mercoledì 26 febbraio 2025


 Passer par la Porte Sainte pour affermir l’espérance du salut



-         Par Vincent Dollmann*

 La porte sainte signe du salut dans le Christ

Les quatre basiliques majeures de Rome, Saint-Pierre, Saint-Jean-de-Latran, Sainte-Marie-Majeure et Saint-Paul-hors-les-murs, possèdent une porte ouverte à l’occasion d’une Année Sainte. Le rite d’ouverture et de fermeture de la Porte Sainte remonte au 16e siècle. Il signifie que l’Année Sainte est un chemin de conversion et de grâce offert à chaque fidèle. En franchissant la Porte Sainte, celui-ci manifeste le désir de faire « l’expérience vivante de l’amour de Dieu qui suscite dans le cœur l’espérance certaine du salut dans le Christ » (Bulle d’indiction, 9 mai 2024, n.6). La Porte désigne ainsi Jésus le Sauveur qui fait entrer dans la vie en Dieu, mais également l’humanité qui a le choix d’y entrer ou non. 

Le Christ, porte du salut

Quand Jésus affirme : « Moi, je suis la porte. Si quelqu’un entre en passant par moi, il sera sauvé » (Jean 10, 9), il dit la réalité concrète et personnelle du salut offert par lui et en lui. Ainsi, en approfondissant notre connaissance de la personne de Jésus et de son Evangile, nous pouvons ouvrir notre intelligence à son salut. Un des beaux fruits de ce travail de l’Eglise des premiers siècles sont les deux textes du Symbole des apôtres et de Nicée-Constantinople. Le salut en Jésus s’offre également à notre expérience comme une rencontre personnelle avec lui qui a sauvé le monde par la puissance de l’amour de Dieu. Notre participation à cet amour nous ouvre les portes du Royaume.

La porte du salut ouverte à l’humanité

Jésus a rendu la porte du salut accessible à tous, la peur de Jacob à la vue de l’échelle entre ciel et terre et de la porte du ciel (Cf. Gn 28,17), se transforme en joie et confiance pour le disciple de Jésus. Le salut n’est pas pour autant automatique. A la question du nombre de sauvés, Jésus répond : « Efforcez-vous d’entrer par la porte étroite ! » (Lc 13,24). Sa réponse est un appel à la conversion.

La porte n’est pas étroite, selon les propos du Pape François, « parce qu’elle est destinée à quelques-uns, non, mais parce qu’être de Jésus, c’est le suivre, engager sa vie dans l’amour, dans le service et dans le don de soi, comme lui qui a passé par la porte étroite de la croix » (Angelus, 21 août 2022).


*Archevêque de Cambrai, Assistent Ecclesiastique de l’UMEC-WUCT


Passing through the Holy Door to strengthen the hope of salvation

- By Vincent Dollmann*

The Holy Door, a sign of salvation in Christ

The four major basilicas of Rome, Saint Peter, Saint John Lateran, Saint Mary Major and Saint Paul Outside the Walls, have a door that is open on the occasion of a Holy Year. The rite of opening and closing the Holy Door dates back to the 16th century. It signifies that the Holy Year is a path of conversion and grace offered to each believer. By crossing the Holy Door, the latter manifests the desire to have “the living experience of the love of God which arouses in the heart the certain hope of salvation in Christ” (Bull of Indiction, May 9, 2024, n.6). The Door thus designates Jesus the Savior who brings into life in God, but also humanity who has the choice to enter it or not. Christ, the door of salvation

When Jesus says: “I am the door

If anyone enters through me, he will be saved” (John 10:9), he speaks of the concrete and personal reality of the salvation offered by him and in him. Thus, by deepening our knowledge of the person of Jesus and his Gospel, we can open our intelligence to his salvation. One of the beautiful fruits of this work of the Church of the first centuries are the two texts of the Apostles’ Creed and the Nicene-Constantinopolitan Creed. Salvation in Jesus is also offered to our experience as a personal encounter with him who saved the world by the power of God’s love. Our participation in this love opens the doors of the Kingdom to us.

The door of salvation open to humanity

Jesus made the door of salvation accessible to all, Jacob’s fear at the sight of the ladder between heaven and earth and the door of heaven (Cf. Gen 28:17), is transformed into joy and confidence for the disciple of Jesus. Salvation is not, however, automatic. When asked how many are saved, Jesus answers: “Strive to enter through the narrow gate!” (Lk 13:24). His answer is a call to conversion.

The gate is not narrow, according to Pope Francis, “because it is intended for a few, no, but because to be of Jesus is to follow him, to commit one’s life to love, to service and to the gift of oneself, like him who passed through the narrow gate of the cross” (Angelus, August 21, 2022).

*Archbishop of Cambrai, Ecclesiastical Assistant of UMEC-WUCT

Pasando por la Puerta Santa para fortalecer la esperanza de salvación

- Por Vincent Dollmann*

La Puerta Santa, signo de salvación en Cristo

Las cuatro basílicas mayores de Roma, San Pedro, San Juan de Letrán, Santa María la Mayor y San Pablo Extramuros, tienen la puerta abierta con motivo del Año Santo. El rito de apertura y cierre de la Puerta Santa se remonta al siglo XVI. Quiere decir que el Año Santo es un camino de conversión y de gracia ofrecido a cada fiel. Al cruzar la Puerta Santa, se manifiesta el deseo de tener «la experiencia viva del amor de Dios que suscita en el corazón la esperanza cierta de la salvación en Cristo» (Bula de convocación, 9 de mayo de 2024, n. 6). La Puerta designa así a Jesús, el Salvador, que trae a la vida en Dios, pero también a la humanidad que tiene la opción de entrar o no.

Cristo, la puerta de la salvación

Cuando Jesús dice: “Yo soy la puerta. «El que entre por mí, se salvará» (Jn 10, 9), habla de la realidad concreta y personal de la salvación ofrecida por él y en él. Así, profundizando en el conocimiento de la persona de Jesús y de su Evangelio, podemos abrir nuestra inteligencia a su salvación. Uno de los hermosos frutos de este trabajo de la Iglesia de los primeros siglos son los dos textos del Credo de los Apóstoles y del Credo Niceno-Constantinopolitano. La salvación en Jesús se ofrece también a nuestra experiencia como encuentro personal con Aquel que salvó al mundo con el poder del amor de Dios. Nuestra participación en este amor nos abre las puertas del Reino.

La puerta de la salvación abierta a la humanidad

Jesús hace accesible a todos la puerta de la salvación, el temor de Jacob al ver la escalera entre el cielo y la tierra y la puerta del cielo (Cf. Gn 28,17), se transforma en alegría y confianza para el discípulo de Jesús. Sin embargo, la salvación no es automática. Cuando le preguntaron a Jesús cuántos se salvaron, respondió: “¡Esforzaos a entrar por la puerta estrecha! » (Lc 13,24). Su respuesta es una llamada a la conversión.

La puerta no es estrecha, según las palabras del Papa Francisco, “porque está destinada a pocos, no, sino porque ser de Jesús es seguirlo, comprometer la propia vida en el amor, en el servicio y en la donación de sí, como él que pasó por la puerta estrecha de la cruz” (Ángelus, 21 de agosto de 2022).

*Arzobispo de Cambrai, Asistente Eclesiástico de UMEC-WUCT





martedì 25 febbraio 2025


 Gestion des projets d'accès à l'eau et à l'assainissement autonome dans les villes et villages

Thanks to UNESCO-CCIC for the financial and organizational support that allowed us to realize this project. Thanks also to Father Albert Kabuge, our representative at UNESCO for his initiative and his active participation in the Council of UNESCO-CCIC

Merci à l'UNESCO-CCIC pour le soutien financier et organisationnel qui nous a permis de réaliser ce projet. Merci également au Père Albert Kabuge, notre représentant auprès de l’UNESCO pour son initiative et sa participation active au Conseil UNESCO-CCIC.

La formation s’est tenue à l’Institut 2iE du 27 janvier au 14 février 2025, avec le soutien de l’UNESCO. Conçue pour les responsables d’ONG, elle visait à leur fournir les outils nécessaires pour évaluer et apprécier la qualité des travaux et prestations liés à l’eau et à l’assainissement qui leur sont fournies par des pretataires et entrepreneurs. En trois semaines intensives, les participants ont exploré les enjeux liés l’eau, les notions et calculs hydrauliques, la qualité et le traitement des eaux, ainsi que la mobilisation des eaux de surface et celles souterraines. Ils ont également approfondi les techniques de pompage, les infrastructures d’adduction d’eau potable, les aménagements hydroagricoles et les solutions d’assainissement autonome, condensant ainsi l’essentiel d’un cursus académique de cinq ans. En plus des cours en salle, des travaux pratiques ont été réalisés au laboratoire hydraulique de 2iE pour renforcer l’apprentissage théorique.

Des sorties pédagogiques ont également été organisées pour une immersion sur le terrain. Au barrage de Tanghin, les participants ont effectué des prélèvements et analyses in situ de la qualité de l’eau, suivi du Jar test au laboratoire du complexe scientifique. À Kamboisé, ils ont participé à l’implantation d’un forage, aux essais et à l’interprétation de pompage sur un forage existant. À Kombissiri, ils ont visité un barrage et des sites maraîchers afin d’appréhender la gestion de l’eau en agriculture. Enfin, une visite à Zagtouli leur a permis de découvrir la station de traitement des boues de vidange de l’ONEA, illustrant les enjeux concrets de l’assainissement autonome. Ces expériences pratiques, complétées par des supports de cours , permettront aux participants d’appliquer efficacement les compétences acquises dans leurs projets professionnels.


Management of water and sanitation access projects in cities and villages

The training was held at the 2iE Institute from January 27 to February 14, 2025, with the support of UNESCO. Designed for NGO managers, it aimed to provide them with the tools needed to evaluate and assess the quality of water and sanitation works and services provided to them by service providers and contractors. In three intensive weeks, participants explored water-related issues, hydraulic concepts and calculations, water quality and treatment, as well as the mobilization of surface and groundwater. They also studied pumping techniques, drinking water supply infrastructure, hydro-agricultural developments and autonomous sanitation solutions, thus condensing the bulk of a five-year academic curriculum. In addition to classroom courses, practical work was carried out in the 2iE hydraulic laboratory to reinforce theoretical learning.

Educational outings were also organized for field immersion. At the Tanghin dam, participants took samples and conducted on-site analyses of water quality, followed by the Jar test at the laboratory of the scientific complex. In Kamboisé, they participated in the installation of a borehole, tests and interpretation of pumping on an existing borehole. In Kombissiri, they visited a dam and market garden sites to understand water management in agriculture. Finally, a visit to Zagtouli allowed them to discover the ONEA sewage sludge treatment plant, illustrating the concrete challenges of autonomous sanitation. These practical experiences, supplemented by course materials, will allow participants to effectively apply the skills acquired in their professional projects.



giovedì 6 febbraio 2025




Promotion 4

La formation de nos 25 Techniciens avance et vous trouverez ci-joint une première photo de l’ensemble de la promotion au Centre 2IE. 

Ils sont pour une partie de la semaine sur le terrain. 

Les participants sont de differents pays de l'Afrique:

Benin, Burkina Phaso, Centre Afrique, Ciad, Congo RD, Mauritanie


martedì 4 febbraio 2025



Joining forces 

for all the children 

of the world

The CEO of "Mary's Meals" reflects on the seeds sown during an International Summit on Children's Rights organized by the Vatican and says the Pope's announcement he will write an Apostolic Exhortation dedicated to children will be crucial in harnessing policies, work and energy for the future of all the children of the world.

-         By Francesca Merlo

There is no initiative aimed at protecting and empowering children that is not based on a common love, a love that transcends all borders, all policies and all ideologies. This was the underlying and uniting theme that rang out at the International Summit on Children’s Rights, hosted by Pope Francis. On Monday, 3 February 2025, the Vatican’s Clementine Hall gathered advocates, policymakers, and representatives of grassroots organisations who work tirelessly to ensure that children everywhere are assured the dignity, protection, and care that is inherent in every life.

The many aspects of the future of a child

Magnus MacFarlane-Barrow, Founder and CEO of Mary’s Meals, a global initiative that has transformed the lives of millions of children in some of the world’s poorest nations by providing them with a daily meal in their place of education, was one of the speakers at the event. Reflecting on the many insights that were offered throughout the day, and on the richness and variety of perspectives shared during the Summit, he noted that, “at times, it seemed we were coming from so many different places, but at the heart of it all is just our love for the child”.  There are so many aspects to be considered when striving to ensure that a child grows, flourishes, and is protected. Different panels at the summit focused on all of these: from family and healthcare to education and nutrition. And these aspects are encapsulated in that one single, simple, meal provided by Mary’s Meals.

In an interview with Vatican News, MacFarlane-Barrow highlighted that “the first thing we do is meet the immediate need of hunger. But Mary’s Meals is never just about food - it is always linked to education.”

He recalled his most recent visit to Malawi, just one week ago, in which a child chatting to him at school spoke about how during his classes before the feeding programme was implemented, he felt too weak to even hold his pencil.

“Hunger is just this evil thing” MacFarlane-Barrow said. He described the physical and psychological effects of malnutrition: weakness, stunted growth, the inability to focus. All these, he said, can shape a child’s entire future. “Having a good meal a day changes that”.

Food for family

The Summit focused on so many more aspects that are relevant to a child's life and wellbeing, some, MacFarlane-Barrow stressed, “I cannot even pretend to begin to understand”. A father himself, he spoke of the anguish a parent must feel not knowing how they will feed their child tomorrow. Many parents he has met feel powerless and unable to guide or discipline their children when they cannot even provide them with a meal.

“I’ve had fathers tell me, ‘How can I speak to my children about their behaviour if I can’t even feed them? What respect do they have for me?’ The anguish of that father is a terrible thing.”

In many ways, the simple act of feeding a child also restores dignity to families, offering parents a sense of security, a chance to hope again. “When a parent knows their child is being fed at school, it lifts a huge burden,” MacFarlane-Barrow said. “It gives them the space to focus on other things - to work, to plan for the future, to simply be a family.”

Action on all levels

Reflecting on the testimonies of people from areas of conflict, MacFarlane-Barrow admitted that there are many challenges that Mary’s Meals faces when operating in areas where wars are fought. “Of course, there are huge challenges - logistics, safety”, he says, “but we work through local communities and partners who stay no matter what.”

This highlights another focus of the Summit that gathered voices from both grassroots initiatives and institutional policy-making. While Mary’s Meals operates at the most direct, practical level, MacFarlane-Barrow acknowledged the vital role of systemic change. “I wouldn’t be one to influence policy,” he admitted, “but thank God there are people doing that. It’s really important that we work at every level.” One, he added, cannot go without the other.

A meal as a sign of peace

Even in extreme realities such as Yemen, Ethiopia, South Sudan and Haiti, in which children are growing up amidst violence, MacFarlane-Barrow stressed that their mission remains unchanged: one daily meal, always tied to education. “That can be so important in times of conflict - to get children back into the classroom as quickly as possible so they don’t lose years of schooling.”

“The simple presence of a meal in a place of learning can be a small but powerful act of peace,” he said. “It tells a child: you are not forgotten, your future matters.” It’s a sign of hope: “My favourite word!” he adds.

While some attendees expressed concern that summits such as these might end in empty promises, MacFarlane-Barrow left the gathering with hope. “I was really amazed when Pope Francis announced he would write a new Apostolic Exhortation on this theme. That alone will have an enormous impact.”

He concluded by highglighting that beyond policy talk, deeply human connections were forged in the room. “Meeting others doing incredible work, sharing stories, learning from each other. That in itself is invaluable,” he said. “Because at the end of the day, no single organisation, no single policy, can solve this alone. But together, we can create something powerful.”


Vatican News