sabato 4 gennaio 2025




Paul VI Audience Hall
Saturday, 4 January 2025



Dear brothers and sisters, good morning!

I am pleased to meet you on the occasion of the anniversaries of your Associations: the eightieth of the Italian Association of Catholic Primary School Teachers and of the Italian Union of Catholic School Teachers, Managers, Educators and Trainers, and the fiftieth of the Association of Catholic School Parents. It is a good opportunity to remember, to remember your history and to look to the future. This exercise, this movement between roots, memory and fruits, the results, is the key to commitment in education.

Our meeting takes place in the liturgical season of Christmas, a time that shows us God's pedagogy. And what is His “educational method”, God's educational method? It is that of proximity, closeness. God is close, compassionate and tender. The three qualities of God: closeness, compassion and tenderness. Closeness. Proximity. It is the Lord who, as a teacher who enters the world of his pupils, chooses to live among men to teach through the language of life and love. Jesus was born in a condition of poverty and simplicity: this calls us to a pedagogy that values the essential and places humility, gratuitousness and acceptance at the centre. A remote pedagogy, distant from the people, is no use, it does not help. Christmas teaches us that greatness is not manifested in success or wealth, but in love and service to others. God’s is a pedagogy of giving, a call to live in communion with Him and with others, as part of a plan of universal fraternity, a plan in which the family has a central and irreplaceable position. The family. In addition, this pedagogy is an invitation to recognize the dignity of every person, starting from those who are rejected and at the margins, just as the shepherds were treated two thousand years ago, and to appreciate the value of every phase of life, including childhood. The family is at the centre, do not forget. Someone told me that one Sunday he was having lunch in a restaurant, and at a nearby table there was a family: father, mother, son and daughter. All four of them were on their mobile phones, and they did not talk among themselves. This man felt something, and he approached them, saying: “But you are a family, why don’t you talk to each other and talk like this, it is strange…”. They listened to him, then they sent him packing and carried on doing these things… Please, in the family, one talks! Family is dialogue, it is dialogue that makes us grow.

Today’s meeting also takes place at the beginning of the Jubilee journey, which began a few days ago with the celebration of the event by which, with the incarnation of the Son of God, hope entered the world. The Jubilee has a lot to say to the world of education, and also to the world of the school. Indeed, “pilgrims of hope” are all the people who look for a meaning for their life and also those who help the smallest to walk on this path. A good teacher is a man or a woman of hope, because they devote themselves with confidence and patience to a project of human growth. Their hope is not naive, it is rooted in reality, sustained by the conviction that every educational effort has value and that every person has a dignity and every person has a vocation that deserve to be nurtured. It pains me when I see children who are not educated and who go to work, many times exploited, or who go looking for food or things to sell among the rubbish. It is hard. And there are such children!

Hope is the motor that sustains the educator in their daily effort, even in difficulty and failure. But what can we do so as not to lose hope, and to foster it every day? Keep our eyes fixed on Jesus, teacher and travelling companion: this allows us truly to be pilgrims of hope. Think of the people you meet at school, children and adults: “Everyone knows what it is to hope. In the heart of each person, hope dwells as the desire and expectation of good things to come, despite our not knowing what the future may bring” (Spes non confundit, 1). These human hopes, through each one of us, can encounter Christian hope, the hope that is born of faith and lives in charity. And let us not forget: hope does not disappoint. Optimism disappoints, but hope does not disappoint. A hope that exceeds every human desire, because it opens minds and hearts to life and eternal beauty.

The school needs this! You are called to develop and transmit a new culture, a new culture, based on the encounter between generations, on inclusion, on the discernment of the true, the good and the beautiful; a culture of responsibility, both personal and collective, to face global challenges such as the environmental, social and economic crises, and the great challenge of peace. At school you can “imagine peace”, that is, lay the foundations for a more just and fraternal world, with the contribution of all disciplines and the creativity of children and young people. But if at school you wage war among yourselves, if at school you bully girls and boys who have problems, that is preparing for war, not peace. Please, never bullying, do you understand this? I think not... [reply: ‘Yes!’] No bullying! Let us all say it together! Come on! Never bully! I don't understand... [repeat: Never bully!] Be bold and go ahead. Work on this.

Dear sisters and dear brothers, you are here today to celebrate significant anniversaries for your associations, which were founded to offer a contribution to the school, for the best fulfilment of its educational purposes. Ah, I can’t remember, what was it you were saying? [They answer: “No bullying!”]. Understood. And not to the school as a container, but to the people who live and work in it: the students, the teachers, the parents, the administrators and all the staff. At the beginning of your history there was the insight that only by associating, walking together, can one improve the school, which by its nature is a community, a community in need of the contribution of everyone. Your founders lived in times when the values of the person and of democratic citizenship needed to be witnessed and strengthened, for the good of all; and also the value of educational freedom. Never forget where you come from, but do not walk with your head facing the other way, mourning times past! This is important. And what mustn’t you do, what was it? [They answer: “Never bully!”]. You have learned! Think instead of the present of the school, which is the future of society, getting to grips with an epoch change. Think of the young teachers who are taking their first steps in school, and of the families who feel alone in their educational task. To each one of them, propose your educational and associative style with humility and freshness; and what was it? [They answer: “No bullying!”] Do not forget this.

I encourage you to do all this together, with a sort of “pact between associations”, because in this way you can better bear witness to the face of the Church in the school and for the school. Hope never disappoints, never; hope is never still, it is always on the move, and makes us move. So, go forward confidently! I bless you all and those who make up the network of your associations. And do not forget to pray for me, and do not forget to…? [They answer: “Never bully!”]. You have learned! Thank you.


Holy See Press Office Daily Bulletin, 4 January 2025


lunedì 23 dicembre 2024


 Peace Day

Message an invitation 

to convert hearts and minds


Forgive us our trespasses: grant us your peace

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 A briefing at the Holy See Press Office presents Pope Francis' message for the 58th World Day of Peace, celebrated on January 1, 2025.


By Linda Bordoni 


Pope’s World Day of Peace message: ‘We are all in debt to God’

Pope Francis’ 2025 World Day of Peace Message entitled “Forgive Us Our Debts: Grant Us Your Peace” was presented in the Vatican on Thursday morning.

In his message, the Pope references the 2025 Jubilee Year on the theme “Pilgrims of Hope” that underscores the deep meaning of the Jubilee as a special year of universal remission of sins and debts to liberate the oppressed.

Speakers at the press conference included Cardinal Michael Czerny, Prefect of the Dicastery for Promoting Integral Human Dignity, Krisanne Vaillancourt Murphy, Executive Director of Catholic Mobilizing Network, and Vito Fontana, a former landmine producer now working with Intersos, a humanitarian organization that provides aid, in particular to people whose lives are threatened by conflict.

Catholics seeking to end US death penalty chart Jubilee course in God’s justice

Forgiveness, renewal, global responsiblity

Cardinal Czerny highlighted the resonances between the Message and the Jubilee Year, explaining that the message integrates the biblical meanings of “sin” and “debts,” urging forgiveness, renewal, and global responsibility.

He said it invites us in particular to strengthen our faith in Jesus to counter injustice and evil in the world; to commit to conversion of heart and mind, guided by love and responsibility for others, particularly the poor and the earth; to work for disarmament by embracing a transformative perspective that fosters unity and care, calling for global actions like forgiving foreign debt, abolishing the death penalty, and combating hunger.

These steps, Cardinal Czerny explained, emphasize forgiveness, justice, and solidarity as pathways to hope and peace in a troubled world.

Krisanne Vaillancourt Murphy, Executive Director of Catholic Mobilizing Network, which advocates for the abolition of the death penalty in the United States, noted that the Pope’s message emphasizes forgiveness as the foundation for peace.

She said it challenges individuals and societies to confront structures of sin and promote healing, particularly through restorative justice.

The overarching message, Vaillancourt noted, is a call to action, an invitation to embrace forgiveness and dismantle structures of violence, such as the death penalty, to build a culture of life and peace grounded in mercy and justice.

 Vito Alfieri Fontana, the Italian former landmine producer who has transformed his life and his mission becoming an advocate for peace and responsibility, reflected on how the arms trade thrives on the illusion of quick solutions, perpetuating conflicts for profit while ignoring the long-term.

He spoke about how the Pope’s teaching highlights that war, lies, and inequality tear apart communities while benefiting a small, powerful minority and that people affected by war demand justice, not charity.

Fontana reiterated the concept that it is those who profit from conflict who bear a moral responsibility to repair the damage and support recovery.

Inspired by Pope Francis, he expressed his belief that true peace requires acknowledging the world’s collective debt to war-torn communities and the commitment to pursue reconciliation, justice, and coexistence.


1st JANUARY 2025

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sabato 21 dicembre 2024



International Youth Advisory Body: the new members in Rome for their first Meeting

 The second group of IYAB, at the service of the Universal Church, meets the Dicastery

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Confraternities: home and school of Christian life, communion and synodality

 Intervention by Card. Kevin Farrell to the II International Congress of Confraternities and Popular Piety

  The 2nd International Congress of Confraternities and Popular Piety was held from 4 to 8 December in Seville, Spain. The International Congress opened with the reading of Pope Francis' Message ...




An outlook on the Pastoral Care of the Elderly in Latin America and Africa

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“The Challenge of Synodality for the Mission”: proceedings of the Meeting

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Called to shine: 39° WYD celebration with Pope Francis

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At the service of the Church in Greece

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At the service of the Church in Namibia and Lesotho, Mali and CERNA

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On Sunday, 24 November 2024, the 39th World Youth Day will be celebrated

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Behind the logo for WYD Seoul 2027

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venerdì 20 dicembre 2024

SAINT NOËL 2024 - Message de Msg Dollmann


fr - en - es

 Message de l'Archevêque Dollmann


Le jubilé pour devenir 

serviteurs de la joie

Saint Luc, l’évangéliste de la joie

L’évangile selon saint Luc qui accompagne la nouvelle année liturgique, se caractérise par la note de la joie. Ainsi à Noël, l’évangile nous associe à la joie des anges par le chant du Gloire à Dieu et, après l’Ascension, l’évangile mentionne les apôtres qui louaient sans cesse Dieu dans le Temple. Cette joie est un des fruits de l'Esprit-Saint que Jésus nous a obtenu par sa mort et sa résurrection. Pour le peuple juif, le jubilé voulait être un temps de joie consacré entièrement à Dieu par la prière mais également par des gestes de réconciliation comme la remise des dettes, la libération des esclaves ou le repos de la terre. Mais ces préceptes sont restés en grande partie un idéal. C’est alors que grandissait l’espérance de la vraie libération, celle qui serait accomplie par le Messie.


Jésus le Messie consacré par l’onction de joie

Au début du ministère public de Jésus, saint Luc évoque sa venue dans la synagogue de Nazareth où il participa à la prière du sabbat. On lui présenta le livre du prophète Isaïe, dans lequel il lut le passage suivant : « L’Esprit du Seigneur est sur moi parce que le Seigneur m’a consacré par l’onction. Il m’a envoyé porter la Bonne Nouvelle aux pauvres […] proclamer une année de grâce du Seigneur » (Is 61,1-2). L’assemblée comprenait ces paroles d’Isaïe comme une annonce du Messie. Et voici qu’après avoir remis le rouleau de l’Écriture au servant, Jésus proclama : « Aujourd’hui, s’accomplit à vos oreilles ce passage de l’Écriture » (Lc 4,21).


Le chrétien, serviteur de la joie de Dieu

Le jubilé tel que l’a annoncé Isaïe s’est ainsi accompli en Jésus. Lui le Fils de Dieu a annoncé aux hommes la libération totale, a guéri les malades et rendu la vue aux aveugles. Jésus a signifié par-là l’avènement du salut, le don de la vie éternelle qu’il a offert définitivement à l’humanité par sa mort et sa résurrection. Pour les chrétiens, les jubilés seront toujours en référence à ce salut que Jésus le Christ a porté au monde. Accueilli ainsi, le jubilé de 2025 est une école de la joie fondée selon le souhait du Pape, sur l’espérance. Celle-ci « bien plus grande que les satisfactions quotidiennes et l’amélioration des conditions de vie, nous porte par-delà des épreuves et nous pousse à marcher sans perdre de vue la grandeur du but auquel nous sommes appelés, le Ciel » (Bulle d’Indiction Spes non confundit, n.25, 9 mai 2024).


Joyeuses Fêtes de la Nativité du Christ et Sainte Année jubilaireX 

+Vincent DOLLMANN  Archevêque de Cambrai Assistent Ecclésiastique MEC-WUCT


Message from Archbishop Dollmann

The jubilee to become servants of joy

Saint Luke, the evangelist of joy

The Gospel according to Saint Luke, which accompanies the new liturgical year, is characterized by the note of joy. Thus at Christmas, the Gospel associates us with the joy of the angels by singing the Glory to God and, after the Ascension, the Gospel mentions the apostles who continually praised God in the Temple. This joy is one of the fruits of the Holy Spirit that Jesus obtained for us by his death and resurrection. For the Jewish people, the jubilee was intended to be a time of joy devoted entirely to God through prayer but also through gestures of reconciliation such as the forgiveness of debts, the liberation of slaves or the rest of the earth. But these precepts have remained largely an ideal. It was then that the hope of true liberation grew, that which would be accomplished by the Messiah.

Jesus the Messiah consecrated by the anointing of joy

At the beginning of Jesus’ public ministry, Saint Luke recalls his coming to the synagogue of Nazareth where he participated in the Sabbath prayer. He was presented with the book of the prophet Isaiah, from which he read the following passage: “The Spirit of the Lord is upon me, because the Lord has anointed me. He has sent me to bring good news to the poor […] to proclaim the year of the Lord’s favor” (Is 61:1-2). The assembly understood these words of Isaiah as an announcement of the Messiah. And behold, after giving the scroll of Scripture to the servant, Jesus proclaimed: “Today this Scripture has been fulfilled in your hearing” (Lk 4:21).

The Christian, servant of God’s joy

The jubilee as announced by Isaiah was thus fulfilled in Jesus. He, the Son of God, announced total liberation to men, healed the sick and restored sight to the blind. Jesus thereby signified the advent of salvation, the gift of eternal life that he definitively offered to humanity through his death and resurrection. For Christians, jubilees will always refer to this salvation that Jesus Christ brought to the world. Welcomed in this way, the jubilee of 2025 is a school of joy founded, according to the Pope’s wish, on hope. This “much greater than daily satisfactions and the improvement of living conditions, carries us beyond trials and pushes us to walk without losing sight of the grandeur of the goal to which we are called, Heaven” (Bull of Indiction Spes non confundit, n. 25, May 9, 2024).

Happy Feast of the Nativity of Christ and Holy Jubilee Year

+Vincent DOLLMANN, Archbishop of Cambrai, Ecclesiastical Assistant UMEC-WUCT


 Mensaje del Arzobispo Dollmann

 El jubileo para convertirse  

servidores de la alegría

 San Lucas, evangelista de la alegría

 El Evangelio según san Lucas, que acompaña el nuevo año litúrgico, se caracteriza por una nota de alegría. Así en Navidad, el evangelio nos asocia con la alegría de los ángeles a través del cántico de Gloria a Dios y, después de la Ascensión, el evangelio menciona a los apóstoles que constantemente alababan a Dios en el Templo. Este gozo es uno de los frutos del Espíritu Santo que Jesús obtuvo para nosotros mediante su muerte y resurrección. Para el pueblo judío, el jubileo quería ser un tiempo de alegría dedicado enteramente a Dios a través de la oración pero también a través de gestos de reconciliación como el perdón de las deudas, la liberación de los esclavos o del resto de la tierra. Pero estos preceptos siguieron siendo en gran medida un ideal. Fue entonces cuando creció la esperanza de la verdadera liberación, la que sería realizada por el Mesías.

 Jesús el Mesías consagrado por la unción de la alegría

 Al inicio del ministerio público de Jesús, san Lucas evoca su llegada a la sinagoga de Nazaret donde participó en la oración del sábado. Le presentaron el libro del profeta Isaías, en el que leyó el siguiente pasaje: “El Espíritu del Señor está sobre mí, por cuanto el Señor me ha ungido. Me ha enviado a llevar la Buena Nueva a los pobres […] a proclamar un año de gracia del Señor” (Is 61,1-2). La asamblea entendió estas palabras de Isaías como un anuncio del Mesías. Y he aquí, después de haber entregado el rollo de la Escritura al criado, Jesús proclamó: “Hoy se ha cumplido este pasaje de la Escritura que has oído” (Lucas 4,21).

 El cristiano, servidor de la alegría de Dios

 El jubileo anunciado por Isaías se cumplió así en Jesús. Él, el Hijo de Dios, anunció a los hombres la liberación total, curó a los enfermos y devolvió la vista a los ciegos. Jesús significó así el advenimiento de la salvación, el don de la vida eterna que ofreció definitivamente a la humanidad mediante su muerte y resurrección. Para los cristianos, los jubileos siempre serán en referencia a esta salvación que Jesucristo trajo al mundo. Así acogido, el jubileo de 2025 es una escuela de alegría fundada según el deseo del Papa, sobre la esperanza. Esto “mucho mayor que las satisfacciones cotidianas y la mejora de las condiciones de vida, nos lleva más allá de las pruebas y nos empuja a caminar sin perder de vista la grandeza de la meta a la que estamos llamados, el Cielo” (Bulle of Indiction Spes non confundit, n. 25, 9 de mayo de 2024).

Felices Fiestas de la Natividad de Cristo y Año Santo Jubilar

 +Vincent DOLLMANN Arzobispo de Cambrai, Asistente Eclesiástico  UMEC-WUCT

martedì 17 dicembre 2024


 Liebe Leserin, lieber Leser! 

Das Jahr neigt sich dem Ende entgegen: Damit beginnt eine Zeit des Innehaltens, des Rückblicks und auch des Dankens. Wir leben in einer Phase der Unordnung und der Desorientierung, die wir insbesondere an der Gemütsverfassung derer ablesen können, die allen Pädagoginnen und Pädagogen anvertraut sind: Kinder und Jugendliche sind mehr denn je verunsichert und blicken mit wenig Hoffnung in die Zukunft, wie Studien zeigen. 

Der Glaube fehlt — das können Selbstbestimmung und ausgereizte Sozialsysteme nicht auffangen. 

Lassen wir Jesu Geburt in Stille und mit Offenheit staunend auf uns wirken — als Chance und Kraft für eine wunde Welt.

VkdL - INFO - 6/24

Dear reader!

The year is drawing to a close: with it begins a time of reflection, reflection and also of thanksgiving. We are living in a phase of disorder and disorientation, which we can see in particular in the state of mind of those entrusted to all educators: children and young people are more insecure than ever and look to the future with little hope, as studies show.

Faith is lacking - self-determination and exhausted social systems cannot compensate for this.

Let us be amazed by the birth of Jesus in silence and with openness - as an opportunity and strength for a wounded world.

Cher lecteur, cher lecteur !

L'année touche à sa fin : c'est le début d'un temps de pause, de réflexion et aussi de gratitude. Nous vivons dans une phase de désordre et de désorientation, que nous pouvons notamment constater dans l'état d'esprit de ceux qui sont confiés à tous les éducateurs : les enfants et les jeunes sont plus précaires que jamais et regardent l'avenir avec peu d'espoir, comme le montrent les études .
La foi manque – l’autodétermination et les systèmes sociaux épuisés ne peuvent pas compenser cela.
Laissons la naissance de Jésus nous affecter en silence et avec ouverture – comme une opportunité et une force pour un monde blessé.

¡Querido lector!

El año está llegando a su fin: Este es el comienzo de un tiempo de pausa, reflexión y también de agradecimiento. Vivimos en una fase de desorden y desorientación, que se manifiesta especialmente en el estado de ánimo de quienes están encomendados a todos los educadores: los niños y los jóvenes están más inseguros que nunca y miran al futuro con pocas esperanzas, como señalan los estudios. espectáculo.
Falta fe: la autodeterminación y los sistemas sociales agotados no pueden compensar esto.
Dejemos que el nacimiento de Jesús nos afecte en silencio y con apertura, como oportunidad y fuerza para un mundo herido.

Caro lettore!

L'anno volge al termine: è l'inizio di un tempo di pausa, di riflessione e anche di gratitudine. Viviamo una fase di disordine e disorientamento, che possiamo constatare soprattutto nello stato d'animo di chi è affidato a tutti gli educatori: bambini e ragazzi sono più che mai insicuri e guardano al futuro con poche speranze.
Manca la fede: l’autodeterminazione e i sistemi sociali esausti non possono compensare questo.
Lasciamo che la nascita di Gesù ci colpisca nel silenzio e nell'apertura, come opportunità e forza per un mondo ferito.



* A tale for children

 and… adults *

In an enchanted forest lived a little rabbit named Nico. 

Nico was famous for his generosity and willingness to help all the animals in the forest. 

If the squirrel Anna needed nuts, Nico would collect them; if the fox Luca had a broken shelter, Nico would repair it; and if the turtle Tonia needed company to cross the river, Nico was there, carrying her on his back.

The rabbit worked tirelessly, jumping from one place to another to meet the needs of others. Although everyone appreciated him, many began to take his help for granted. One day, while helping Lilli the giraffe decorate her tallest tree, Nico slipped and fell. It wasn't a serious fall, but as he got up he felt pain in his hind legs. The pain wasn't just physical; it was also the burden of always feeling needed by others, but never cared for.

That night, as he rested in his den, Nico looked at the moon and sighed. "I love helping my friends, but I have no strength left. No one stops to think about how I feel or if I need help too."

The next day, when Bruno the beaver asked him for help in building his dam, Nico took a deep breath and replied:

— I'm sorry, Bruno, but today I need some time for myself. I'm tired and I want to rest.

Bruno looked at him in surprise, but then nodded. From that moment on, Nico began to say "no" when he felt he needed it. Instead of helping everyone all the time, he devoted himself to taking care of his den, enjoying the sun's rays and hopping around the forest without a care in the world.

Over time, the other animals realized that Nico couldn't do everything for them. Some began to help each other instead of always depending on him. They even organized themselves to help the rabbit when he needed it, bringing him fresh carrots or taking care of his burrow.

Nico's life improved. He understood that helping is a wonderful thing, but taking care of oneself is just as important. And the entire forest flourished with a spirit of collaboration and balance.

Moral: Being generous is wonderful, but we must remember that even the greatest hearts need rest and care.

Helping others should not mean forgetting to help ourselves.




* Un conte de fées pour enfants et... adultes *

 Dans une forêt enchantée vivait un petit lapin nommé Nico. Nico était célèbre pour sa générosité et sa volonté d'aider tous les animaux de la forêt. Si Anna l'écureuil avait besoin de noix, Nico les récupérait ; si le renard Luca avait un abri cassé, Nico le réparerait ; et si Tonia la tortue avait besoin de compagnie pour traverser la rivière, Nico était là, la portant sur son dos.

Le lapin travaillait sans relâche, sautant d’un côté à l’autre pour répondre aux besoins des autres. Même si tout le monde l’appréciait, beaucoup commençaient à considérer son aide comme acquise. Un jour, alors qu'il aidait la girafe Lilli à décorer son plus grand arbre, Nico a glissé et est tombé. Ce n'était pas une chute grave, mais lorsqu'il s'est relevé, il a ressenti des douleurs aux pattes arrière. Cette douleur n'était pas seulement physique ; c'était aussi le fardeau de toujours se sentir utile aux autres, mais sans jamais s'en soucier.

Cette nuit-là, alors qu'il se reposait dans sa tanière, Nico leva les yeux vers la lune et soupira. "J'adore aider mes amis, mais je n'ai plus de force. Personne ne s'arrête pour penser à ce que je ressens ou si j'ai aussi besoin d'aide."

Le lendemain, lorsque le castor Bruno lui demande de l'aider à construire son barrage, Nico inspira profondément et répondit :

— Je suis désolé, Bruno, mais aujourd'hui j'ai besoin de temps pour moi. Je suis fatigué et je veux me reposer.

Bruno le regarda surpris, puis hocha la tête. À partir de ce moment, Nico a commencé à dire « non » quand il en ressentait le besoin. Au lieu d'aider tout le monde tout le temps, il s'est consacré à prendre soin de sa propre tanière, à profiter des rayons du soleil et à parcourir la forêt sans soucis.

Au fil du temps, les autres animaux se sont rendu compte que Nico ne pouvait pas tout faire à leur place. Certains ont commencé à s’entraider au lieu de toujours dépendre de lui. Ils se sont même arrangés pour aider le lapin quand il en avait besoin, en lui apportant des carottes fraîches ou en prenant soin de son terrier.

La vie de Nico s'est améliorée. Il a compris qu’aider est une chose merveilleuse, mais que prendre soin de soi est tout aussi important. Et toute la forêt s'est épanouie dans un esprit de collaboration et d'équilibre.

Moralité : Être généreux est merveilleux, mais nous devons nous rappeler que même les plus grands cœurs ont besoin de repos et de soins. Aider les autres ne signifie pas nécessairement oublier de s’aider soi-même.

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