lunedì 10 marzo 2025



Info Radar: every other Monday in the afternoon.

The Info Radar is sent to all staff, both at headquarters and in the field. It is shared with Member States. French version of the newsletter here.

5 March

To celebrate the 10th anniversary of the International Geoscience and Geoparks Programme, UNESCO presented the Programme's results and announced the new 2026 applications at an event held back-to-back with the 51st meeting of the European Geoparks Network.


7 March

On the occasion of International Women's Day (March 8), UNESCO gave voice to Afghan girls and women at a High-Level Conference featuring exceptional guests and artists, including Afghan singer and activist Aryana Sayeed and street artist Shamsia Hassani, who produce a piece of artwork for the occasion. To celebrate the Day, UNESCO also organizes the event “Art for All at the Heart of Tomorrow's Cultural Policies” (March 10), inaugurated by Rossy de Palma, Goodwill Ambassador for Cultural Diversity, and bringing together ministers and experts of culture to discuss policies that support women in the cultural and creative sectors.


In the press:


Major upcoming events


14-15 March

UNESCO is hosting the 20th edition of Université de la terre, a unique annual event for exchanges on the major challenges facing our planet and social cohesion, with a view to learn how to live differently together and in harmony with the living world.


20-21 March

As part of the joint celebration of the 1st World Day for Glaciers and World Water Day in Paris and in New York, UNESCO is organising a high-level event focusing on the state of glaciers worldwide that will also mark the launch of the World Water Development Report 2025. Registration and more information here.


Also to be followed:



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