sabato 23 giugno 2018


Padre Mario Pellegrino , un giovane missionario comboniano, opera nel Sud Sudan, Paese vilentato da guerre tribali, ove anche andare a scuola significa sfidare la morte.
L'UMEC-WUCT collabora con padre Mario al fine di aiutare i giovani (alcuni dei quali seminaristi) a recarsi nelle nazioni vicine per poter studiare.

Father Mario Pellegrino, a young Comboni missionary, works in South Sudan, a country that is being tormented by tribal wars, where even going to school means challenging death.

The UMEC-WUCT collaborates with Father Mario in order to help young people (some of them seminarians) to go to neighboring countries to study. 

El padre Mario Pellegrino, un joven misionero comboniano, trabaja en Sudán del Sur, un país que está siendo atormentado por guerras tribales, donde incluso ir a la escuela significa desafiar la muerte.
El UMEC-WUCT colabora con el padre Mario para ayudar a los jóvenes (algunos de ellos seminaristas) a ir a los países vecinos para estudiar.

it - en - es

Peter è un ragazzo che viene da un’isola in mezzo alle paludi a circa un’ora di canoa dal mio villaggio, Nyal. Peter è un giovane come tanti altri, sogna in grande, ha chiari obiettivi per il suo futuro. Come tutti i ragazzi del mio villaggio sogna di studiare, perché sa che solo attraverso l’educazione potrà dare una svolta alla sua vita. Qui a Nyal l’educazione è poverissima, non ci sono insegnanti preparati e la maggior parte di loro sono assenti dalla scuola perché non pagati dal governo che li considera nemici ribelli.....

Peter's dream, the hope of the people
By Fh. Mario Pellegrino
2018, juin
Peter is a boy who comes from an island in the middle of the marshes about an hour's canoe from my village, Nyal. Peter is a young man like many others, dreams big, has clear goals for his future. Like all the boys in my village, he dreams of studying, because he knows that only through education can he make a change in his life. Here at Nyal, education is very poor, there are no teachers prepared and most of them are absent from school because they are not paid by the government, which considers them rebellious enemies.
Peter believes it, he really wants to realize his dream and decides: he leaves home, mom and dad and he goes canoeing for a long journey that will take him to Uganda; he may enter them as a political refugee because he comes from a country that suffers because of the war; he will have a very difficult life, without his parents, with limited freedom and with scarcity of food and money. But he can finally study them and build a better future. Peter leaves, so many tears when he leaves his mother and brothers; one last hug, a kiss on the forehead and off in a canoe. The heart ......

El sueño de Peter, la esperanza de la gente
p. Mario Pellegrino

 Peter es un niño que viene de una isla en medio de las marismas alrededor de una hora en canoa desde mi aldea, Nyal. Peter es un hombre joven como muchos otros, sueña a lo grande, tiene metas claras para su futuro. Como todos los niños de mi pueblo, sueña con estudiar, porque sabe que solo a través de la educación puede hacer un cambio en su vida. Aquí en Nyal, la educación es muy pobre, no hay maestros preparados y la mayoría de ellos están ausentes de la escuela porque no son pagados por el gobierno, que los considera enemigos rebeldes.
Peter lo cree, realmente quiere hacer realidad su sueño y decide: se va de casa, mamá y papá y se va en canoa para un largo viaje que lo llevará a Uganda; puede ingresar a ellos como refugiado político porque proviene de un país que sufre a causa de la guerra; tendrá una vida muy difícil, sin sus padres, con libertad limitada y con escasez de alimentos y dinero. Pero finalmente......

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