lunedì 20 aprile 2015

World Congress "Educating Today and Tomorrow. - Congrès Mondial "Eduquer Aujourd'hui et demain. - Congreso Mundial EDUCAR HOY Y MAÑANA - EDUCAR HOJE E AMANHÃ - Congresso mondiale "Educare oggi e domani"

This year, the Congregation for Catholic Education is celebrating the fiftieth anniversary of the Second Vatican Council’s DeclarationGravissimum Educationis and the twenty-fifth anniversary of the Apostolic Constitution Ex Corde Ecclesiae. As part of these celebrations, the Congregation aims to re-energize the Church’s commitment to education, by means of this World Congress. In the years following the Second Vatican Council, the Magisterium has repeatedly spoken of the importance of education, and has also invited the Christian community to play its part in education – particularly in the face of today’s obvious, and often critical, “educational emergency”. In fact, Catholic centres of education are not only “expertise providers”; by their very nature, they are also places of encounter, dialogue and mutual enrichment. They foster education for living, in openness to others, with a view to thecommon good.........


À l’heure de célébrer le cinquantenaire de la Déclaration du Concile Vatican II Gravissimum educationis et le vingt-cinquième anniversaire de la Constitution Apostolique Ex corde Ecclesiae, la Congrégation pour l’Éducation Catholique veut relancer – à travers ce congrès mondial – l’engagement de l’Église dans le domaine de l’éducation. Dans les années qui suivirent le Concile, le Magistère pontifical est revenu avec insistance sur l’importance de l’éducation et sur la contribution que la communauté chrétienne est appelée à lui offrir, précisément là où se présente de manière évidente et même assez souvent dramatique l’urgence d’éduquer. En effet, les centres d’éducation catholiques ne sont pas seulement des « pourvoyeurs de compétences » mais, par leur nature intrinsèque, ils se caractérisent comme étant des lieux de rencontre, de dialogue et d’enrichissement mutuel avec un parcours d’éducation à la vie qui s’ouvre aux autres dans l’optique du bien commun. .....


Nel celebrare il cinquantesimo anniversario della Dichiarazione del Concilio Vaticano II Gravissimum educationis e il venticinquesimo anniversario della Costituzione Apostolica Ex corde Ecclesiae la Congregazione per l’Educazione Cattolica vuole rilanciare –  attraverso questo congresso mondiale – l’impegno della Chiesa nel campo educativo. Negli anni del post-concilio, più volte il Magistero è tornato sull’importanza dell’educazione e sul contributo che ad essa la comunità cristiana è chiamata ad offrire proprio dove si presenta in modo evidente e non raramente drammatico una emergenza educativa. Infatti i centri educativi cattolici non sono soltanto “dispensatori di competenze” ma, proprio per loro intrinseca natura, si caratterizzano per essere luo

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