venerdì 22 maggio 2020

2020 LAUDATO SI’ REFLECTION DAY - Webinar 28 may

We are happy to invite you to the webinar
The webinar is organised by the European Laudato Si’ Alliance (ELSiA): a group of organisations that are joining forces in Europe to promote climate and social justice, highly inspired by the Encyclical Letter Laudato Si’ of Pope Francis. This alliance is bringing together the following organisations: COMECE – Commission of the Bishops' Conferences of the EU; JESC – Jesuit European Social Centre; CIDSE – International family of Catholic social justice organisations; GCCM – Global Catholic Climate Movement; Justice and Peace Europe; CCEE – Council of Bishops’ Conferences of Europe.

The webinar that will take place on THU 28 May 2020 from 3 pm to 5 pm CEST and you need to register at this link here ( as soon as possible and by 25 May latest.

On the occasion of the 5th anniversary of the Pope Francis’ Encyclical Laudato Si’  - The Laudato Si' Week and the  Special Laudato Si’ Anniversary Year (24th May 2020 – 24th May 2021) - building on our work to date, the main objective of the webinar is to provoke an exchange at the European level on the urgent need to address the current COVID19 crisis and build plans for a just and sustainable recovery.  A recovery that must put at the centre a radical shift of the dominant economic system towards a more just and sustainable paradigm where the economic, health, social, environmental crisis are not addressed in silos but as one crisis. 

We will do so listening from two keynote speakers (Mariana Mazzucato, Professor in the Economics of Innovation and Public Value at University College London / Founding Director of the Institute for Innovation and Public Purpose and Monsignor Bruno-Marie Duffé, Secretary of the Dicastery for promoting integral human development/Vatican) and then with an exchange among participants and reactions from Members of the European Parlament.

We look forward to have you with us on what promises to be a very inspiring exchange in view of a growing join engagement in responding with responsibility to our call today in Europe!

For more information, don't hesitate to contact me and Sladana Lovric at

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