venerdì 27 aprile 2018

UNESCO - Lettre mensuelle adressée aux partenaires officiels non gouvernementaux, avril 2018 / Monthly letter addressed to official Non-Governmental Partners, April 2018

Aux Organisations non gouvernementales, 
partenaires officiels de l’UNESCO
Chers partenaires, Je suis heureux de m’adresser à vous pour la première fois en tant que SousDirecteur général pour les Relations extérieures et l’Information du public par intérim. Comme vous le savez peut-être, la Directrice générale a souligné à maintes reprises le rôle critique joué par la société civile et les ONG dans le monde. Elle a aussi et surtout exprimé son souhait d’ouvrir plus largement l’UNESCO à la société civile, aux ONG, aux universitaires et à la jeunesse, afin de pouvoir notamment prendre en compte les défis auxquels l’humanité est confrontée aujourd’hui. Avant de présenter les évènements à venir susceptibles de vous intéresser, je voudrais vous informer de la parution du Rapport annuel de l’UNESCO 2017, qui retrace l’ensemble des actions de l’UNESCO tout au long de l’année 2017. Comme vous le verrez, la coopération avec la société civile est mentionnée à plusieurs reprises dans le rapport. En outre, le rapport mentionne aussi les ONG qui ont été admises au partenariat officiel au cours de l'année. Cette publication est disponible sous ce lien ; elle existe également en anglais. Je souhaite également partager avec vous l’édition 2017 du Rapport annuel des Commissions nationales pour l’UNESCO. Ce rapport présente un aperçu des principales réalisations de 150 Commissions nationales en 2017, et souligne notamment des exemples d’activités réussies. Vous pouvez télécharger le rapport sous ce lien, en anglais et en français. Je suis sûr que ces deux rapports vous permettront d’apprécier l’étendue de l’action de l’UNESCO dans ses domaines de compétence. Certaines ONG y retrouveront d’ailleurs des références à leur coopération avec le Secrétariat et les Commissions nationales.....


 To Non-Governmental Organizations, Official partners of UNESCO

 Dear Partners, In my capacity as acting Assistant Director-General for External Relations and Public Information of UNESCO, I am pleased to have the opportunity to address you for the very first time. As you may know, the Director-General has underlined many times the critical role played by civil society and NGOs in the world. She especially expressed her wish to open up UNESCO further to civil society, NGOs, universities and young people in order to take into account the challenges facing humanity today. Before presenting the forthcoming events that might interest you, I would like to inform you of the release of the UNESCO’s 2017 Annual Report, covering UNESCO’s actions throughout last year. As you will see, cooperation with civil society is repeatedly mentioned throughout the report. The Report also lists NGOs that have been admitted to official partnership during the year. The publication is available under this link and can also be found in French. I also wish to share with you the 2017 Annual Report of the National Commissions for UNESCO. It provides an overview of the main achievements of 150 National Commissions last year, and highlights success stories. You can download the report on this link, in both English and French. I am sure that these two reports will allow you to appreciate the extent of UNESCO’s action in its areas of competence and some NGOs will find references to their cooperation with the Secretariat and National Commissions......

mercoledì 18 aprile 2018


Par Msg Vincent Dollmann*

fr - es - en 
      Le matérialisme et le relativisme étouffent le désir de transcendance, la soif de Dieu et du salut offert par le Christ. Son Evangile devient un message étranger, n’ayant aucune prise sur le monde ; ou simplement une option idéologique de solidarité.
Face à ce défi, je vois un grand potentiel dans la tradition catholique : celui de dépasser les oppositions et d’articuler les éléments. Celui de mettre des ‘et’ là où l’on met facilement des ‘ou’. Il n’y a pas la raison d’un côté et la foi de l’autre,  il n’y a pas les laïcs d’un côté et les clercs de l’autre, il n’y a pas la prière d’un côté et l’engagement de l’autre.
Une première articulation source de croissance pour la foi au Christ est celle du cœur et de la tête, de l’affectif et de l’intellect.
Une deuxième articulation pour la vitalité de nos communautés est celle des laïcs et des prêtres, et plus largement des différentes vocations. Cette articulation s’enracine dans la vocation baptismale, vocation à l’amour qui se conjugue selon les différents états de vie et ministères.
Et enfin, pour maintenir nos vies et nos communautés chrétiennes dans le souffle de l’Esprit de vie, il nous faut ….

lunedì 16 aprile 2018


Les Amis du Saint-Siège auprès de l’UNESCO informent que la deuxième édition de la brochure « Afrique - Culture de la paix » est sortie en format numérique, sous la direction du Sous-Directeur général pour l’Afrique, M. Firmin Edouard Matoko, sur le site du Département Afrique. 
Ci-joint le document en pdf :
PDF - 8.1 Mo
Le but de cette brochure est celui d’inspirer une réflexion permanente sur les enjeux de la paix et du développement durable en Afrique. Il met l’accent sur "la Culture de Paix en action", suite au forum Panafricain de Luanda (Angola) en 2013


 Universities, by their very nature, are called to be workshops of dialogue and encounter in the service of truth, justice and the defense of human dignity at every level.

Pope Francis: 
"........ As an heir to the great Augustinian tradition of learning inspired by the pursuit of divine wisdom, your University was founded to preserve and pass on the richness of the Catholic tradition to new generations of students, who, like the young Augustine, seek true meaning and value in true life. In fidelity to this vision, the University, as a community of research and study, must also address the complex ethical and cultural challenges raised by the epochal changes affecting our world today. It is my hope that in every aspect of its life and mission, Villanova University will persevere in its efforts to communicate the intellectual, spiritual and moral values that will enable young people to participate wisely and responsibly in the great debates shaping the future of society.
One urgent aspect of this educational task is the development of a universal, “catholic” vision of the unity of our human family and a commitment to the practical solidarity needed to combat the grave inequalities and injustices that mark today’s world. Universities, by their very nature, are called to be workshops of dialogue and encounter in the service of truth, justice and the defense of human dignity at every level. This is especially true of Catholic institutions like your own, which contribute to the Church’s mission of promoting the authentic and integral growth of the human family towards its definitive fullness in God (cf. Ap. Const. Veritatis Gaudium, 1).
No one knew better than Saint Augustine the restlessness of the human heart until it finds its rest in the God who, in Jesus Christ, reveals to us the deepest truth about our lives and our ultimate destiny. May these days of reflection, discussion and encounter confirm you in your commitment to the University’s mission in the service of the truth that makes us free (cf. Jn 8:32). ..... "
 14 april 2018  

venerdì 13 aprile 2018




Pope Francis: " ..... And here we come to the second point, that is, to the educational alliance between the school and the family. We all know that this alliance has long been in crisis, and in some cases completely broken. Once upon a time there was significant mutual reinforcement between the stimuli given by teachers and those given by parents. Today the situation has changed, but we can not be nostalgic for the past. We must take note of the changes that have affected both the family and the school, and renew the commitment to constructive collaboration or rather, rebuild the alliance and the educational pact for the benefit of children and young people. And since this synergy no longer occurs in a “natural” way, it must be promoted in terms of planning, also with the contribution of experts in the pedagogical field. But first we must encourage a new “complicity”

I am conscious in my use of this word, a new complicity between teachers and parents. First of all, by avoiding thinking of each other as opposing fronts, blaming each other, but on the contrary putting ourselves in the shoes of each other, understanding the objective difficulties that each encounters in education today, and thus creating greater solidarity: complicity in solidarity.... "

di Giuseppe Savagnone

Perché i genitori picchiano, sempre più spesso, i docenti dei loro figli? La domanda, se posta anche solo pochi anni fa, avrebbe lasciato allibiti. Oggi sorge spontanea, leggendo le cronache dei giornali. Ormai non passa quasi settimana senza che un insegnante venga aggredito, da un padre, da un marito e una moglie insieme, o direttamente dagli alunni, evidentemente sicuri dell’appoggio delle famiglie. Soltanto in questi pochi mesi del 2018 si contano ben ventiquattro episodi di violenza su maestri e professori.
Fare il docente è diventato un mestiere pericoloso che presto richiederà, se le cose continuano ad andare così, corsi di addestramento all'autodifesa.
Che cosa è successo? La risposta non può non tener conto del crescente isolamento della figura dell’insegnante, in una società che non gli ha mai riconosciuto dignità sul piano retributivo, ma che ora, a differenza che in passato, non gliene attribuisce più neppure su quello del prestigio sociale e culturale. Fino a cinquant'anni fa il lavoro di educatore era pagato poco, ma era rispettato. Oggi non è più così.
C’è stato il Sessantotto, con la contestazione dei “maestri”, che ha travolto, insieme ad indubbie forme di autoritarismo, anche la loro autorità. Probabilmente ha inciso anche la crisi del concetto di “missione”, percepito a un certo punto come un alibi retorico per giustificare i bassi stipendi dei professori, con la conseguente crisi di motivazione di tanti la cui passione educativa si fondava su una visione idealizzata della scuola.
Soprattutto, è cambiata la percezione comune del rapporto tra denaro e valore sociale: in passato il primo non era la misura del secondo; nell'Italia del nostro tempo lo è diventato. Chi guadagna poco è, in fondo, un fallito.
È con questo atteggiamento di sottile disprezzo che molti si rapportano alla classe docente, e non c’è da meravigliarsi se, consciamente o inconsciamente, lo trasmettono ai loro figli.
Ma gli episodi di violenza non ci parlano solo del declino della scuola: essi sono lo specchio allarmante di una famiglia sempre più caratterizzata dall’incapacità, da parte di genitori insicuri e iperprotettivi, di far valere la loro funzione educativa, perché troppo timorosi dei conflitti che un esercizio reale della loro autorità genitoriale potrebbe determinare. Alla base c’è una grande fragilità degli adulti. Ormai, ….

lunedì 9 aprile 2018

GAUDETE ET EXULTATE - Freut euch und jubelt - REJOICE AND BE GLAD - Alegraos y regocijaos - Soyez dans la joie et l’allégresse - RALLEGRATEVI ED ESULTATE - Cieszcie się i radujcie - ALEGRAI-VOS E EXULTAI - "اِفَرحوا وابتَهِجوا" (متى ٥، ١۲)



 [ AR  - DE  - EN  - ES  - FR  - IT  - PL  - PT ]

1. “REJOICE AND BE GLAD” (Mt 5:12), Jesus tells those persecuted or humiliated for his sake. The Lord asks everything of us, and in return he offers us true life, the happiness for which we were created. He wants us to be saints and not to settle for a bland and mediocre existence. The call to holiness is present in various ways from the very first pages of the Bible. We see it expressed in the Lord’s words to Abraham: “Walk before me, and be blameless” (Gen 17:1).
2. What follows is not meant to be a treatise on holiness, containing definitions and distinctions helpful for understanding this important subject, or a discussion of the various means of sanctification. My modest goal is to repropose the call to holiness in a practical way for our own time, with all its risks, challenges and opportunities. For the Lord has chosen each one of us “to be holy and blameless before him in love” (Eph 1:4). ...

sabato 7 aprile 2018

HUNGARY and ROMANIA. The general secretary UMEC-WUCT meets the Bishops and representatives of the Catholic schools of Deberecen and Oradea

Chers amis, je vous écris de Debrecen où je suis depuis mercredi soir. La réception est très amicale. Hier, j'ai rencontré l'évêque qui est intéressé à l'UMEC-WUCT et qui va nommer un professeur pour s'occuper de la relation avec l'UMEC-WUCT. Les écoles gréco-catholiques sont disponibles pour l'adhésion. Je n'ai pas pu rencontrer l'évêque latin, car il était absent de la ville. J'ai visité le lycée, l'école primaire et secondaire, rencontré les directeurs d'école, et remis une copie du Statut et d'autres documents relatifs à l'UMEC et au rôle des enseignants catholiques dans les écoles, et  invité  auusi à participer au Conseil de novembre. J'étais bien accompagné par le père Adriano, le prêtre responsable des écoles diocésaines, et un professeur d'anglais. Nous sommes rapidement devenus de bons amis. Le vicaire de l'évêque,  prof. p. János Sésztak,  avec qui j'ai déjeuné ce matin, m'a dit qu'ils appréciaient notre esprit d'amitié, de simplicité et de sincérité dans les relations, la compétence pédagogique et l'esprit de service (j'ai qui font partie du style de UMEC-WUCT). Aujourd'hui j'irai à Oradea où je resterai jusqu'au dimanche matin. Je vais rencontrer l'évêque, Mons. Vasil Bercea,  et quelques représentants de l'école.
 J'aurai aussi la chance de participer à la liturgie solennelle de Pâques dans la cathédrale gréco-catholique d'Oradea 
Je remercie Dieu pour l'expérience que je vis. Bon week-end. Giovanni

Dear Friends, I am writing to you from Debrecen where I am from Wednesday evening. The reception is very friendly. Yesterday I met the Bishop who is interested at the UMEC-WUCT and who will appoint a professor to look after the relationship with UMEC-WUCT. Greek-Catholic schools are available for accession. I could not meet the Latin bishop, because he was absent from the city. I visited high school, primary and secondary school. I met the school directors, and delivered a copy of the Statute and other material related to the UMEC and the role of Catholic teachers in schools. I invited to attend the November Council. I was accompanied, very good, by Father Adriano, the priest responsible for the diocesan schools, and a professor of English. We soon became good friends. The vicar of the Bishop, prof. fh. János Sésztak  (a priest university professor), with whom I had breakfast this morning, told me that they appreciated our spirit of friendship, simplicity and sincerity in relationships, pedagogical competence and the spirit of service (I have which are part of the UMEC-WUCT style). Today I will go to Oradea where I will stay until Sunday morning. I will meet the bishop, Vasil Bercea, and some school representatives.
I will also have the good fortune to participate in the solemn Easter liturgy in the Greek-Catholic cathedral of Oradea.
I thank God for the experience I am experiencing.

 Have a nice weekend.  Giovanni

Cari Amici, vi scrivo da Debrecendove sono da mercoledì sera. Molto amichevole l'accoglienza. Ieri ho incontrato il Vescovo che è interessato all'UMEC e che nominerà un professore perché curi i rapporti con l'UMEC. Le scuole greco-cattoliche sono disponibili all'adesione.

Non ho potuto incontrare il vescovo latino, perché assente dalla città. Ho visitato il liceo, la scuola primaria e secondaria. Ho incontrato i direttori delle scuole. Ho consegnato copia dello Statuto e altro materiale relativo all'UMEC e al ruolo degli insegnanti cattolici nelle scuole. Ho invitato a partecipare al Consiglio di novembre. Sono stato accompagnato - ottimamente - da padre Adriano, dal sacerdote responsabile per le scuole diocesane e da un professore di inglese. Siamo ben presto divenuti dei buoni amici. Il vicario del Vescovo,  il prof. p. János Sésztak, con il quale ho fatto colazione questa mattina, mi ha detto che hanno apprezzato il nostro spirito di amicizia, la semplicità e la sincerità nei rapporti, la competenza pedagogica e lo spirito di servizio (ho detto che fanno parte dello stile dell'UMEC-WUCT). Oggi andrò in Oradea ove resterò sino a domenica mattina. Incontrerò il vescovo, S. E. Mons. Vasil Bercea,  e alcuni rappresentati delle scuole. 
Avrò anche la fortuna di partecipare alla solenne liturgia pasquale nella cattedrale greco-cattolica di Oradea.
Ringrazio Dio per l'esperienza che sto vivendo. 
Buon week end. Giovanni

Visit to the Archbishop of Debrecen, Eparca Fulop Kocsis. In the picture Father Miklos (spiritual
assistant of the schools), Eparca, Perrone, dr. Eva Czovek (Head of Catholic schools of Eparchia).

Visita all'arcivescovo di Debrecen, Eparca Fulop Kocsis. Nella foto padre Miklòs (assistente spirituale delle scuole), Eparca, Perrone, dr. Eva Czovek (responsabile scuole cattoliche dell'Eparchia)

Visita al liceo Szent Basil - Debrecen - Ungheria.    Nella foto (da sinistra): p.Miklòs Sivadò (assistente spirituale scuola), prof. Gabor Szilagi (preside liceo),  Giovanni Perrone (segr. gen.UMEC-WUCT),  vice preside, prof. P. Adrian Podar (liceo greco-cattolico Oradea, referente Umec-wuct per l'Europa Orientale)

Visit to the Szent Basil High School - Debrecen - Hungary. In the picture (from left): p.Miklòs Sivadò (spiritual assistant school), prof. Gabor Szilagi (high school principal), Giovanni Perrone (gen.UMEC-WUCT), vice principal, prof. P. Adrian Podar (Greek-Catholic Lyceum Oradea, Umec-wuct referent for Eastern Europe)
Visit to the St. Efrem primary school in Debrecen. Meeting with the deputy director, prof. Peter Bodo.
 Visita alla scuola primaria St Efrem di Debrecen. Incontro con il vice direttore, prof. Peter Bodo.

Convivial moment in the house of the Episcopal Vicar of Oradea, father Paul Popa, In the picture also the psychologist of the school, Anna Popa, teachers Daniela and Adrian Podar.
Momento conviviale nella casa del Vicario Episcopale di Oradea, padre Paul Popa, Nella foto anche la psicologa della scuola, Anna Popa, gli insegnanti Daniela e Adrian Podar.