sabato 4 novembre 2017

RECLAIMING THE PIAZZA II - Catholic Education and the New Evangelisation

Since  the  day of  Pentecost  the Church  has  never  ceased responding  to  the  Lord’s  command to proclaim the Gospel to all people.
The  content  of  this  proclamation – the person of Jesus Christ, the Son of God – has never changed.
What  is  ‘new’  and  continues  to develop is  the form  by which that same  Gospel  is  proclaimed  with fresh enthusiasm, in a contemporary and comprehensible language, with methodologies  capable  of transmitting  the  deepest sense of God’s unchanging Word.
In  the  last  decades,  as the cacophonies  of  secularism, relativism, individualism,  materialism,  and  indifference  have continued to  blare, many have become deaf to the Word of God and live without ever noticing the absence of God as a real absence in their lives.
Yet, it is within this cultural context that Catholic schools and universities have the extraordinary opportunity to ‘make the deaf hear’ ….
We  must  understand  better  how  these  privileged  places  for  the development  of  human  thought  and  personal  formation  will  become communities where critical thinking is encouraged, to allow each student to contribute meaningfully to the common good through the witness of his or her personal faith.
The  theoretical  and practical contributions  made  by  the  authors  of  this book will serve as a helpful roadmap for this critical reflection.
Archbishop Rino Fisichella

Leonardo Franchi, Reclaiming the Piazza II , Publication October 2017, 978 085244 899 1    200 pages £12.99

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