lunedì 29 novembre 2021







Les jeunes du Comité Provincial d’Animation Missionnaire en Afrique Centrale ont organisé une rencontre de formation du 26 au 29 Novembre 2021 qui s’est focalisée sur le thème « La transmission de la culture missionnaire aux jeunes. » Ces jeunes missionnaires accompagnés par le Père Donatien, c’était une occasion de les éduquer, les préparer à commencer la marche vers Noël par le temps de l’Avent.

Ce week-end de formation a voulu faire comprendre aux jeunes missionnaires que Jésus s’est incarné dans notre vie pour nous transmettre le message de Dieu son Père et qu’à notre tour nous puissions être capables de transmettre ce message de paix, d’amour, d’humilité, de gratuité et de fraternité à nos frères et jusqu’aux extrémités de la terre, cela devient une culture dans cette province d’AFC parmi les jeunes depuis plus de 25 ans.

C’est ainsi que dans leur agir, dans leur conduite ils veulent exprimer qu’ils sont missionnaires sans frontière 24h/24. Par cette occasion, ils remercient tous les membres de l’UMEC qui ont toujours une pensée pieuse et de solidarité à ce mouvement de jeunes laïcs qui sont missionnaires des autres jeunes, ils apportent l’Evangile vers d’autres jeunes. Ce moment riche de formation et de prière a donné l’occasion aux jeunes de pouvoir se ressourcer et de se préparer à la mission avec les interventions suivantes :

- Conférence sur le Cercle Missionnaire, comment comprendre le sens, les objectifs, du mouvement missionnaire des jeunes. Est-ce que les jeunes peuvent être appelés missionnaires sans quitter leur pays ? En quoi consiste leur mission en RD Congo et dans le monde.

- Comment initier les enfants à la mission, il fallait expliquer le mouvement de l’Enfance Missionnaire. Ainsi les enfants sont appelés à être missionnaires des autres enfants.

- Le Volontariat Missionnaire, les gens ont pu approfondir ce thème qui les appelle à faire les choix d’engagement dans leur, le Cercle Missionnaire les prépare et ainsi après avoir atteint la maturité missionnaire, les jeunes se décident de se donner dans un esprit de gratuité, de solidarité et de fraternité. Et ce volontariat est vécu dans cette province par un envoi missionnaire pour 3 ou 6 mois et aussi un volontariat vécu par un camp missionnaire de 10 jours dans un village choisi.

- Les jeunes ont eu la possibilité de de découvrir que cette animation concerne toute la

famille salésienne et ainsi il y a des critères à suivre pour aller en mission surtout pour les religieux avec un document publié par la congrégation.

- Le dernier thème a été présenté sur les structures d’animation missionnaire pour permettre aux jeunes de savoir organiser leur mission et de comprendre comment une activité missionnaire est réalisée au niveau local, provincial, africain et mondial et même dans nos milieux de vie.

Cette culture Missionnaire se transmet dans la connaissance et la formation avant de se lancer et la préparation, n’est-ce pas suivre l’exemple de Jésus qui a préparé ses apôtres avant de les envoyer en mission deux par deux. Nous restons disponible à notre famille UMEC s’il y a des frères et sœurs qui sont intéressés par la formation missionnaire nous nous organiserons pour partager ensemble, c’est un moment de faire de l’EDUCATION MISSIONNAIRE pour nous tous, pour notre Eglise et pour le monde.

Nous tenons à vous signaler que notre frère missionnaire le Père Kabuge Albert n’est plus en RD Congo il est en France dans l comme missionnaire étudiant. Nous comptons sur votre accompagnement et soutien. Tous nous disons  restons : « Missionnaires Sans Frontière 24h/24. »


Pour UMEC Missions - RD Congo Père Donatien Mambepa, Sdb

venerdì 26 novembre 2021


         Le Conseil diocésain de l’Ecole Catholique de Ouesso s’est tenu à Ouesso dans la salle de réunion de l’Evêché du mercredi 24 au 26 novembre 2021sous le patronage de Monsieur l’Abbé Patrick Benjamin OKOGNA, Directeur Diocésain de l’Ecole Catholique de Ouesso.

         Il a été débuté par une célébration Eucharistique présidée par L’abbé Julien MUREKEZI, Secrétaire Chancelier concélébrée par les Abbés Patrick Benjamin OKOGNA, Directeur Diocésain de l’Ecole Catholique de Ouesso, l’abbé Franck BANGO, Econome diocésain et l’Abbé Léandre, Coordonnateur de l’Ecole Catholique de Ngombe.

         Dans son homélie, l’Abbé Julien MUREKEZI a insisté sur le fait que l’école est un lieu de martyr et que nous devons nous donner pour nos enfants que Dieu a mis sur nos routes.

         A la fin de la messe, le DDEC a pris la parole pour remercier les conseillers présents. Il a souhaité la bienvenue à tous les Conseillers spécialement la délégation de la CEEDUC dirigée par sa Secrétaire Générale, La Révérende Sœur Clarisse NKOURISSA au Conseil Diocésain, haut lieu de réflexion, organisé conformément aux directives de la CEEDUC qui lui a donné pour thème « Le pacte éducatif mondial selon Sa Sainteté le Pape François » et a déclaré ouverte la 4e session diocésaine de l’Ecole Catholique de Ouesso. Après la messe d’ouverture, nous avons entamé les travaux du Conseil proprement dit.

         Dans son mot d’ouverture, le Directeur Diocésain, l’Abbé Patrick Benjamin OKOGNA a précisé que la présence dans cette rencontre des coordonnateurs locaux, des directeurs des écoles, les inspecteurs, les responsables des structures intermédiaires et les partenaires privilégiés de l’école catholique rend cette session un haut lieu de réflexion qui intéresse l’Ecole Catholique de Ouesso.

         Le DDEC a présenté le thème de cette session dont nous allons tenter de cerner le lien avec chaque établissement scolaire de notre diocèse. Il a précisé que l’objectif principal est de nous aider à faire l’état des lieux de notre action éducative dans notre diocèse afin de mieux repenser notre œuvre éducative selon les orientations du Saint Père à travers le Pacte Educatif que la CEEDUC est venue nous présenter.

         Après son mot d’accueil, la parole a été donnée à la Sœur Clarisse NKOURISSA qui a exprimé sa joie d’être parmi nous à Ouesso et a directement passé la parole au frère Raoul NSIKA pour la présentation du thème de la session.

         Monsieur Raoul SIKA a commencé par préciser que le pacte éducatif nous invite d’abord à prendre conscience qu’un chemin de vie a besoin d’une espérance fondée sur la solidarité, et que tout changement nécessite un parcours éducatif pour construire de nouveaux paradigmes capables de répondre aux défis et aux urgences du monde contemporain, de comprendre et de trouver les solutions aux exigences de chaque génération et de faire fleurir l’humanité d’aujourd’hui et de demain. Nous considérons que l’éducation est l’une des voies les plus efficaces pour humaniser le monde et l’histoire. L’éducation est surtout une question d’amour et de responsabilité qui se transmet dans le temps, de génération en génération.

Pour cela, le pacte éducatif nous invite à nous engager personnellement et ensemble :

·        Premièrement : à mettre au centre de chaque processus éducatif formel ou informel la personne, sa valeur, sa dignité, afin de faire émerger sa spécificité, sa beauté, son unicité et, en même temps, sa capacité d’être en relation avec les autres et avec la réalité qui l’entoure, en repoussant les styles de vie qui favorisent la diffusion de la culture du rejet.

·        Deuxièmement : à écouter la voix des enfants et des jeunes à qui nous transmettons des valeurs et des connaissances, afin de construire ensemble un avenir de justice et de paix, une vie digne pour chaque personne.

·         Troisièmement : à favoriser la pleine participation des fillettes et des jeunes filles à l’instruction.

·         Quatrièmement : à voir dans la famille le premier et l’indispensable sujet éducateur.

·         Cinquièmement : à éduquer et à nous éduquer à l’accueil, en nous ouvrant aux plus vulnérables et aux plus marginalisés.

·         Sixièmement : à nous engager à chercher à trouver d’autres manières de comprendre l’économie, de comprendre la politique, de comprendre la croissance et le progrès, pour qu’ils soient vraiment au service de l’homme et de la famille humaine toute entière dans la perspective d’une écologie intégrale.

·         Septièmement : à garder et à cultiver notre maison commune, en la protégeant du pillage de ses ressources, en adoptant des styles de vie plus sobres et visant à l’utilisation complète des énergies renouvelables, respectueuses de l’environnement humain et naturel selon les principes de subsidiarité et de solidarité et de l’économie circulaire.

Un débat fructueux a montré l’intérêt que les conseillers ont manifesté envers le pacte éducatif. S’en est suivi les exposés des Directeurs des écoles qui présentaient les radioscopies de leurs établissements.

Ces exposés des écoles primaires a été suivi par des débats qui ont été centré sur le pacte éducatif qui nous pousse à aller à la périphérie pour éviter la culture de rejet. Ainsi les Conseillers ont insisté sur l’intégration des autochtones, des jeunes filles déscolarisées dans le système éducatif tout en tenant compte de l’attachement à leur culture. Ainsi mettre en place une programmation saisonnière et les orienter vers les centres des métiers.

Et enfin, une question de partage sur la lutte contre l’échec scolaire. Sur ce, les écoles Emile Verhille et Saint Pierre Claver ont partagé le fait de multiplier les centre d’encadrement, les devoirs hebdomadaires, l’analyse des résultats mensuels et toujours en complicité avec les parents.

Et pour clôturer la journée, nous pouvons relever le fait que le directeur de l’école a reçu l’autorisation d’engager de petits travaux urgents en accord avec le DDEC, chercher des titres fonciers pour nos écoles, promouvoir la gestion apaisée et concertée de nos écoles, et surtout se mettre en tête que la publicité de l’Ecole Catholique est le travail bien fait et la rigueur, seule porte d’entrée à l’EXCELLENCE.



giovedì 25 novembre 2021


Pope to persons with disabilities:

 “The Church is truly your home"

[AR - DE - EN - ES - FR - IT - PL - PT]

The Vatican on Thursday released the message of Pope Francis for the UN's International Day of Persons with Disabilities, 3 December.

By Robin Gomes

Pope Francis assures people with disabilities that the Church is truly their home, saying the Church is a community of imperfect people and sinners who are in need of God’s forgiveness. The Pope expresses the Church’s closeness to them in a message on the occasion of the United Nations International Day of Persons with Disabilities, 3 December

The UN General Assembly proclaimed the annual observance in 1992, to promote the rights and well-being of persons with disabilities in all spheres of society and development, and to increase awareness of the situation of persons with disabilities in every aspect of political, social, economic, and cultural life.

Friends of Jesus 

The Pope’s message, released by the Vatican at a press conference on Thursday, has as its theme, “You are my friends” (Jn 15:14). “We are called to be friends of Jesus,” the Pope says, adding that this can serve as the spiritual key to accepting the limitations that all of us have, and thus to be at peace with them. This in turn can lead to a joy that “fills hearts and lives.”

“The Church is truly your home!” the Pope assures people with disabilities. “We, all of us together, are Church, because Jesus chose to be our friend . . . Everyone has a part to play; no one is a mere extra.” Hence, “each of you,” he says, “is also called to make his or her own contribution to the synodal journey” in “a participative and inclusive ecclesial process.”


Unfortunately, the Holy Father points out, even today many people with disabilities “are treated as foreign bodies in society.” He says, “You can feel that [you] exist without belonging and without participating,” and that “much still prevents [you] from being fully enfranchised.” “Discrimination,” he notes, “continues to be all too present at various levels of society; it feeds on prejudice, ignorance, and a culture that finds it hard to appreciate the inestimable value of each person."

“The continuing tendency to regard disabilities as a kind of disease,” he laments, “contributes to keeping lives separate and stigmatizing you.”

Discrimination in the Church

In the Church, the Pontiff says, “the worst form of discrimination . . . is the lack of spiritual care” which is sometimes experienced in the form of denying access to the sacraments to those with disabilities.

In this regard, the Pope stresses the Church’s teaching that “no one can deny the sacraments to persons with disabilities” — for Jesus does not call us servants, women and men of lesser dignity, but friends: confidants worthy of knowing all that He has received from the Father.

The pandemic

Pope Francis further says that Jesus’ friendship protects us in moments of difficulty, such as during the Covid-19 pandemic, which has had grave repercussions for many disabled persons. Many of them were forced to stay at home for long periods of time; many students with disabilities had difficulties in accessing aids to distance learning; the lengthy interruption of social care services; and other hardships.   

Those who had been confined to residential facilities were particularly hit by the virus, with many lives lost. “Know that the Pope and the Church are especially close to you, with love and affection!" Pope Francis says. 

"The Church stands beside those of you who are still struggling with the Coronavirus,” the Pope assures persons with disabilities. 

He points out that the Church always “insists that everyone be provided with treatment, and that disabilities not prevent access to the best care available.” In this regard, the Holy Father commends the bishops’ conferences of the United States and of England and Wales, which have demanded respect for the right of everyone, without discrimination, to medical care.

Friendship – a call to holiness

Explaining further the friendship with Jesus, the Pope says the Lord wants us to be happy. “He wants us to be saints and not to settle for a bland and mediocre existence.” Speaking about the universal call to holiness, the Second Vatican Council teaches that “all the faithful of Christ of whatever rank or status, are called to the fullness of the Christian life and to the perfection of charity.” "They must devote themselves to the glory of God and the service of their neighbour”.   In this regard, the Holy Father notes that whenever persons with disabilities met Jesus, their lives changed profoundly and they became His witnesses, as in the case of the man born blind in John’s Gospel. 

Call to prayer

Addressing each one of the disabled persons, Pope Francis urges them to pray, assuring them that the Lord listens attentively to the prayers of those who trust in Him. “Prayer is a mission, a mission accessible to everyone, and I would like to entrust that mission in a particular way to you. There is no one so frail that he or she cannot pray, worship the Lord, give glory to His holy Name, and intercede for the salvation of the world."

In conclusion, Pope Francis reminds all that the pandemic has clearly shown us that we are all weak and vulnerable; we are all in the same boat, fragile and disoriented, but at the same time important and needed; all of us are called to row together. And the “primary way to do so is precisely by praying”.

The UN and the disabled

According to the UN, over a billion people in the world, or 1 in 7, have some form of disability.  Of these, more than 100 million are children, who are almost four times more likely to experience violence than non-disabled children. Eighty per cent of the world’s people with disabilities live in a developing country and 50% of them cannot afford health care. Of the 169 targets of the 17 Sustainable Development Goals (SDGs) of the 2030 Agenda, 7 explicitly refer to persons with disabilities.

UN Secretary-General Antonio Guterres also delivered a message ahead of the International Day of Persons with Disabilities, urging the international community “to build a sustainable, inclusive and just future for everyone, leaving no one behind”.  “I urge all countries to fully implement the Convention on the Rights of Persons with Disabilities, increase accessibility, and dismantle legal, social, economic and other barriers with the active involvement of persons with disabilities and their representative organizations,” he said.  182 countries have ratified the 2006 Convention.

 Vatican News

mercoledì 24 novembre 2021


Vatican News continues with its inside look at the history, objectives and “mission budgets” of the various Vatican offices assisting the Pope in his pastoral ministry. 

Featured here is the Congregation for Catholic Education with an interview with its Prefect, Cardinal Giuseppe Versaldi.

Français    - Espanol 

By Gabriella Ceraso – Vatican City

Tens of millions of children in the world are experiencing an “educational catastrophe”. They are excluded from the scholastic community. The Global Compact on Education proposed by the Pope seeks to contribute to heal this profound wound. About thirty people are working toward this behind the scenes, following, directing, supervising and promoting scholastic and academic formation in Catholic institutions throughout the world. Cardinal Giuseppe Versaldi tells us about the mission of the Congregation for Catholic Education.

Education is one of the central themes of Pope Francis’ pontificate. In October 2020, he relaunched the proposal of a Global Compact directed to all the educational entities in society responsible for the future of the younger generations. In what way has the Dicastery been involved in sustaining and implementing the campaign the Pope inspired?

From the beginning of his pontificate, following his previous pastoral style, Pope Francis has insisted on the necessity of investing everyone’s talents, above all those of the younger generations, to foster a new universal solidarity and a more welcoming society. With the launch of the Global Compact on Education, he renewed the invitation to forge an alliance toward a global convergence of education that knows how to unite every people, with all their components, so as to discover solutions to the problems created due to the ongoing epochal transformation, to initiate processes of transformation without fear and to look to the future with hope. This invitation was directed to everyone: teachers, students, parents, society; every field and discipline; the various intellectual, scientific, artistic, athletic, political, economic, entrepreneurial expressions, in support of young people.

Entrusted with the task of accompanying the implementation of this project, the Congregation for Catholic Education, in addition to promoting a series of conventions and events to develop the various components of the educational pact (undertaken immediately after the Holy Father’s first message of 12 September 2019), began to follow and gather the most significant experiences in place in Catholic schools and universities and in many other educational institutions in many countries throughout the world. Given the proliferation of initiatives and perspectives which will be constantly evolving in the next years, a Committee was created with the Pontifical Foundation Gravissimum educationis, LUMSA University (Rome) and the Catholic University of the Sacred Heart (Milan). This allowed the preparation of a vademecum for educators and a volume containing guidelines for universities. While the former, the objectives of the Global Compact indicated by the Pope are developed, the guidelines expand on five thematic areas in which the Compact can be applied to develop academic, scientific and cultural initiatives: human dignity and rights; fraternity and cooperation; technology and integral ecology; peace and citizenship; culture and religion.

Keeping in mind that the proposal of an educational compact aims at finding a global convergence in a “common home” for the Earth’s inhabitants, and an alliance that generates peace, justice, acceptance between all peoples and dialogue among religions, the Dicastery’s work is carried out in fruitful and productive collaboration with other entities in the Holy See.

What types of formative institutions fall under the Congregation’s competence and what tasks are assigned to it at the level of organizating, directing and promoting their activity?

The Congregation has the task of deepening, developing and promoting the fundamental principles of Catholic education, as proposed by the Magisterium of the Church, both regarding the People of God, as well as society at large. In this sense, it is committed to ensuring that the faithful can fulfill their obligations in this area, and that society at large might also recognize and protect their rights. In that context, constructive dialogue undertaken with national institutions and international organisms is significant.

In particular, the Congregation establishes guidelines for Catholic schools, many of which were founded by and are managed by religious Congregations. It assists Diocesan Bishops in their role of supervision over the quality of service these schools provide, the training of formators, religious education and the pastoral care of students. In addition to schools, the Dicastery follows Catholic universities and assists the Bishops in the formulation of norms for the application of the Constitution Ex corde Ecclesiae so that they might accompany these academic institutions in developing the various disciplines while taking into account Christian inspiration, and in promoting various forms of pastoral care at the university level.

Another specific task entrusted to the Congregation concerns Universities and Institutes of ecclesiastical studies. Implementing the Apostolic Constitution Veritatis Gaudium (approved by Pope Francis on 8 December 2017), the Dicastery ratifies the statutes of these types of institutions, maintains a high level of direction regarding them to ensure the quality of the doctrinal teaching offered and to safeguard the integrity of the Catholic Faith. There are approximately 217 thousand Catholic schools in the world, with over 60 million students. Catholic Universities number 1,360; there are 487 Ecclesiastical Universities and Faculties, including Institutes affiliated or connected with them. Students attending these institutions for higher education number about 11 million.

How many people are on staff at the Dicastery and how is their work organized? What are the areas of the Dicastery’s mission that absorb the majority of its budget?

Twenty-nine people who come from twelve different countries work in the Dicastery. They are distributed between the Office for Schools, Office for Universities, the Department for International Organisms and various other services: treasurer, protocol, archives, library, IT, porters. The largest expense is the payroll, then IT services which have recently become absolutely essential so as to accompany the work of the educational institutions throughout the world. We have publishing expenses (the Dicastery’s journal and various documents), as well as the consultation costs stemming from work entrusted to a group of consultants. Part of our budget goes toward the organization of particular events – conventions, study seminars or congresses organized for a variety of circumstances – which are subsidized in part by third parties. For the past six years, the Congregation has housed the Papal Foundation Gravissimum educationis, established by Pope Francis to support the area of research and new projects in the field of education. There are four people who work there.

The Holy See ensures a “diplomatic” presence in the cultural and academic fields at the international level through the Dicastery and the agreements and initiatives it has adhered to at various levels. What principles inspire this aspect and what are the most significant results?

Besides collaborating with numerous international scholastics, university, parent and alumni associations, the Dicastery, in close collaboration with the Secretariat of State, is in contact with international organizations such as UNESCO, the Council of Europe and the European Union. Constant relations are maintained with these organizations through the Holy See’s Observers from whom the Congregation receives information regarding the strategies developed, topics of study and events being promoted. On some particular occasions, in addition to the internal work of the officials who follow these activities, we choose qualified experts to send to meetings who represent the Church’s position and who learn about the orientations that might have an obvious impact on the work of Catholic educational institutions as they are developed.

After adhering to the Bologna Process, the AVEPRO Agency was established in 2007. What role does it fulfill in promoting a culture of quality within academic institutions? What are the tasks of the International Center for Recognition, instead?

In September 2003, in one of the periodic meetings of the Ministers of Universities of the countries already participating in the Bologna Process, the Holy See also gave its adhesion and was welcomed into this important collaborative process launched initially at the European level and now present in other continents. Its goal is to facilitate the international movement of teachers and students of higher learning. A series of criteria has been adopted to facilitate the recognition of studies among the countries who have adhered to the Process. In terms of ecclesiastical institutions, it represented an important step that, under the Dicastery’s leadership, led them to re-evaluate various aspects of academic life, especially the quality of education.

One of the objectives inherent to the Bologna Process has been the commitment to create an agency monitoring the quality of education in every member country. In the Holy See as well, Pope Benedict XVI created such an Agency, called AVEPRO (Agency of the Holy See for the Evaluation and the Promotion of Quality in Ecclesiastical Universities and Faculties), to emphasize not only its task of evaluation, but primarily that of helping to promote the development and the quality of ecclesiastic studies. As has happened in all other countries, so also in every institution of higher studies, the Church has undertaken the creation of an internal auditing system that would monitor the consistency and effectiveness of academic life. Every five years, AVEPRO, an organism independent of the Dicastery, undertakes an external evaluation of every institution, and produces a final report.

As far as the International Center for Recognition is concerned, all the countries who adhere to one of the UNESCO Conventions in this area are required to have a particular office to promote recognition and awareness of the national educational systems. This includes a database of all the educational institutions of higher learning that have been recognized. Having signed four regional Conventions, and having committed itself to promote the recently adopted UNESCO’s Global Convention, the Holy See created the International Center for Recognition (ICR) within the Congregation for Catholic Education. Its competence embraces the world, and it has the right to make binding decisions and to manage the database of all the educational institutions of higher education founded or approved by the Holy See. This database is accessible online.

The pandemic has profoundly affected the learning experience on a global level, penalizing networks of personal relationships and impoverishing resources and sources of support that educational institutions relied on. How will this situation influence the formation of the young generation? What has the Congregation suggested and prioritized in this area?

The pandemic accelerated and amplified many of the emergencies that were already present and revealed many others. This includes the field of education. We are facing a sort of “educational catastrophe” due to the fact that about ten million children were forced to leave school. This is in addition to the 250 million school-age children who are excluded from any educational activity. Computer-based education was rapidly put in place to respond to this emergency. But the marked disparity of access to technology, together with other deficiencies, made the educational divide more obvious everywhere.

The Congregation suggests two things regarding this situation, which will not be resolved quickly: on the one hand, the emergency needs to be dealt with as soon as possible with technological tools and teacher updating so the effort can be made in the direction of educational accompaniment to heal the new marginalities that have been created. On the other hand, efforts need to be made to produce a new cultural model to change the current model of development and to adopt pedagogical paradigms capable of safeguarding the dignity of the human person, of promoting adequate socialization processes within the perspective of universal fraternity, and to promote a transdisciplinary approach to knowledge to form the younger generations as protagonists of the common good.