venerdì 15 dicembre 2017

FORUM of Catholic Inspired NGOs

2017 Forum

Aggiungi didascalia
The Third Forum of Catholic Inspired Organizations was held in Rome from 11 – 13 December 2017. In considering the theme of Catholic Inspired Organizations as Promoters of Humanity, more than 100 organizations gathered to consider the importance of ongoing societal changes with regard to their respective commitments and various fields of expertise. The overall aim of the meeting was to identify key leads for the Forum network, in the hope that these then serve as building blocks for longer term collaboration in the various thematic groups in their efforts toward developing of a social observatory from a Catholic inspired perspective.  To better inform on the General aims and objectives of this initiative, the Committee presented the 2017 Founding Document.
 Professor John Lydon (WUCT treasurer) participated in representing the UMEC-WUCT.

The creation of a legal entity for the Forum was announced, from which basis the Forum Secretariat will commence work. Please see the relevant details below for more information:
Synthesis of 2017 Discussion (coming soon)

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