Paul VI Audience Hall
Saturday, 4 January 2025
Dear brothers and sisters, good morning!
I am pleased to meet you on the occasion of the
anniversaries of your Associations: the eightieth of the Italian Association of
Catholic Primary School Teachers and of the Italian Union of Catholic School
Teachers, Managers, Educators and Trainers, and the fiftieth of the Association
of Catholic School Parents. It is a good opportunity to remember, to remember
your history and to look to the future. This exercise, this movement between
roots, memory and fruits, the results, is the key to commitment in education.
Our meeting takes place in the liturgical season
of Christmas, a time that shows us God's pedagogy. And what is His
“educational method”, God's educational method? It is that of proximity,
closeness. God is close, compassionate and tender. The three qualities of God:
closeness, compassion and tenderness. Closeness. Proximity. It is the Lord who,
as a teacher who enters the world of his pupils, chooses to live among men to
teach through the language of life and love. Jesus was born in a condition of
poverty and simplicity: this calls us to a pedagogy that values the essential
and places humility, gratuitousness and acceptance at the centre. A remote
pedagogy, distant from the people, is no use, it does not help. Christmas
teaches us that greatness is not manifested in success or wealth, but in love
and service to others. God’s is a pedagogy of giving, a call to live in
communion with Him and with others, as part of a plan of universal fraternity,
a plan in which the family has a central and irreplaceable position. The
family. In addition, this pedagogy is an invitation to recognize the dignity of
every person, starting from those who are rejected and at the margins, just as
the shepherds were treated two thousand years ago, and to appreciate the value
of every phase of life, including childhood. The family is at the centre, do
not forget. Someone told me that one Sunday he was having lunch in a
restaurant, and at a nearby table there was a family: father, mother, son and
daughter. All four of them were on their mobile phones, and they did not talk
among themselves. This man felt something, and he approached them, saying: “But
you are a family, why don’t you talk to each other and talk like this, it is
strange…”. They listened to him, then they sent him packing and carried on
doing these things… Please, in the family, one talks! Family is dialogue, it is
dialogue that makes us grow.
Today’s meeting also takes place at the beginning of
the Jubilee journey, which began a few days ago with the celebration of the event by which, with
the incarnation of the Son of God, hope entered the world. The Jubilee has a lot to say to the world of education, and
also to the world of the school. Indeed, “pilgrims of hope” are all the people
who look for a meaning for their life and also those who help the smallest to
walk on this path. A good teacher is a man or a woman of hope, because they
devote themselves with confidence and patience to a project of human growth.
Their hope is not naive, it is rooted in reality, sustained by the conviction
that every educational effort has value and that every person has a dignity and
every person has a vocation that deserve to be nurtured. It pains me when I see
children who are not educated and who go to work, many times exploited, or who
go looking for food or things to sell among the rubbish. It is hard. And there
are such children!
Hope is the motor that sustains the educator in their
daily effort, even in difficulty and failure. But what can we do so as not to
lose hope, and to foster it every day? Keep our eyes fixed on Jesus, teacher
and travelling companion: this allows us truly to be pilgrims of hope. Think of
the people you meet at school, children and adults: “Everyone knows what it is
to hope. In the heart of each person, hope dwells as the desire and expectation
of good things to come, despite our not knowing what the future may bring” (Spes
non confundit, 1). These human hopes, through each one of us, can encounter
Christian hope, the hope that is born of faith and lives in charity. And let us
not forget: hope does not disappoint. Optimism disappoints, but hope does not
disappoint. A hope that exceeds every human desire, because it opens minds and
hearts to life and eternal beauty.
The school needs this! You are called to develop and
transmit a new culture, a new culture, based on the encounter between
generations, on inclusion, on the discernment of the true, the good and the
beautiful; a culture of responsibility, both personal and collective, to face
global challenges such as the environmental, social and economic crises, and
the great challenge of peace. At school you can “imagine peace”, that is, lay
the foundations for a more just and fraternal world, with the contribution of
all disciplines and the creativity of children and young people. But if at
school you wage war among yourselves, if at school you bully girls and boys who
have problems, that is preparing for war, not peace. Please, never bullying, do
you understand this? I think not... [reply: ‘Yes!’] No bullying! Let us all say
it together! Come on! Never bully! I don't understand... [repeat: Never bully!]
Be bold and go ahead. Work on this.
Dear sisters and dear brothers, you are here today to
celebrate significant anniversaries for your associations, which were founded
to offer a contribution to the school, for the best fulfilment of its
educational purposes. Ah, I can’t remember, what was it you were saying? [They
answer: “No bullying!”]. Understood. And not to the school as a container, but
to the people who live and work in it: the students, the teachers, the parents,
the administrators and all the staff. At the beginning of your history there
was the insight that only by associating, walking together, can one improve the
school, which by its nature is a community, a community in need of the
contribution of everyone. Your founders lived in times when the values of the
person and of democratic citizenship needed to be witnessed and strengthened,
for the good of all; and also the value of educational freedom. Never forget
where you come from, but do not walk with your head facing the other way,
mourning times past! This is important. And what mustn’t you do, what was it?
[They answer: “Never bully!”]. You have learned! Think instead of the present
of the school, which is the future of society, getting to grips
with an epoch change. Think of the young teachers who are taking their first
steps in school, and of the families who feel alone in their educational task.
To each one of them, propose your educational and associative style with humility
and freshness; and what was it? [They answer: “No bullying!”] Do not forget
I encourage you to do all this together, with a sort
of “pact between associations”, because in this way you can better bear witness
to the face of the Church in the school and for the
school. Hope never disappoints, never; hope is never still, it is always on the
move, and makes us move. So, go forward confidently! I bless you all and those
who make up the network of your associations. And do not forget to pray for me,
and do not forget to…? [They answer: “Never bully!”]. You have learned! Thank
Holy See Press Office Daily Bulletin, 4 January 2025