrice Klakowicz est retourné au Père. UMEC-WUCT se souvient avec gratitude son dévouement généreux et loyal au bureau de Rome, sa culture et la profondeur.
Pouvons-nous prier pour elle. Sur la pierre tombale qui est consacré par UMEC-UMEC, sera le logo de l'Union.
Voici quelques témoignages de notre chère Béatrice.
La dr.ssa beatrice Klakowicz è tornata alla Casa del Padre. UMEC-WUCT ricorda con gratitudine il suo generoso e leale impegno nell'ufficio di Roma e la sua profonda cultura. Preghiamo per Lei. L'UMEC ha donato la lapide per la sua tomba. Vi sarà inciso il logo dell'Unione.
Klakowicz is teruggekeerd naar de Vader. UMEC-WUCT denkt in dankbaarheid aan
haar grote en trouwe toewijding (meer dan 20 jaar) aan het bureau in Rome, en
aan haar diepgevoelde culturele engagement. Laten
wij voor haar bidden.
de grafsteen (gedoneerd door UMEC-WUCT) zal de logo van de Vereniging komen te
volgen enkele getuigenissen over onze dierbare Beatrice.
Le President de l'UMEC-WUCT:: "Après une
vie ‘au service du catholicisme’, Béatrice nous a quitté en silence et
grande modestie. Son oeuvre était achevée après une longue vie au service
de sa conviction. Elle pouvait enfin en toute tranquillité
retourner à la maison du Père et de sa famille Polonaise.
n’oublierons jamais sa croyance sans aucun compromis, sa fidélité, son respect
absolu pour les valeurs transmises par ses parents, sa foi plus que profonde.
perd en elle une vraie ‘aficionado de l’enseignemenet’ et tout l’Exécutif et
les membres du Conseil l’appréciaient bien fort pour cet engagement sans
croyons qu’elle restera avec nous et qu’elle continuera à être présente dans
nos pensées et nos décisions.
Béatrice, je suis sûr que la porte du Ciel vous était largement ouverte
et que même les anges vous y ont accompagné.
in pace!
giovedì 16 giugno 2016
They risk
detention, rape, forced labour, beatings or death. Yet, tens of thousands of
children, many of them unaccompanied or separated, are making the dangerous
refugee and migrant journey in the hope of finding safety or a better life in
Europe. They are fleeing brutal violence, abject poverty, drought, forced early
marriage, untold hardship or lack of prospects and hope in dozens of countries
in Africa, Asia and the Middle East.
From the brutal five-year
conflict in Syria or the parched earth of Somalia, to rickety boats and squalid
makeshift camps, every step of the journey is fraught with danger, all the more
so for the nearly one in four children travelling without a parent or a
guardian.1 The Central Mediterranean route In recent weeks, the crossing from
North Africa to Italy has become the busiest. It is also the deadliest. The
death toll rose to 2,427 between January 1 and June 5, 2016, as compared with
1,786 in the first six months of 2015.2
And the number of unaccompanied
children making the notoriously dangerous Central Mediterranean crossing more
than doubled to over 7,000 in the first five months of 2016 as compared with
the same period in 2015, according to the International Organization for
Migration (IOM). Unaccompanied children made up over 92 per cent of the 7,567
children who crossed by sea to Italy between January 1 and May 31, 2016. In
large part because of the huge risks and hardships involved, comparatively few
families take this route, with adult men making up 70 per cent of the
approximately 28,000 arrivals in that period.3 1 Eurostat data retrieved 7
June, 2016 2 IOM 7 June, 2016 3 IOM Mixed Migration flows in the Mediterranean
and beyond, 19 May 2016 Smugglers typically cram people aboard unseaworthy fishing
boats or rubber dinghies with unreliable engines and, often, insufficient fuel
to reach Europe. There have been numerous reports of smugglers abandoning ship
at the limits of Libyan territorial waters – casting their human cargo adrift –
in order to avoid arrest by European security forces.
And, with the summer
cross-Mediterranean migration season upon us, the numbers may well increase in
the coming months. There are currently almost 235,000 refugees and migrants in
Libya4 and some 956,000 in the Sahel countries,5 many – if not most – of them
hoping to make their way to Europe. In the last week of May 2016 alone, a total
of more than 16,500 were recorded as heading to Libya from Agadez, a major
migrant thoroughfare in Niger.6
For many of the refugees and migrants,
drowning is just one of the numerous risks they face along their journey, which
can take them several thousand kilometres over mountains, across deserts, and
through violence-torn regions. They risk dehydration, kidnapping, robbery, rape
and extortion, as well as detention and beatings by the authorities or
militias. ……..
giovedì 9 giugno 2016
A la croisée
des chemins
Que nous le voulions ou non, nous sommes insérés dans un système économique mondialisé.
Nous avons le choix :
- Ou bien nous adapter à ce système pour en tirer profit au mieux, tout en agissant pour en limiter les effets négatifs aussi bien sur le plan national (par exemple en luttant contre la tendance à accroître les inégalités et en protégeant les couches de la population les plus fragiles) que sur le plan international (en soutenant les efforts, grâce à la coopération européenne, pour aller dans le sens des régulations, par exemple financières et environnementales, et de la solidarité internationale).
- Ou bien nous replier sur nous-mêmes en tentant d'ériger des barrières protectionnistes, ce qui signifierait sortir de l'Europe et revenir à une économie administrée avec tous les effets néfastes que l'on connaît (augmentation des prix, perte des marchés internationaux, chômage)... Tout porte à croire que ce deuxième choix porté, entre autres, par le Front National aboutirait à un appauvrissement généralisé et à une grave crise sociale et politique......
lunedì 6 giugno 2016
«L'éducation peut changer la vie et, pour moi, est une question de justice sociale que les chances d'apprentissage est donné à chaque enfant, où qu'ils vivent et quelle que soit leur origine sociale".
"La educación puede cambiar la vida y, para mí, es una cuestión de justicia social que las posibilidades de aprendizaje se da a cada niño, dondequiera que vivan y sea cual sea su condición social".
"Bildung kann Leben verändern und, zu mir, ist eine Frage der sozialen Gerechtigkeit, dass die Chancen für das Lernen für jedes Kind gegeben wird, wo auch immer sie und unabhängig von ihrer sozialen Herkunft leben können".
“L’educazione può cambiare la vita e, per me, è questione di giustizia sociale il fatto che la possibilità di istruirsi sia data a ciascun bambino, ovunque egli viva e qualunque sia la sua provenienza sociale”.
Foreword by the Secretary of State for Education Education has the power to transform lives and, for me, is a matter of social justice – extending opportunity to every child, wherever they live and whatever their background. Good schools and a well-educated population make our country stronger, fairer, wealthier and more secure, and higher standards in the classroom mean better life chances for everyone. Investing in our education system is an investment in the future of our nation.
In 2010, we inherited an education
system where 1 in 3 young people left primary school unable to read, write and
add up properly; where the number of young people studying core academic
subjects had halved in 13 years. Far too many schools were failing, and far too
many children were left out or left behind. Recent international assessments,
comparing the performance of our young people in 2011/2012 with their
international peers, have shown that our education standards have remained
static, at best, whilst other countries have moved ahead. Over the course of
the last Parliament we put in place bold reforms to drive up standards in schools.
We tackled grade inflation and restored the integrity of our qualifications,
introduced a new, more ambitious national curriculum, raised the bar for entry
to the teaching profession, and gave more freedom and autonomy to headteachers
and leaders through the academies and free schools programme.
Thanks to the hard work of
thousands of teachers, headteachers and governors, huge progress was made and
schools today are better than ever before. However, there still remain too many
pockets of educational nderperformance – areas where too many young people miss
out on the chance to benefit from the best possible education. This is deeply
unfair. So this white paper sets out our plans for the next five years,
building on and extending our reforms to achieve educational excellence
everywhere. Where great schools, great leaders and great teachers exist, we
will let them do what they do best – helping every child to achieve their full
Where they do not, we will step
in to build capacity, raise standards and provide confidence for parents and
children. We will put children and parents first. We will set high expectations
for every child, ensuring that there are no forgotten groups or areas and we
will focus on outcomes. All the policies in this white paper follow that
approach. To make sure that our plans are consistent and coherent, we have
followed five guiding principles, as set out in our departmental strategy
overview at Annex A. 3 We believe in supported autonomy: aligning funding,
control, responsibility and accountability in one place, as close to the front
line as possible, and ensuring that institutions can collaborate and access the
support they need to set them up for success. And we will work to build a system
which is responsive to need and performance, ensuring that institutions respond
to changing needs. Autonomy will be both earned and lost, with our most
successful leaders extending their influence, and weaker ones doing the
opposite. To put these principles into practice, we will move to a system where
every school is an academy. And to harness the opportunity that greater
autonomy provides, we will do more to ensure the profession has the tools it
needs to succeed: improving teacher training and qualifications and ensuring a
strong, diverse pipeline of leaders. In particular, we will place a sharp new
focus on areas of the country where standards are unacceptably low and where
chronic underperformance is compounded by a lack of capacity to improve.
It’s an ambitious programme, and an exciting one. But the prize of
securing educational excellence everywhere means it is the right thing to do. I
hope that teachers, leaders, governors and parents will join us in working to
improve standards across the country and will make the most of the
opportunities on offer. Children only
get one chance at education and every child deserves the opportunity to reach
their full potential. As a parent, I know only too well that childhood is
short, and when it comes to a child’s education, there’s no time to waste.
Access to a great education is not a luxury but a right for everyone.
Nicky Morgan MP Secretary of State for Education
United Kingdum
domenica 5 giugno 2016
Esto es a lo que
dedican de verdad su tiempo los profesores, aunque no quieran
Cada vez es más
habitual que los docentes se quejen de la gran carga administrativa y
burocrática que han de aguantar, lo que dificulta sus labores diarias e impide
que se dediquen a la investigación.
Cualquier profesor sabrá rápidamente de lo que hablamos si nos referimos a laburocratización del trabajo del docente. Actas y actas sobre cualquiera de los aspectos de su trabajo, de las reuniones de ciclo a los encuentros con los padres, memorias de evaluación, autoevaluación, unidades didácticas, reuniones de orientación educativa, informes individualizados para cada alumno, programas de diversidad, más evaluaciones y otros papeleos ocasionados por la falta de personal administrativo que obligan al profesor a pasar gran parte de su tiempo –hasta el 25% en algunos casos como sugiere un artículo de La Nueva España– rellenando papeles. Se trata de una labor que empieza justificándose por la obligada rendición de cuentas del trabajador y que termina imposibilitando que este dedique su tiempo a asuntos más productivos como la investigación y la preparación de las clases.
“En España existe una tendencia a crear sistemas de control que han demostrado servir para poco y que han generado un incremento notorio del trabajo burocrático de los profesores”, se lamentaba en la revista ANPE Javier Carrascal, secretario estatal de organización de dicho sindicato de enseñanza. “El incremento de las tareas burocráticas y administrativas para los equipos directivos y los docentes no ha supuesto una mejora de la calidad de la enseñanza ni de los resultados de nuestro sistema educativo”, concluía. Es una queja común, y de ella también se hacía eco la profesora Luisa Juanatey en Qué pasó con la enseñanza. Elogio del profesor (Pasos Perdidos).........
mercoledì 1 giugno 2016
CHANGE EDUCATION building together an integrated and peaceful world, making the culture of the meeting an educational experience
CAMBIAR LA EDUCACIÓN construyendo juntos un
mundo integrado y en paz, haciendo de la cultura del encuentro una experiencia
CHANGER L’EDUCATION pour bâtir un monde intégré et pacifique, en
faisant la culture du rencontre une expérience éducative.
Scholas es una Organización Internacional de Derecho Pontificio aprobada y erigida por el Papa Francisco desde la Ciudad del Vaticano el 13 de agosto de 2013.
Vincula la tecnología con el arte y el deporte para fomentar la integración social y la cultura del encuentro por la paz. Está presente en 190 países a través de su red que integra a más de 430.000 escuelas y redes educativas en los 5 continentes. Con sedes en la Ciudad del Vaticano, Argentina, España, Paraguay y Mozambique. Su misión es lograr la integración de las comunidades, con foco en aquellas de menores recursos, a través del compromiso de todos los actores sociales, integrando escuelas y redes educativas de todo el mundo a partir de propuestas tecnológicas, deportivas y artísticas. Trabaja con todo tipo de escuelas, tanto públicas como privadas y de todas las confesiones religiosas.
La interacción entre el arte, el deporte y la tecnología es la propuesta de Scholas para hacer posible desde la educación la cultura del encuentro. Las principales figuras y organizaciones del mundo entero ya han respondido al llamado del Papa Francisco a través de Scholas de trabajar por un mundo integrado y en paz.
Scholas is an International Organization of Pontifical Right approved and raised by Pope Francis at the Vatican City on August 13th, 2013.
It connects technology with arts and sports in order to promote social integration and the culture of encounter for peace. It is present in 190 countries through its web made up of over 430.000 schools and educational networks in 5 continents. With headquarters in the Vatican City, Argentine, Spain, Paraguay and Mozambique. Its mission is to achieve the integration of communities, with special focus on the poorer ones, by committing all social actors and incorporating schools and educational networks worldwide to technological, sports and artistic proposals. It works with all kinds of schools, both public and private, and of all religious affiliations.
The interaction between arts, sports and technology is Scholas’ proposal to make possible the culture of encounter. Leading figures and organizations worldwide have already responded to Pope Francis’ call through Scholas to work for an integrated and peaceful world.
Scholas è un’Organizzazione Internazionale di Diritto Pontificio approvata e creata da Papa Francesco nella Città del Vaticano il 13 agosto 2013.
Associa la tecnologia con l'arte e lo sport per promuovere l'integrazione sociale e la cultura dell’incontro per la pace. È presente in 190 paesi attraverso la sua rete che comprende più di 430.000 scuole e reti educative in 5 continenti. Con sede a Città del Vaticano, Argentina, Spagna , Paraguay e Mozambico.La sua missione è quella di realizzare l'integrazione delle comunità, con particolare attenzione a quelle con meno risorse, attraverso l'impegno di tutte le parti sociali interessate, integrando le scuole e le reti educative in tutto il mondo attraverso proposte tecnologiche, sportive e artistiche. Lavora con tutti i tipi di scuole, sia pubbliche che private e di tutte le confessioni religiose.
L'interazione tra l’arte, lo sport e la tecnologia è la proposta di Scholas per realizzare, partendo dall’educazione, la cultura dell’incontro. Le principali figure e organizzazioni di tutto il mondo hanno risposto all’appello del Papa Francesco tramite Scholas per lavorare per un mondo integrato e pacifico.
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