mercoledì 5 dicembre 2018

INTERNATIONAL VOLUNTEER DAY - GIORNATA MONDIALE DEL VOLONTARIATO - Día Internacional de los Voluntarios - Journée internationale des Voluntaires

IVD 2018 – "Volunteers build Resilient Communities"

Papa Francesco:  La cultura della solidarietà e della gratuità qualifica il volontariato e contribuisce concretamente alla costruzione di una società fraterna, al cui centro vi è la persona umana. 
The culture of solidarity and gratuitousness qualifies volunteerism and contributes in a concrete way to the construction of a fraternal society, at the centre of which is the human person.
La cultura de la solidaridad y de la gratuidad califica al voluntariado y contribuye concretamente a la construcción de una sociedad fraterna, en cuyo centro se encuentra la persona humana. 
La culture de la solidarité et de la gratuité qualifie le volontariat et contribue concrètement à la construction d'une société fraternelle au centre de laquelle se trouve la personne humaine.

International Volunteer Day (IVD) 2018 recognizes volunteers worldwide – with a special focus on local community volunteers – who contribute to making their communities more resilient against natural disasters, economic stresses and political shocks. #IVD2018 focuses on the values of volunteerism through the appreciation of local volunteers, including the marginalized groups and women, who make up nearly 60 per cent of volunteers worldwide, and their impact on building #ResilientCommunities.
This year, IVD celebrates volunteer efforts that strengthen local ownership and the resilience of the community in the face of natural disasters, economic stresses and political shocks. The event on 5 December 2018 will focus on how volunteers can build resilient communities.
The United Nations Volunteers (UNV) programme is mandated to support and promote IVD celebrations worldwide. Apart from mobilising thousands of volunteers every year, UNV contributes to peace and development by advocating for the recognition of volunteers and working with partners to integrate volunteerism into development programming. Every year, over 6,500 UN Volunteers serve with UN entities in some of the most challenging environments across the world, and 12,000 UN Online Volunteers complete over 20,000 assignments online through the UNV Online Volunteering service.

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