giovedì 31 ottobre 2024


de Coopération avec l’UNESCO


 « Le progrès technologique peut-il produire 

une prospérité partagée ? »

Conférences Albert Hirschman à l’UNESCO :

Par Daron Acemoglu, professeur d’économie au MIT et nouveau Prix Nobel d’Economie

L’UNESCO avec le Programme sur la Gestion des transformations sociales (MOST) coopère avec les autorités nationales, les communautés scientifiques et la société civile, afin d’aider les États membres à renforcer la connexion entre la recherche et les politiques, à consolider le lien entre la connaissance et l’action.

L’UNESCO souhaite favoriser ainsi un changement social positif vers un développement inclusif et durable.

Dans ce cadre, les conférences Hirschman ont pour objectif de démêler la complexité des défis économiques et politiques, et aussi susciter des réflexions sur le multilatéralisme et le changement social ?

Le professeur Daron Acemoglu soutient avec d’autres économistes la thèse que les pays riches en progrès sont ceux qui partagent le pouvoir économique et politique dans des institutions pluralistes, démocratiques, participatives favorisant la concurrence. Cela est démontré par une approche historique et statistique du progrès économique dans de nombreux pays depuis le XVIII e siècle et l’ère industrielle, en particulier aux USA.

Avec l’arrivée de nouvelles avancées technologiques, notamment l’IA, le professeur Acemoglu examine comment celles-ci pourraient aggraver les inégalités économiques et menacer la démocratie et la prospérité, à moins que des mesures appropriées ne soient prises. La technologie est le moteur du progrès économique mais nous devons créer des moyens équitables d’en partager les bénéfices. Si nous y parvenons nous pourrons atteindre certains objectifs environnementaux, sans sacrifier la croissance économique.

Aujourd’hui, l’Intelligence artificielle IA constitue une menace sur la prospérité, si nous ne l’utilisons pas correctement, avec la recherche sans fin des automatisations laissant aucune place aux travailleurs et aussi avec la manipulation de l’information par les plateformes et déjà certains états avec la surveillance. L’IA crée trop d’automatisation et pas assez de tâches nouvelles.

Pour préserver le progrès économique, nous devons nous attacher à utiliser les technologies de l’IA pour créer de nouvelles tâches et de meilleures informations pour les décideurs humains, pas les remplacer. Il s’agit en particulier d’utiliser les outils de l’IA pour faciliter le partage d’informations par les individus, créer des plateformes pour la participation démocratique et protéger les personnes contre les manipulations. L’IA devra être impérativement règlementée, mais cette voie n’est pas prise actuellement par l’industrie technologique.

En conclusion, la prospérité sera préservée si nous cherchons d’abord à augmenter les capacités de l’homme grâce à l’IA, plutôt que le remplacer comme actuellement par l’automatisation. Il faut nous orienter sur l’utilité des nouvelles technologies et leur contrôle par l’homme, pour créer des gains de productivité marginale. L’IA va changer la trajectoire de l’économie mondiale et tous les travailleurs seront touchés, seul son utilité et contrôle pour et par l’homme apporteront des bénéfices partagés pour tous.



lunedì 21 ottobre 2024



Education at a Glance is the definitive guide to the state of education around the world. More than 100 charts and tables in the publication and country notes – as well as many more in the data explorer – describe the output of educational institutions; the impact of learning across countries; access, participation and progression in education; the financial resources invested in education; and teachers, the learning environment and the organisation of schools. The 2024 edition focuses on equity in education, providing indicators on gaps in educational outcomes and discussing the effect of educational attainment on labour market outcomes.

 Secondary attainment improved across most OECD countries. Educational and labour-market outcomes have improved for the young adults most at risk of falling behind. Girls and women continue to earn lower than their male counterparts, despite outperforming boys and men by most available measures, though the earnings gap is shrinking. Although many countries now recognise the importance of early childhood education in contributing to positive outcomes later in life, accessing early childhood education often still requires substantial private financial contributions that remain unaffordable for the poorest households.

Read the press release

Education at a Glance

domenica 20 ottobre 2024



The “associative life” of ecclesial aggregations in the prism of Evangelii gaudium


Associations are a precious resource for the person and for society, therefore we must take care of them, with love, competence and constancy.


-by Alberto Randazzo 


The complex times that Catholic associations are going through, also confirmed by numerous studies of Sociology of Religion (such as those of Roberto Cipriani and Franco Garelli), should not lead to complaints, pessimism, or discouragement. However, it should not be underestimated and requires it to be, once again, analyzed. This is certainly not the place to do so. With these few pages, instead, we intend to gather, from the ever-current Evangelii gaudium of Pope Francis (from now on, EG), some precious indications that seem to mark a framework within which the ordinariness of the "associative life", often tiring and full of obstacles, of ecclesial aggregations can be experienced today.

In the “change of era” (as the Pontiff defined it) that we are witnessing, there is the idea that the associated laity and the entire Church are called to make important choices. These choices cannot but start with a careful discernment of what is essential, to concentrate on the latter and leave aside the superfluous. It is not, in fact, the time to “embark” on numerous pastoral initiatives that, although praiseworthy, are not always successful due to the complexity of the life of those who should organize them and those who should be their recipients.

The Apostolic Exhortation now recalled, therefore, can indicate a path to follow, offering valuable insights that we wish to share here.

Practical suggestions from Evangelii gaudium

It is necessary to start from the assumption that professing the faith in association remains a precious way of evangelization and responsible participation – in solidarity – “in the life and mission of the Church” (Christifideles laici 29, but see also EG 29) for one’s own salvation and that of others, constituting at the same time a means of contrasting individualism (see EG 67) and clericalism (see EG 102), provided that it does not become an occasion for spiritual worldliness on the part of individuals (EG 93 ff.). Moreover, as we know, “no one is saved alone” (EG 113). To this we must add that “it is in communion, even if it requires effort, that a charism is revealed authentically and mysteriously fruitful” (EG 130).

 Rediscovering charisma

In this last regard and as a preliminary point, it is possible to specify that the first concrete action that the individual realities are called to put into practice is precisely that of rediscovering the charisma that is at the basis of the associative identity. In fact, it is necessary to remain faithful to the latter even with the appropriate adaptations and adjustments that the era in which one operates requires. This certainly does not mean, as will be said shortly, closing oneself in, but making that charisma available to all, for the "common good" (1Cor 12, 4-11).

Be bold and creative.

This is why one of the essential commitments that associations and movements must try to put into practice cannot but be aimed at countering the "logic of 'it has always been done this way'", which the Apostolic Exhortation in question discusses (at n. 33); this, however, involves the ability to "be bold and creative in this task of rethinking the objectives, structures, style and methods of evangelization of one's communities" (again, EG 33; see also EG 129). It appears necessary and urgent to open to novelty (and to those who bring such novelty), certainly not to deny what has been done in the past, but to update the associative dynamics to the times in which we live. On the other hand, "every authentic evangelizing action is always 'new'" (EG 11). What has been said, however, must not allow the merely "administrative" aspect to come before the pastoral one (see EG 63).

Reading the signs of the times

Therefore, a careful reading of the “signs of the times” is urgently needed (see EG 51), which promotes a fruitful discernment, a verification of the associative style, a sort of “examination of conscience” from which no one can withdraw. This appears precious to grasp reality and measure the activity that is carried out with the needs, but also with the limits and opportunities of this time. On the other hand, Christians are called to live an “incarnated” faith, which cannot be “intimist” (see EG 233, 262) but which must be fully immersed in the complexity of “weekly life”, precisely because Christians, although not of the world, are in the world (see Letter to Diognetus).

Indeed, it is necessary to remember that “the reality is greater than the idea” (EG 231). This awareness, at times a little bitter, must spur lay associates to abandon certain ideas, at first sight interesting and considered “winning,” to come to terms with the “spatial” and “temporal” context in which they operate. Many times, in fact, with “lay maturity,” it is appropriate not to persist in wanting to pursue at all costs certain projects for the pursuit of which one does not have the necessary strength. The choice (often, forced) of having to make a careful selection of the initiatives to propose must not appear to be a defeat. On the other hand, before building a tower, should one not calculate whether one has the “means to complete it”? (cf. Lk 14, 28-33).

Intercepting real questions

The ability to read reality becomes in fact precious in order not to give answers "to questions that no one asks" (EG 155). Unfortunately, however, sometimes the impression one gets is that one is going "in vain", one works hard but the results are poor and the appeal towards associations has diminished (we will return to this point). Probably, however, the problem is upstream, in that one does not have the ability to intercept the real questions of today's men and women and instead it is necessary to do so, because only in this way is it possible to try to provide the answers that are truly of interest, going towards that existential search for God that - even unconsciously - unites human beings (or the majority of them).

The danger of self-reflexivity

There is no doubt, then, that “associative life” must avoid self-referentiality. Opening up to others (see EG 91 ff.), in a spirit of communion, with good listening skills and the desire to collaborate fraternally, appears fundamental. Being an “outgoing” Church (EG 20 ff.), in fact, also implies the willingness to abandon, when necessary, one’s original personal determinations, allowing oneself to be questioned by the points of view of others, often different from one’s own.

What has just been said requires the laity to refine themselves in the art of dialogue (see EG 74, but also 238 ff.), both internally and with those who profess another faith (EG 250 ff.), with atheists and agnostics and, in general, with non-ecclesial associations (see EG 257). This necessarily requires the good will to abandon forms of rigidity, assuming a capacity for mediation, not free from parrhesia.

It is necessary, therefore, to experiment with the art of inclusiveness and welcome, in the awareness that "the joy of the Gospel is for all people; it cannot exclude anyone" (EG 23). In fact, it is necessary not to fall into the temptation of "closed" groups (as such, repulsive), which are difficult to access.

Care, proximity, consistency.

In fact, “associative life” must be marked by the “healthy rhythm of proximity” (EG 169), so that members are true “traveling companions” to those they meet on their path (see EG 171 ff.).

Moreover, considering the intrinsic “social dimension of evangelization” (EG 176 ff.), it is appropriate to take into consideration socio-political commitment (see, esp., EG 205), as an operational modality at the service of others and, therefore, of the common good. The “concern for the poor and for social justice” (EG 201) cannot but unite all lay faithful, both at an individual and collective level (and, therefore, also, associated). For Francis, it is in fact “important that ecclesial groups participate in public debate, that is, that they ‘enter deeply into society’” (EG 269).

A missionary creativity

To achieve what is being said, however, a “missionary creativity” is needed (EG 28), which is a particular way of exercising charity, together with a vital desire to leave something good after one's passage on earth (EG 183).

Missionary work, in ways appropriate to the times, remains the urgency of ecclesial groups and of the entire Church (and therefore also of parishes) (see EG 15). It constitutes that essential, which was mentioned above and which we must strive for (see EG 35).

At the same time, however, one cannot help but point out how it is necessary to recover the primacy of the purely spiritual aspect, which must be carefully cared for (see EG 262) also by practicing missionary work (see EG 272); in many cases, in fact, as Francis observes, activities (however few or many they may be) are "lived badly" precisely because of a lack of that spirituality which should be at their basis (see EG 82).

Continuous training

Finally, one cannot overlook the importance of formation, which must constitute a specific area of commitment for the aggregations and a need to which the ecclesiastical hierarchy should pay particular attention, supporting those associative experiences that are already working in this direction (without, clearly, ignoring the others). In fact, "the formation of the laity and the evangelization of professional and intellectual categories represent an important pastoral challenge" (EG 102, but see also 121, 160).

In conclusion

Catholic associationism is in crisis (or, at least, is in difficulty) because it is no longer “contagious;” and yet, the Church grows (or should grow) “by attraction” (EG 14). In this regard, we should ask ourselves if we are (and have been) able to involve those who observe us from “outside.” As we know, “contemporary man listens more willingly to witnesses than to teachers, […] or if he listens to teachers, it is because they are witnesses,” as Paul VI prophetically said (Evangelii nuntiandi, 41). Good testimony, moreover, is the best way to promote associations.

Communion in differences

One cannot underestimate the sad internal conflict that is sometimes seen in aggregations and that translates into a “counter-testimony.” Although, as the Holy Father points out, conflict must be welcomed and accepted (as it is typical of every human reality), at the same time, it cannot trap (see EG 226), but must become a “link in a new process” (EG 227) through a “communion in differences” (EG 228). The “conviviality of differences” that Don Tonino Bello spoke about comes to mind, as well as the famous phrase that John XXIII pronounced the evening before the opening of the Council, when he urged us to consider what would unite rather than what would divide (he said: “to grasp what unites us, to leave aside, if there is, something that can keep us in difficulty a little”).

As RA Livatino said, at the end of our life "no one will come to ask us how much we have been believers, but credible"; are we? Our credibility, in short, is based on the Love that we have been able to give and to give to each other (the reference, obviously, is to St. John of the Cross).

The patience of the sower

Furthermore, in an age in which we are accustomed to having everything immediately, it is necessary to cultivate the patience of the sower who knows that the fruits of the work done will be harvested in time or by others (see EG 82 and 223). In fact, even among many difficulties, it is necessary to nourish the certainty that "in the midst of darkness something new always begins to bloom, which sooner or later produces fruit" (EG 276).

In fulfillment of the lay vocation (see EG 85), the fear of defeat – which is often present and immobilizing – must be responded to with commitment, that is, with a “creative and generous dedication” (EG 279) that is aimed at “initiating processes” and not at “possessing spaces” (EG 223) to fill roles.


Before concluding, let me make a note: someone may have noticed that the term “synodality” has never been used, not only because Evangelii gaudium does not give it particular prominence, but also because this word is over-recited and not practiced as much. While it is true that the Church is either synodal or lacks a constitutive element, it seems preferable here to speak of “communion” (cf. EG 23, 28, 31, but passim ); the latter, founded on the co-responsibility of lay people, pastors and religious, must characterize the way of being and operating of the Church. Only in this way is it possible, truly, to “walk together;” even in this regard, however, there is still a long way to go.

In today's "associative life" there is no shortage of difficulties and challenges that must be faced (see EG 75), but Pope Francis invites us not to give up (EG 3) and reminds us that "challenges exist to be overcome" (EG 109).


mercoledì 2 ottobre 2024


 INFO RADAR is a newsletter published by the Division for Communications and Public Engagement (CPE), highlighting new major developments, events, publications and press articles regarding the Organization.  This newsletter is intended for UNESCO staff and shared with Member States, and we are pleased to share it with our partner NGOs and foundations. We invite you to continue to follow our activities on UNESCO’s website and social media.


L'INFO RADAR est un bulletin d'information publié par la Division de la communication et de la mobilisation du public (CPE), qui met en lumière les nouveaux développements majeurs, les événements, les publications et les articles de presse concernant l'Organisation.  Ce bulletin est destiné au personnel de l'UNESCO et partagé avec les États membres, et nous avons le plaisir de le partager avec nos ONG et fondations partenaires. Nous vous invitons à continuer à suivre nos activités sur le site web et les médias sociaux de l'UNESCO.


Info Radar : every other Monday in the afternoon.

The Info Radar is sent to all staff, both at headquarters and in the field. It is shared with Member States. French version of the newsletter here.


Selection of the highlights of the past weeks



22-23 September

The 79th session of the United Nations General Assembly was marked by the adoption of the Pact for the Future, which grants a special place to culture in recognition of its role in sustainable development, as a result of UNESCO's multilateral efforts and campaigns (MONDIACULT 2022G20 and G7).



26 September

UNESCO organized the International Congress on brain sciences, early childhood care and education, in partnership with the Babilou Family Foundation, as part of the  Tashkent Declaration resulting from the World Conference on Early Childhood Care and Education (ECCE). The event brought together experts, researchers and policy-makers, and hosted Economics Nobel Prize Laureate James Heckman.



In the press:

·         PRENSA LATINA / UNIVERSITY WORLD NEWS / L’ECONOMISTE MAGHREBIN / CHW-DUMPLING / TAP: UNGA: new place given to culture in the "Pact for the Future" and IL MATTINO / FINESTRE SULL’ARTE / PTI / EURONEWS : Declaration of the G7 ministers of culture.

·         EFE / APS / ADIAC / LES ECHOS / SENEGO / SUD QUOTIDIEN / AGENCE AFRIQUE: UNGA: UNESCO creates a twinning network for sites and museums of memory of slavery.


·         THE NEW YORK TIMES / CONDÉ NAST TRAVELER / VEGNEWS / HULEY MANTEL / WHERE THE FOOD COMES FROM / PRENSA LATINA: Three-star chef Daniel Humm named UNESCO Goodwill Ambassador for food education.

·         NAFTEMPORIKI / PATRIS / THE TIMES GR / FLASH NEWS / THE HUFFINGTON POST / THE TOC / IEFIMERIDA / PELOP / RETHNEA: Commemoration ceremony in honor of Marianna V. Vardinoyannis, UNESCO Goodwill Ambassador.



Major upcoming events



30 September - 5 October

30 Septembre – 5 October – The beginning of October will be marked by two significant Education events: 1) the International Forum of UNESCO Chairs and Partners, jointly organized by UNESCO and the African Union Commission to take place in Addis Ababa (30 September – 2 October), and 2) the 2024 edition of World Teachers' Day, which will be celebrated on October 4 under the theme "Valuing Teachers' Voices: Towards a New Social Contract for Education," with the UNESCO-Hamdan Prize for Teacher Development award ceremony and the premiere screening of the film "Apprendre" by Claire Simon, presented at the Cannes Film Festival.



9-10 October

UNESCO is celebrating the 30th anniversary of the Routes of Enslaved Peoples Programme at a high-level event at headquarters. Ahead of this conference, the Director-General announced the creation of a twinning network for sites and museums of memory of slavery in Africa, the Americas, and Europe, which will support the sharing of knowledge and intercultural dialogue.



19 October

UNESCO hosts an exceptional conference by world-renowned primatologist Dr. Jane Goodall. She will look back on 60 years of commitment and action in favor of peace and a world more respectful of living beings. Registration and further information here.



Also to be followed:

·         1-2 October - International Day for Universal Access to Information (Accra, Ghana)

·         6 October - International Geodiversity Day

·         8 October – Inaugural Albert Hirschman Lecture with Daron Acemoglu, economist and foremost thinker in political economy, on the theme "Can Technological Progress Build Shared Prosperity?".

·         11 October - International Day of the girl

·         21 October – 1 November – COP 16 Biodiversity (Cali, Colombia)



Treasure to (re)discover



13 September

UNESCO celebrated its history and archives during a Conference commemorating the centenary of the International Institute of Intellectual Cooperation. The conference highlighted the treasures of UNESCO's archives and facilitated the first public screening of digitized films in partnership with France. The organization of this event was made possible thanks to the contributions of the permanent delegations of France, Japan, the Principality of Monaco, and Romania to UNESCO, the Polytechnic University of Bucharest, and the cultural association "Heritage for the Future."



Recent Publications



Please find all latest publications here.



The UNESCO Adventure
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Climate change assessment in Southern Africa

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Disability equality in the media
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