Rome from 9 to 11
UMEC-WUCT, founded in 1951, is an international Catholic organization
recognized by the Holy See. It is a member of the OIC (Organizations
Internationales Catholiques). As an NGO, it has a consultative role in the
Council of Europe, Ecosoc, Unesco and Unicef. UMEC/WUCT interacts with various
institutions, including the OIEC (International Catholic Schools Organization),
with CIEC (Confederación Interamericana de Educación Católica), with the
Pontifical Scholas Occurrentes Foundation, with the BICE (Bureau International
Catholique de l’Enfance). Teacher
Unions, universities, schools and teachers who wish to work in institutions and
society in the light of the teachings of the Gospel and the Magisterium may
become members of the UMEC/WUCT.
The Council
is an annual event in which the journey of the Union is evaluated and
redesigned; it is also a good opportunity to discuss current educational and
social issues.
from Argentina, Belgium, Burundi, the Republic of Congo, the Democratic
Republic of the Congo, the Philippines, Germany, Italy, the Netherlands, the
United Kingdom, Romania and Hungary participated.
The meeting
was presided over and animated by the President, Guy Bourdeahud'hui, and the
Ecclesiastical Assistant, Monsignor Vincent Dollmann (Archbishop of Cambrai).
Ecclesiastical Assistant inaugurated the work by inviting to prayer and asking
for reflection on the testimony given by the Christian educator in any
environment where they work.
In the
welcoming speech, the President thanked those present and highlighted the
progress made by the Union in recent years, a path enriched by the entry of new
institutions and young members. This, he said, is a premise for a better
service to the Church and society, to teachers and schools.
This year's
theme referred to Pope Francis’ invitation: "Educating in the peripheries
of the world. Challenges and good practices ".
of professors from various continents followed. They illustrated the challenges
and good practices of the realities in which they operate: Mary Lappin of the
Glasgow University; Adrian Podar of the Greek-Catholic High School Oradea;
Emmanuel Banywesize of the University of Lubumbashi - Congo; Clarita Carillo of
the University of Manila; José M. Del Corral, from Buenos Aires, president of
Scholas Occurrentes.
The debate
was enriched by various interventions: fr. Alberto Kabuge, provincial of the
Salesians of the Congo; Hector Rigaldo of Argentina, Justine Ndayisaba of
Burundi, Belen Tangco of the Philippines, Gertrud Rieger of Germany, Elizabeth
Boddens of Holland, John Nish of the United Kingdom and Peter Bodo from
The annual
report of the Union was presented by the Secretary-General, Giovanni Perrone,
who, in illustrating the life of the Union, highlighted its characteristics:
"The pillars of the UMEC-WUCT are values, skills, relationships, human and
professional solidarity, at the service of the integral formation of every
person and of the institutions". Regarding solidarity projects, the secretary
listed the initiatives meant to support educational projects carried out in
suburban environments of Argentina, Congo, Philippines, Romania, South Sudan,
Hungary and Tanzania. This support was made possible thanks to the contribution
of the Papal Foundation and some institutions part of the UMEC-WUCT.
John Lydon, Treasurer of the UMEC-WUCT, presented the final balance and the
The Council
approved some amendments to the Statute (which will be sent to the Pontifical
Dicastery for Laity, Family and Life for final approval).
During the
meeting the Prefect of the Congregation for Catholic Education, Cardinal
Giuseppe Versaldi, intervened. His Eminence expressed appreciation for the
activities and results of the UMEC-WUCT and illustrated the work of the
Congregation. He also had a friendly talk with the participants in the Council.
President of the Italian Republic, Sergio Mattarella, sent a message of
greeting and good wishes.
At the end
of the work, the participants went to St Peter's Square to participate in the
recitation of the Angelus of the Supreme Pontiff. They wholeheartedly welcomed
the greeting addressed to them by Pope Francis.
2018 Umec Consiglio -Rapporto - it 2018 Umec -Wuct Council -Report - en
NOTES AIMC - Consiglio Umec-Wuct
NOTES AIMC - Consiglio Umec-Wuct
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